Composition Notebook Outline Vista Grande High School Math
What’s math? the language used to describe form and structure – quantifies life
Geometry geometry is Greek geos - meaning earth metron - meaning measure
300 B.C.E. Alexandria, Egypt Euclid - the Father of Geometry When King Ptolemy I of Egypt asked Euclid for a short course in Geometry, he is reported to have replied that "there is no royal road to Geometry." Geometry used for surveying, astronomy, navigation, and building.
Algebra algebra from (Arabic) al-jabr - al - meaning the restoration (and the compensation), addition (and subtraction) jabr – meaning bone-setting, restoration algebrista is a bonesetter or “restorer” of bones. A barber of medieval times called himself an algebrista because he did that on the side, hence the red and white striped barber poles
825 A.D.E. Baghdad “The Book of Restoration and Balancing” written by Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi
Have you had your math today? Did you rely on luck to get here… time to get up fuel to get here use your phone your mp3 your TV GPS
Where could math take you? College Degree Earned Most Advanced High School Math Class Taken
Higher Degree = Higher Earning Potential Could you be the next richest person in the world? Carlos Slim Helu (74 billion-Telecom-Mexico) Bill Gates II (56 billion-Microsoft-USA) Warren Buffet (50 billion-Berkshire Hathaway- USA) Bernard Arnault (41 bill- France)
Tools Needed Pencils (no pens for homework) Red, Green, or Purple Pen Highlighter ID Glue Stick, Tape Scientific Calculator –TI-30SX Multi-line Display Suggested for Geometry –Graphing TI-84Plus or TI-89-Pre-AP Alg 5/Trig Composition Notebook
Why a composition notebook?
Famous People and Their Notebooks
Leonardo da Vinci
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
The Wright Brothers
Marie Curie
. Notebook Setup Guide ON THE FRONT COVER Your FIRST and LAST Name Biology Dr. Johnson Rm. 7 Also, please place your initials (or other identifying mark) on the 3 sides. Notebook Setup Guide ON THE FRONT COVER Your FIRST and LAST Name (ID #) Class (such as Geometry, Algebra 5) Teacher Name – Room # Also, please place your initials on the 3 sides of the notebook
Materials Composition Notebook Glue Stick Tape Pen (for labeling notebook and pages) Handouts: AIMS Reference Sheet Grade Graph Course Syllabus Quarter Calendar Outlining Topics Vocabulary Lists (optional)
Grade Graph I Tape High School AIMS Reference Sheet to the inside of cover. Paste Grade Graph on first sheet. Label this Page I.
III Tape Course Syllabus to the next page, labeling it Page II. Tape Quarter Calendar on next sheet. Label this Page III. The topics covered in this course are tentatively assigned on the calendar. II
IVb Table of Contents I.Grade Graph II.Syllabus III.Calendar IV.Table of Contents V.Vocabulary VI.Bell Work VII.Websites and Resources VIII. STANDARDS 1.Listing lesson topics begins here. 2.and continues with a new number 3.for each lesson. Lessons taking 4.multiple pages for notes will be 5.labeled with a, b, c, etc. 6.Assignments will be included with 7.the lesson page numbers 8.(e.g. 4c has the assignment from 9.the topic having notes on Page 4. IVa Table of Contents (continued) Label the next sheet “Page IVb” for additional content.
IVdIVc Table of Contents (continued) Label the next sheet “Page IVc” for additional content. Label the next sheet “Page IVd” for additional content.
VbVa Vocabulary Paste first page (if available) of Vocabulary list on Page Va. Vocabulary Paste second page (if available) of Vocabulary list on Page Vb.
VdVc Vocabulary (continued) Label the next sheet “Page Vc” for additional terms that may be used. Label the next sheet “Page Vd” for additional terms that may be used.
VI-a VI-b Cool Down Label cool down on pages VI-a to VI-r. There will be 18 pages. We will be drawing lines to divide each page by the number of classes that week.
IX Websites & Resources VIIa Label the next sheet “Page VIIb” for additional websites & resources. VIIb Websites & Resources (cont.)
IX Standards VIIIa VIIIb Standards
Expect to work bell-to-bell. Assigned seats are changed every unit. Follow directions on the white board as you enter. Have your composition notebook and pencil/pen on your desk. Warm-ups will appear on the board or the screen. Homework will be graded with grades indicating the number correct.
Grading Grading Scale: 90% – 100% A 80% – 89.9%B 70% – 79.9%C < 70%F There is no extra credit. Those who do not interrupt, listen during class, copy notes, and give effort can expect to have additional help.
VI-a VI-b Bell Work Today’s Bell Work Write the date, directions and your complete answer. Draw a line under your finished work. 8/8 or 8/9 – Using at least 3 complete sentences, describe what you will be doing to help you pass this class.
Let’s Take Out Your Agenda Write in daily assignments and due dates. Record end of week. Get parent signature each weekend.
VI-a VI-b Bell Work Today’s Bell Work Write the date, directions and your complete answer. Draw a line under your finished work. 8/8 or 8/9 – Using at least 3 complete sentences, describe what you will be doing to help you pass this class. 8/10 or 8/11 – Using at least 3 complete sentences, tell which class has made the greatest 1 st impression this year and why.
VI-a VI-b Bell Work Today’s Bell Work Write the date, directions and your complete answer. Draw a line under your finished work. 8/8 or 8/9 – Using at least 3 complete sentences, describe what you will be doing to help you pass this class. 8/10 or 8/11 – Using at least 3 complete sentences, tell which class has made the greatest 1 st impression this year and why. 8/12 – How much time did you spend on the homework that was due this week? Was it enough time? Explain.