Toffler’s Three Waves Timeline 8000 B.C. – Agricultural Age Agricultural Age 1700 – Clash of the Agricultural Age & Industrial Age 1800 – Industrial Age Industrial Age Shift from the Industrial Age to the Information Age Information Age It is my belief that we have not entered a 4th wave. I believe that the communication age is only an advanced extension of the information age, and that our next wave will be a biotechnological age.
Agricultural Age Characterized by… The extended family Horse and Buggy as means of transportation Farming as main source of food and income Homeschooling geared towards family roles (child rearing, family business, etc.)
Industrial Age Characterized by… The transition to the nuclear family Specialization in factories Mass production of products via assembly lines Railroads, cars, and planes as means of transportation Renewable energy sources Introduction of markets for trade of products Mass schooling becomes grouped by age and gender
Information Age Characterized by… Non-renewable energy sources Large corporations cyberspace communications (cell phones, computers, etc.) One-parent & Two working parents household Digital natives in education Demassification of production
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation Alexander F. Victor invents the Animatograph The world’s first billion dollar corporation-U.S. Steel is established Henry Ford mass manufactures model T Fords Montessori establishes first Children’s House Visual education movement begins in schools Nature of Society & CultureCommunication Researchers discover how to manufacture margarine 1900-Inventin of the radiotelephone (telephone signal by radio waves instead of air waves)
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation The Beginning of the Visual instruction Movement Educational film companies begin to establish themselves Thomas Edison produces first set of films for classroom showings Nature of Society & CultureCommunication
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation 1925-Scottish inventors had their first successful TV transmissions 1922-Radios for home use First book written describing methodology for the film in the classroom First courses established for teachers concerning use of educational film Nature of Society & CultureCommunication Invention of the car radio-George Frost installs a portable radio into a Ford Model T Beginning of the communication movement
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation 1931-Teleprinters, special typewriters that send messages across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, was invented Metal detector invented 1937-Alan Turing builds the first digital computer Europeans politically control 85% of the land on Earth Nature of Society & CultureCommunication Cryogenics Great Depression hits America 1938-Ballpoint Pen invented First regular television program transmitted
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation 1946-J.G. Brainerd and others built the first electronic computer 1947-poloaroid camera invented US Possessed 72% of the world’s gold reserve Global economy is in disarray (foreign trade is at it’s lowest since 1913) Decline of the Visual Instruction Movement to be replaced by audiovisual communications Nature of Society & CultureCommunication 1942-Penicillin manufactured
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation Floppy disk invented Bell Laboratories builds the first speech-recognition machine that recognizes voice American Montessori Society founded The beginning of the programmed instruction movement Nature of Society & CultureCommunication Number of radio stations in the U.S. begin to climb 2,336-5,359 Invention of the Color Television
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation 1964-Word processor invented Decline of the programmed instruction movement Nature of Society & CultureCommunication Green Revolution begins 1967-First human heart transplant U.S. postal service at it’s highest peak of communication Invention of the portable radiotelephone
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation 1975-Invetntion of the desktop computer 1971-Invention of the portable electronic calculator Innovation of “flextime”-an arrangement that permits workers to choose their own hours Nature of Society & CultureCommunication 1971-First space station Genetic Engineering Shift from “child-centered” to “adult-centered homes Television viewing begins to decline 1977-An increase in the usage of CB radio Percentage of Americans reading newspaper begins to fall & U.S. Newspapers begin to loose circulation of papers
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation 1988-Invention of the fax machine Compact discs (CD) and CD-ROM invented Nature of Society & CultureCommunication 1988-Genetic fingerprinting “eye printing,” a method using the image of the retina to identify people, was invented 1983 Garth A. Clowes invents the first vocal control telephone 1984-Invention of the pocket television
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation 1990-Jeff Hawkins invents the Gridpad, a machine with no keyboard, but has a writing pad that recognizes characters, functions, and shapes Nature of Society & CultureCommunication 1990-Invention of the Interactive TV & the laserdiscs
Technological InnovationsBusiness/CorporateEducation Nature of Society & CultureCommunication
References Dede, C. (2010). The Next Wave, Part 2. Laureate Education, Inc. Giscard d’Estain, Valerie-Anne & Young, Mark. (1993). Inventions and Discoveries 1993: New York, New York: Facts On File, Inc. Saettler, P. (2004). The Evolution of American Educational Technology. Greenwich, Ct: Information Age Publishing. Taylor, Ron. (1991). Journey Through Inventions. New York, NY: Smithmark Publishers Inc. Thornburg, D. (2010). The Next Wave, Part 1, Laureate Education, Inc. Toffler, Alvin. (1980). The Third Wave. New York, New York: Bantam.