AFC Team Manager Meeting February 4, 2014
Agenda New Team Managers Terminology/Concepts Team Manager responsibilities Volunteer Policy Tournaments Overview of registration process Hints and Tips All Team Managers New TM items Uniforms Spring Brackets Guest Players Next Steps Resources Websites AVYSL Board Contacts
Soccer Organizations US Soccer Federation (USSF) US Club Soccer Region IV NorCal Premier League Region 2 (U8-U10) Premier U11-U18 NPL US Youth Soccer (USYS) California Youth Soccer Assoc – North (CYSA-North) CYSA California Soccer League (CCSL) District II Almaden Futbol Club (Almaden FC) Playing Rules (field size, game times, ball size, etc.) Disciplinary Procedures Player eligibility Registration Processes Playing Rules (field size, game times, ball size, etc.) Disciplinary Procedures Player eligibility Registration Processes Competitive Leagues Tournaments Competitive Leagues Tournaments
Terminology/Concepts Organizations: CYSA – North, CCSL, District 2, AVYSL, AFC US Club, NorCal Seasons: Aug 1 – July 31. Ages: Aug 1, 2005 – Jul 31, 2006: “05”. 2014 Spring U8, Fall U9 Aug 1, 2004 – Jul 31, 2005: “04”. 2014 Spring U9, Fall U10 Aug 1, 2003 - Jul 31, 2004: “03”. 2014 Spring U10, Fall U11 Aug 1, 2002 – Jul 31, 2003: “02”. 2014 Spring U11, Fall U12 Aug 1, 2001 – Jul 31, 2002: “01”. 2014 Spring U12, Fall U13 Aug 1, 2000 – Jul 31, 2001: “00”. 2014 Spring U13, Fall U14 Aug 1, 1999 – Jul 31, 2000: “99”. 2014 Spring U14, Fall U15 Aug 1, 1998 – Jul 31, 1999: “98”. 2014 Spring U15, Fall U16 Aug 1, 1997 – Jul 31, 1998: “97”. 2014 Spring U16, Fall U17 Team Names: Mercury/Quicksilver Elite/Green/Black/White YR Head Coach/Trainer/Assistant Coach Roster, GoldenRod, Registrar address: 1486 Montalban Dr (at some point will move to 5718 Seifert Ave) File cabinet on porch with team folders for pick-up and drawer for drop-off
Team Manager Responsibilities Registering team/players for Spring and Fall Reminding parents of schedules Keeping track of team finances Payments from parents, payments to AVYSL, re-imbursements from AVYSL Head Coach will give you invoice for extra training, payment should be made to league Confirming game times/locations Coordinating schedules with Coach’s other team Registering for tournaments (typically online) Checking teams in for tournaments (Fri night or Sat morning) Maintaining team binder, passes, game cards Printing game day rosters, updating scores Communicating Volunteer Opportunities at times (and until all players have registered)
Game Day Responsibilities Confirming game day/time (check website for changes) Communicating game info to families (date, time, arrival time, jersey color, location/address) Confirm 3 referees for game on Arbiter Collecting paperwork (pass, medical forms) for Guest players if any Printing “Game Card” Bringing Game Card, and team binder to games Updating game score More detailed instructions to come later in March.
2014 Volunteer Policy Families will sign up for all volunteer opportunities at the AVYSL i-Volunteer website. Opportunities will be in 2-hour shifts and families must perform 2 of these shifts. ONLY these activities will count towards the 4-hour volunteer requirement. Families who have a parent on the AVYSL Board, are in another league-designated role, or are a designated Rec coach/TM will have satisfied the requirement Families who host AVYSL UK trainers will have satisfied the requirement The following activities, although valuable and needed, will NOT count towards the league volunteer requirement: Team social coordinator, setting up and putting away goals after games, acting as side-line ref when needed, helping at practices (except for ROSTERED assistant coaches), assisting Team Manager with team activities (except for Assistant Team Manager), working in a Team booth at Photo Day, etc. The volunteer policy is per family per calendar year. Volunteer Policy Summary: Pay the $50 buy-out fee or Be selected to perform a league-designated role or Sign up for 2 2-hour volunteer shifts at the i-Volunteer website
Tournaments CYSA Tournaments Events – Tournaments Typically require Goldenrod and Fall passes, may require special paperwork if tournament is outside of CYSA North US Club Tournaments Events – Sanctioned Tournaments May require special paperwork if your team is not registered with US Club Independent Tournaments Typically advertised thru email May be able to roster any players Tournament fee usually covers insurance Team Managers (or other team parent) will pay for tournaments directly. Most accept credit card payment. Fees to be split among and collected from families.
