BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 Mail delivery Ensure same day delivery of mail received and same day dispatch of mail collected BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6
BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 Improve mail operations at a post office: Mail Receipt, Sorting, Delivery, Collection and Dispatch Mail 1 1
OVERVIEW MAIL Activities Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW MAIL Mail operations are fundamental to India Post. It is the most common association customers have with India Post Mail aspiration for India Post is to ensure same day delivery of mail However some problems such as non compliance to processes, inefficient processes in some cases, and inadequate monitoring make achieving these aspirations difficult This segment lists activities to improve mail performance Postmasters/ Superintendents should apply these activities in their post offices to improve mail performance Activities List of activities to improve mail operations in post offices
Goals List of goals for India Post mail operations
Targets Key performance indicators (KPI) for mail and KPI targets
Mail receipt & beat sorting MUM-YSM011(Final)-20080717-(KM)(df) BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 GOALS AND ISSUES Functional Area Goals Issues Punctuality in receipt of mail Completion of beat sorting to include all mail in day’s delivery All mail is not sorted for delivery on the day of receipt Mail receipt & beat sorting Same day delivery of all mail received in the post office All mail is not delivered on the day of arrival Mail delivery Clearance of all letter boxes to connect with day’s dispatch All letter boxes are not cleared every day Mail collection Same day dispatch of all articles booked and collected from letter boxes Mis-sorting and delay in mail dispatch Sorting and dispatch 5 5 5 5
Issues List of problems observed from post office visits
KPIs AND TARGETS Issue KPI Target Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 KPIs AND TARGETS Issue KPI Target All mail is not sorted for delivery on date of receipt Per cent mail sent for delivery (Regd. Post) 100% Per cent mail sent for delivery (Speed Post) 100% Per cent mail sent for delivery (Ordinary) 100% Per cent mail delivered same day (Regd. Post) 100% All mail is not delivered on the day of arrival Per cent mail delivered same day (Speed Post) 100% Per cent mail delivered same day (Ordinary) 100% Deviation of beat completion time 30 min Per cent mail correctly sorted (Regd. Post) 100% Mis-sorting and delay in mail dispatch Per cent mail correctly sorted (Speed Post) 100% Per cent mail correctly sorted (Ordinary) 100% Network Issues Time from mail office to customer receipt Less than 24 Hrs Mail transit time (end-to-end) As per norms 7 7
ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Issues Issue drivers Activities Activity No. Improper mail arrangement Revise mail arrangements – look for alternative transport 1 All mail is not sorted for delivery on day of receipt Unreliable mail arrival Monitor mail arrival and take corrective actions 2 Insufficient time for beat sorting Estimate required manpower Employ outsourced manpower for peak load Ensure postman multi-skilling Implement beat sorting at mail office Arrange bulk mail delivery from mail office 3 4 5 6 7 1 Streamline pre-delivery processes Ensure availability of equipment and accessories 8 9 Inefficient sorting process Improper beat planning Carry out beat revision & reduce dead beat mileage 10 All mail is not delivered on the day of arrival 2 Postman availability Develop beat back up 11 Postman compliance Strengthen monitoring of postmen performance 12 Mail Collection Inadequate supervision Strengthen monitoring of postmen performance 12 3a Inefficient systems/ processes Improve letter box clearance – mechanized clearance/rationalize 13 Sorting process Retain local mail during dispatch 14 Sorting and Dispatch 3b Incomplete address Popularize PIN codes 15 8 8 8 8
REVISE MAIL ARRANGEMENTS – LOOK FOR ALTERNATE TRANSPORT Activity 1 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 REVISE MAIL ARRANGEMENTS – LOOK FOR ALTERNATE TRANSPORT Why? There may be a possibility of bringing mail earlier to the post office which needs to be examined as this would allow more time for sorting and ensure same day delivery How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Identify mail arrival mode (rail/road) and time and what is the scheduled time and identify if mail arrival time is ideal for completion of beat sorting in the post office before the postmen are out for delivery Identify all trains that come to the nearest station. Identify if there are some trains that arrive at