Integrating Software Tools into Teaching and Learning Portfolio Activities # 1 How we will use software tools in our teaching. Team 1-- Cindy Listowski and Donnalee Washburn Material Generators Data Collection & Analysis Tools Graphic Tools Planning & Organizing Tools Research & Reference Tools
Material Generators Desktop Publishing Worksheet and Puzzle Generators IEP Generators Certificate Maker Form Maker Groupware Products
Desktop Publishing Letterheads for letters home to parents Flyers and posters for announcements Brochures for book reports Newsletters for communication to parents
Worksheets & Puzzle Generators To make spelling worksheets To prepare math drill and practice worksheets To make homework sheets
IEP Generators We would use this for students that we need to have an individual plan for. It would also be used for record keeping
Certificate Maker This would be used to motivate students to do their best. It would also be used to present a form of grading for projects Great Job!!
Form Maker To make lunch sheets To make attendance sheets To make field trip permission slips
Groupware Products This would be used to help with cooperative learning activities. To help groups organize their work
Data Collection & Analysis Grade Books Statistical Packages Data Management
Gradebooks This would be used to keep track of grades Record keeping
Data Management & Testing Tools These would be used to accumulate large amounts of data on student performance. Testing tools would be Accelerated Reader and Star Reader
Computerized Testing Systems Accelerated Reader Star These are used to motivate and record keep reading of independent books.
Graphing Tools Print Graphics Draw/Paint & Image Programs Digitizing & Video Development Systems Charting & Graphing Clip Art, Video & Sound Collections
Charting & Graphing Software Will be used to chart and graph information from group projects. To produce a pictorial view of what the children are studying.
Print Graphics Tools Will be used to add pictures to written work Will be used for art lessons Will be used to motivate communication skills
Draw/Paint & Image Programs Will be used in art lessons Will be used with digital photo class to produce pictures Will be used to make books using Kid Pix
Clip Art, Video & Sound Collections These programs would be used to enhance students published works. Word Processing Stories, Reports, and Poetry Power point presentations About books the students have read About their life Group research
Planning & Organization Brainstorming and Concept Mapping Tools Will be used to collect ideas for stories Will be used to form a visual picture of what needs to be done for a research project Will help organize group thoughts Schedule /Calendar Makers and Time Management Tools Will be used to produce a monthly calendar for the students
Research & Reference Electronic Encyclopedias Atlases Dictionaries All of these electronic reference materials will be used on a daily basis in the classroom. Working on writing, research, reports, and general reference.
The End Credits: Graphics by Karen’s Kids School Days CD