Team Binder Team contact info (at a glance) Official Spring roster ( new teams only) Official Fall roster (CCSL Goldenrod or US Club) Original 1601s or US Club medical release – in order players appear on roster Player passes – on ring NO BIRTH CERTIFICATES Glue stick, pen, small scissors (for applying gameday rosters on game cards) Suggested: game schedule, field permits
BREAK FOR RETURNING TMs TO ARRIVE Hints and Tips Team Checklist Team website TeamSnap, Yahoo! Group, Shutterfly, AVYSL Team Page Extra payments to league Only for extra training beyond standard season For extra referee fees beyond 5 games per season (if doing CCSL and NorCal) Only pay league once you have received an invoice from the Head Coach (and agree with charges) BREAK FOR RETURNING TMs TO ARRIVE
2014 TM Items - New AFC (05-00 + Q99), AFC – Olders (97, 98, Merc 99) Older teams, and younger top teams playing NorCal, all else playing CCSL, AFC fee covers registration for this one playing league CYSA and US Club forms have already been collected for most 05-00 players. Register for NorCal or CCSL (deadlines Feb 26 and Feb 24 respectively) Returning teams: Use Fall Goldenrod roster and Fall passes or Fall US Club roster and passes New players (weren’t on your fall roster), must be ADDED or TRANSFERRED Collect paperwork ONLY from players NEW to your team New teams (all ‘05’, and MB00 ) New spring roster New spring passes AFC Fee includes referee fees for 5 home games per season Team Managers do NOT pay refs directly unless for scrimmage AVYSL will not be reimbursing for tournaments. TMs (or other parent rep will register and pay for tournaments directly, then get reimbursed from families. Player photos and player payment confirmations will no longer be collected No charge for dual-carded players
Spring Registration Overview Register team with CCSL and /or NorCal (Deadline Feb 24 and Feb 26 respectively) Parents register/pay for players with AVYSL (parent payment) Register players for roster – submit player paperwork to AVYSL CCSL (New players only): 1601 Player form (3 submitted to league: 1 original returned to TM for team binder; 1 copy returned for Coach, 1 copy filed with AVYSL, ) Birth Certificate (1 copy submitted to AVYSL at first registration only) NorCal (New players only): US Club registration form (1 photo copy submitted to league: 1 original retained by TM) Birth Certificate uploaded (even if player was previously registered with CYSA) For returning players who are changing CCSL teams, submit transfer paperwork (1601 – may reuse fall 1601, transfer form and fall player pass) NEW staff to register directly with registrar Once paperwork has been processed, you will receive official roster and players passes. It is TM responsibility to affix photo to player pass and have passes laminated before first use. SPECIFIC AND DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW
Uniform Ordering Kelly Johnson is uniform coordinator – all questions/issues should be addressed to her New Teams: Retailer is EuroSport Team Managers will enter player information online after receiving jersey # assignments from Kelly Families will order and pay directly Kelly will send TM the TM link with instructions. Returning Teams: TMs must add new players to their Eurosport roster to trigger email to be sent to new family. Contact Kelly for jersey # or if you don’t have the link. Please work with families who will not have internet access during order period – they may call EuroSport with credit card info.
Spring Brackets Must request a Spring Bracket placement when applying Head Coach will determine Bracket request MONITOR other teams applying in your age group. Discuss with Coach. If need to change request, contact Steve Cannon
*CCSL Guest Player Rules (Keep your coaches compliant!) In Spring, guest players can be from ANY Almaden FC team at same age or younger E.g. Green U12 player can guest on Black U12 team, A player who is playing “up” can guest for their regular age group E.g. a U12 player who is rostered on a U13 team can guest play for a U12 team U11 and older – up to 7 guest players, U10 and younger – up to 5 guest players *NorCal does not consider players to be guests if they hold a US Club pass from Almaden FC and are on your GotSoccer (older) or NorCal (younger) roster. Players must be age appropriate.
Important Next Steps ASAP: Enter team roster or new players into EuroSport (wait for Kelly) Feb 14th: Turn in new player paperwork for Norcal U14-U18 teams (first games as early as March 8) Feb 24th: Deadline for CCSL Spring registration Feb 26th: Deadline for NorCal Spring (U8 – U13) registration Feb 27th: Deadline for NorCal Spring (U14 – U18) registration Mar 1st: Turn in paperwork to Registrar (detailed instructions to follow) March 29: First Spring games for all CCSL teams and NorCal U8-U13 teams
Websites CYSA North – CCSL Spring – NorCal – US Club – Arbiter – iVolunteer – AFC Team Managers – AFC TM Shutterfly - EuroSport Roster Tool -
AVYSL Board Contacts DOCs: coaching questions/issues, team status questions, league issues/questions Chris Behler U14-U18 ( Mark Landefeld U11-U13 ( Nicole Evans Girls U8 – U10 ( ) Adam Whaley Boys U8-U10 ( ) Steve Cannon ( ) – game day operations, game day rules, team placements Andrew Hogg/Peter Phinney (, – field permit questions/issues/requests Alene Ipsaro ( – website updates Tom Tilmant – ( ) referee assignments, Arbiter access/questions Kelly Johnson ( ) – uniforms, reimbursements, team payments Kris Peretti ( ) – tournament registration, Almaden tournaments Debbie Bishko and Jo Fregoso ( / ) – player and team registration, player add/transfer/release, tournament travel approval A list of AFC team managers is posted on the website at the Team Manager page under the Competitive tab.