that station earlier than the existing mail carrying train If a train arrives at the station earlier and has a mail section, mail can be brought earlier If a train arrives at a station, but does not have a mail section, negotiate with railways for a weighment system or use dedicated personnel to bring mail (if justified by mail volume) If no train comes to the station earlier, but comes to the nearby stations, analyze if bringing mail from nearby station by road may bring mail earlier and also be cost effective Also explore the possibility of bringing mail by road using state transport, private transport, private mail motor contract or departmental mail motor If existing mode of mail arrival is via road, explore if a train option might work 1 Postmaster/ Superintendent 2 2 As follows a a Superintendent/PMG b b PMG 3 3 Superintendent 4 4 Superintendent/PMG 5 5 Superintendent/PMG Timeline1 Sub-activity 2b 1 3 2a 4 & 5 Days from start of activity 7 15 30 60 70 1: Steps 2 (a & b), 3,4 and 5 are to be done at the same time (and are not sequential)
MONITOR MAIL ARRIVAL AND TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Activity 2 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 MONITOR MAIL ARRIVAL AND TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Why? Mail arrival is often late and not recorded and reported Delay in mail arrival affects all pre-delivery processes, resulting in delivery getting late and all mail not getting delivered the same day How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Error Book must be maintained for recording delay in arrival of mail 1 Postmaster 2 Error extract from the Error Book should be sent to the Superintendent for review the same day 2 Postmaster 3 In case of repeated delays, the root cause of delay should be investigated by the Superintendent and corrective actions should be taken 3 superintendent/PMG e.g., if delay is because of unreliable mode of transmission, consider switching modes (rail/road). If the delay is because of departmental mail motor or because of postal staff not collecting mail from railways/bus stand, enforce adherence to time 4 Corrective action should be taken and the results thereof should be indicated in the Error Book 4 Postmaster Timeline Sub-activity 3 & 4 2 1 Days from start of activity 7 Ongoing Ongoing
ESTIMATE REQUIRED MANPOWER Activity 3 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ESTIMATE REQUIRED MANPOWER Why? To ensure that required manpower is available to sort all mail beat-wise in time for start of delivery How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Ensure that information for mis-sent articles (count bag-wise) is recorded in the error book and sent to superintendent ( Post office / RMS) on a daily basis Take 15 day average (of mail received) to identify mail volume to be sorted beat-wise before delivery by PO Determine mail arrival time in the post office Decide optimum time for start of delivery (time for delivery should take into account beat completion time and post office closure time) Calculate number of man-hours required for beat sorting at the rate of 450 articles per hour Determine time available for sorting as the time between mail arrival and optimum delivery start time (this means time calculated in step 4 minus time calculated in step 3) Determine number of people required for beat sorting. This means divide number of man-hours required for beat sorting (calculated in step 5) by time available for sorting (calculated in step 6) If sufficient staff is not available for beat sorting, then the following steps may be taken: Increase sorting capacity (postman/other PA to help in sorting) Look to employ outside resources such as retired postmen etc. 1 Postmaster 2 2 Postmaster 3 3 Postmaster/Supdt 4 4 Postmaster/Supdt 5 5 Postmaster/Supdt 6 6 Postmaster/Supdt 7 7 Postmaster/Supdt 8 8 As follows a a Postmaster/Supdt b b Supdt/PMG Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a & 8b Days from start of activity As per activity 1 Complete with step 2 Complete with step 3 and 4 Complete with step 4 and 5 Complete with step 5 and 6 (8a) Within 15 days of step 7 7 (8b) Within 60 days of step 7 20
EMPLOY OUTSOURCED MANPOWER FOR PEAK LOAD Activity 4 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 EMPLOY OUTSOURCED MANPOWER FOR PEAK LOAD Why? Certain days in a month/certain periods in a year can have higher than estimated mail volumes because of telephone bills/festivals etc. Hence extra manpower might be required to ensure that same day delivery is maintained even in peak load situation in case workload exceeds capacity of existing staff How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Identify staff shortage situation - is it on certain days, certain weeks or seasonal 1 Postmaster 2 Identify shortage for each activity under peak demand – e.g., sorting (1 short), delivery (2 short) etc. 2 Postmaster 3 Define working arrangement for outsourced staff – time required and working hours 3 Postmaster/Supdt 4 Identify a pool of potential resources (e.g., review list of recently retired postmen/SA) 4 Postmaster/Supdt 5 Select candidates and utilize them for peak load 5 Supdt /PMG Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 & 4 5 Days from start of activity 7 15 30 50
ENSURE POSTMAN MULTI-SKILLING Activity 5 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ENSURE POSTMAN MULTI-SKILLING Why? To ensure mail is sent out for delivery at the scheduled start of delivery time To enrich the job content of postmen How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Identify pre-delivery processes that postmen should take up (such as generating delivery slips, beat sorting etc.) 1 Postmaster 2 Train postmen to learn new skills and assist in pre-delivery processes. Encourage staff to pick new skills such as working on computers, sorting etc 2 Postmaster 3 Codify finalized list of activities and responsibilities 3 Postmaster 4 Define training module for postmen staff and train postmen on site or at WCTC 4 Postmaster/Supdt 5 Extra attention should be given where staff shortage is an issue 5 Superintendent Timeline Sub-activity 1&5 2 3 4 Days from start of activity 15 30 40 60
IMPLEMENT BEAT SORTING AT MAIL OFFICE Activity 6 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENT BEAT SORTING AT MAIL OFFICE Why? To use time available at night in mail office to complete beat sorting to minimize morning rush and associated quality problems in the post office To ensure mail is sent out for delivery at the scheduled start of delivery time How? – Implementation details Who? Identify post offices for which beat sorting in mail office will be required Superintendent 1 Identify sorting assistants/postmen for beat sorting in mail office Postmaster/Supdt (Post office/RMS) 2 Make space available in the mail office for beat sorting Supdt.RMS/PMG 3 Segregate post office mails (normal function in mail office). But instead of closing the post office bag – move the mail to post office sorting desk Superintendent RMS 4 Complete beat sorting for the given post office Head Sorting Assistant (in mail office) 5 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 4 & 5 Days from start of activity 30 45 75 Ongoing
ARRANGE BULK MAIL DELIVERY FROM MAIL OFFICE Activity 7 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ARRANGE BULK MAIL DELIVERY FROM MAIL OFFICE Why? To minimize morning rush and associated quality problems in the post office by segregating bulk mail for important customers in mail office To ensure mails are sent out for delivery at the scheduled start of delivery time How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Identify the major recipients of mails (bulk customers) 1 Supdt(PO/RMS) /PMG 2 Provide a selection in the sorting case in mail office for the bulk customer 2 Supdt.RMS 3 Select the bulk customers to be served and define a beat to service them 3 Supdt.RMS 4 Define delivery method (mechanized or bicycle/foot) for all bulk customers 4 Supdt (PO/RMS) 5 Make mail office staff responsible for delivering the mail 5 Supdt.RMS 6 Contact bulk customers to ensure availability (to maximize beat effectiveness) 6 Supdt(PO/RMS) Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3, 4 & 5 6 Days from start of activity 15 20 30 Ongoing
STREAMLINE PRE-DELIVERY PROCESSES Activity 8 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 STREAMLINE PRE-DELIVERY PROCESSES Why? It has been observed that the present pre-delivery processes significantly bottleneck the mail operations. There are multiple handlings, wasteful movements and significant non-value adding activities Further, layout of the post office may not be optimized for efficient processes Hence, post offices should look at their pre-delivery processes including layout and determine improvement opportunities (this is a compulsory activity) How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Document all pre-delivery processes like mail receipt, bag opening, facing/stamping, sorting, sequencing, preparing lists for accountable articles, collecting accountable articles, collecting cash for MOs from treasury and ensure that all actions are coordinated and matched 1 Supdt (post offices)/DPS 2 Reduce total idle time during pre-delivery processes, e.g., if mail facing takes 30 minutes and requires 1 official, time spent by other officials during this time (waiting for mail to be faced) would be ‘idle’. This idle time can be minimized by training staff in parallel processing or multi-tasking – e.g. postmen can prepare delivery slips. Duty hours must be planned as per this mail flow 2 Supdt/DPS/Postmaster 3 Ensure cash and regd./speed post etc. is ready by the time postmen come to collect their mail (i.e., no queuing for this), e.g., to ensure smooth and fast collection of cash from treasury, treasury staff can keep ready cash and hand over to postmen directly. 3 Postmaster 4 Ensure that information for mis-sent articles (count/bag-wise) is recorded in the Error Book and sent to the Superintendent(Post offices/ RMS) on a daily basis 4 Postmaster Timeline Sub-activity 2 1 3 4 7 Days from start of activity 15 30 Ongoing
ENSURE AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES Activity 9 Mail BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ENSURE AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES Why? Post office operations (e.g., delivery of mail) often get delayed because of non-availability of material Hence, adequate availability of necessary material is mandatory in all post offices and stock management principles should be used to avoid stock-outs This activity is mandatory How? – Implementation details Who? Identify all necessary material required for mail processing 1 Postmaster Some examples of materials included are 2 Postmaster Good quality rubber stamps a Good quality mail bags b Sealing wax & sealing wax heater c Postman bag and clip boards d Mail list, delivery slip, intimation forms e Sutli f Immediately procure material that is missing or of poor quality 3 Postmaster Develop a register to manage inventory for key materials 4 Postmaster For each material, define a lead time (time to order and procure new stock). Define a replenishment quantity equal to lead time x average daily consumption + 30% as a safety factor 5 Postmaster/SSP Indicate starting quantities; update quantity at the end of each week If the quantity is less than the replenishment quantity, place replenishment order 6 Postmaster Allow local procurement by Postmaster, if possible. And revise FSA 7 SSP Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 & 3 4, 5, 6 & 7 Days from start of activity 7 15 30
CARRY OUT BEAT REVISION Mail Activity 10 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CARRY OUT BEAT REVISION Why? It has been observed through workshops that beat review is not done at post offices on a regular basis With expanding urban areas, and changing demographic profiles, it is important to review beats regularly to make them equitable to ensure that postmen are not over-burdened and not able to complete their beats This is a mandatory activity How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Review problems with current beats through analysis of mail not delivered on different beats. Review time taken by the postmen to complete their beats. Feedback from postmen will help in ascertaining the problems 1 Supdt (Post Offices) Corroborate postmen notes with evaluation of population increase/decrease, increase/decrease in mail volume, existence of new high density areas Supdt (Post Offices) 2 Identify load assessment/balancing between beats – are all beats carrying roughly the same amount of mail to the extent possible Supdt (Post Offices) 3 If problems are found with beat planning (some beats are too long, some are too loaded etc.) conduct beat rationalization exercise Supdt (Post Offices) 4 If problems are found with postmen shortage (postmen less than prescribed beats), consider use of GDS/beat combination – e.g. can 2 postmen share three low density beats Supdt (Post Offices) 5 Take postmen into confidence Supdt (Post Offices) 6 Develop new beat maps and display beat maps in the post office for all Supdt (Post Offices) 7 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3, 4 & 5 6 & 7 Days from start of activity 7 15 30 35
DEVELOP BEAT BACKUP Mail Mail Activity 11 Why? BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 DEVELOP BEAT BACKUP Why? It has been seen during post office visits that some beats are left fully unattended due to lack of planning This is because of lack of a backup plan for individual beats (e.g., supervisory staff not being aware of who can service extra beats) Hence each postman needs to be aware of at least one other beat. GDS staff are already being used in some post offices and this should be documented as well How? – Implementation details Who? Postmaster Document the information regarding alternative arrangements to be made (the information is generally available with the APM/DY PM of delivery branch) 1 Supdt (Post Office) Ensure that the back-up plan takes into account that the arrangement is a short-term arrangement 2 Supdt (PO) / Postmaster Split the work with more than 1 back-up delivery staff in case a beat is particularly long and has heavy volumes 3 Postmaster In case the back-up plan involves a GDS staff, ensure that his local contacts (e.g., phone number) are available in the delivery branch 4 Postmaster In case the beat is split up amongst more than 1 postman, each of them must be given information on the details of the route-list under his responsibility 5 Supdt (Post Office) Organize a training and a familiarization of beats for the back-up person in a gradual and phased manner. This will also make the job of a new supervisor convenient 6 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2, 3, 4 & 5 6 Days from start of activity 7 15 30
STRENGTHEN MONITORING OF POSTMEN PERFORMANCE Mail Activity 12 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 STRENGTHEN MONITORING OF POSTMEN PERFORMANCE Why? Monitoring of postmen is required to achieve greater efficiency in the delivery process This will improve discipline among the postmen leading to reduction in undelivered letters & improvement in quality and authenticity of remarks PRIs should re-emphasize on their main function of monitoring the postmen performance How? – Implementation details Who? Act upon earlier instructions in Directorate letter no 3-39/2007-PG dated 5.10.2007 on the necessity of engaging PRIs on delivery functions HOC/PMG 1 Inspecting officers must monitor performance of postmen at the stage of postmen return and assess any special difficulties encountered by postmen on their beats Supdt/ASP/IPO 2 Take six-monthly feedback from postmen as per format already circulated earlier and develop actionable points on each beat Supdt (Post Office) 3 Implement Performance Monitoring system for postmen Supdt (Post Office) 4 Monitor postmen performance and take appropriate actions Supdt / Postmaster 5 5 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 4 Days from start of activity 7 15 Ongoing 30 Ongoing
STRENGTHEN MONITORING OF LETTER BOX CLEARANCE & DISPATCH OF MAIL Activity 13 & 14 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 STRENGTHEN MONITORING OF LETTER BOX CLEARANCE & DISPATCH OF MAIL Why? It is important that mail posted in the letter boxes as also collected at the counter in the post office is included in the day’s dispatch Further, preliminary sorting must be done in the post office before outward mail is dispatched as per the prescribed pattern How? – Implementation details Who? Postmaster Review the number of letter boxes in the town/city and their clearance timings 1 Ensure that letter box clearance is done and hour plates changed as per prescribed schedule 2 Postmaster Ensure that sufficient time is available for preliminary sorting of outward mail after mail collected from letter boxes reaches post office and is sorted along with mail received at the counters 3 Postmaster Preliminary sorting for outward mail should be done as per sorting plan- (1) own office (2) own BOs or SOs (in case of HOs) (3) own HO (in case of SOs), (4) own district, (5) own state, (6) rest of India and abroad, and (7) for offices for which the post office has cross bags or due bags. Selections 1 and 2 would be retained in the post office for delivery and consigned to BOs or SOs in account with the PO, selection 3 should be consigned by SO to HO, selections 4, 5 & 6 in district/state/rest of India bundles to parent mail office, and selection 7 in prescribed due bags for other offices, if applicable 4 Postmaster Dispatch mail as per prescribed timeline. Report late departure/non-availability of transport through an error extract along with the corrective action taken 5 Postmaster Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3, 4 & 5 3, 4 & 5 Days from start of activity 7 15 30 Ongoing
POPULARIZE PIN CODES Mail Activity 15 Why? BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 POPULARIZE PIN CODES Why? PIN codes enable faster processing and delivery of mail. Hence, post offices must make customers aware of PIN codes and their importance How? – Implementation details Who? Publish Circle PIN code directory and ensure its availability in the post office for sale. A copy of the directory should also be kept in the customer hall for easy reference HOC / Supdt(PO) 1 Inform customers about availability of PIN code directory CD and the process to obtain it Postmaster 2 Use local media to popularize the use and importance of PIN code Supdt(PO) 3 Contact Town Planning authority for display of PIN code of each locality Supdt(PO) 4 Identify special pockets that have wrong PIN code information of their area and newly developed areas for dissemination of PIN code information to residents of these areas Postmaster/Supdt (PO) 5 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2, 3, 4 & 5 Days from start of activity 60 75
CORE AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CORE AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area Improve mail operations at a post office: Mail Receipt, Sorting, Delivery, Collection and Dispatch Mail Simplify account opening, closure, transfer & deceased claim processes, ensure cash availability & reduce transaction times Savings Bank Project Arrow core area components included for improvement Improve core processes such as money order delivery and use of electronic remittances Remittances Office Service Level Improve customer experience in post office in terms of appearance, availability of information, waiting time and staff interaction 23 23 23 23
OVERVIEW SAVINGS BANK Goals Issues KPI / Targets Activities SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW SAVINGS BANK Goals List of goals for India Post SB operations Savings bank is an important function for India Post as it provides financial inclusion for un-banked masses Savings bank aspirations include better customer service using increased electronic transactions Current savings bank processes are manual and based on old guidelines. Some processes such as accounts transfer or deceased claim cases pose customer satisfaction issues This document lists some process improvement opportunities along with implementation details & timelines These processes should be applied at Project Arrow post offices for performance improvement Issues List of problems observed from post office visits KPI / Targets Key performance indicators (KPI) for Savings Bank and KPI targets Activities List of activities to improve savings bank operations in post offices
GOALS AND ISSUES Functional Areas Goals Issues SB MUM-YSM011(Final)-20080717-(KM)(df) BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 GOALS AND ISSUES Functional Areas Goals Issues Ensure one-time transactions are within acceptable norms All account transfer/closure and deceased claim cases are immediately worked on (zero pendency) Customers need to wait unduly long Delay in settling deceased claim and account transfer requests One time transactions – account opening, closure & transfer and deceased claim cases Transaction time within acceptable norms Automated operations (e.g., passbook printing, cash withdrawal) No cash shortage at post office Customers need to wait unduly long Entries made manually in passbook Shortage of cash delays payment Regular transactions – cash withdrawal etc. Automated account balances at end of day Faster end of day balances between HO and SO No errors in end of day account balances End of day account balancing is time consuming Back office – account balancing etc. 25 25 25 25 25 25
KPIs AND TARGETS – SAVINGS BANK BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 KPIs AND TARGETS – SAVINGS BANK Issue KPI Target Delay in settling account open, close & transfer & deceased claim requests Time to open account 10 minutes Time to close account 6 minutes Time for account transfer 1 day Time to settle deceased claim case 7 days Per cent bank accounts electronically converted 100% Average transaction time is very high for regular transactions Average transaction time for deposits 5 minutes Average transaction time for withdrawals 6 minutes End of day account balancing is time consuming Offices with all modules of Meghdoot & Sanchay Post installed 100% 26 26
ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Issue Issue Drivers Activities Activity No. Average transaction time is very high for regular transactions Cash not available at post office Revise cash balances & withdrawal limits 1 Manual update of accounts Digitize all manual records 2 Old & complex operating processes Re-engineer savings bank operating processes 3 Delay in settling account open, close & transfer and deceased claim requests Manual update of accounts Digitization of all manual records 2 Complex and unclear account transfer process Streamline account transfer procedure 4 Nominations are not available Encourage depositors to register nominees 5 Deceased claim verification rules not clear in the field Clarify rules for deceased claim cases 6 End of day account balancing is time consuming Manual processes Digitization of all manual records 3 Complicated operating process Re-engineer savings bank operating processes 2 27 27
REVISE CASH BALANCES & WITHDRAWAL LIMITS Activity 1 SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 REVISE CASH BALANCES & WITHDRAWAL LIMITS Why? To ensure cash availability on demand at post offices How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Enhance the cash balance with adequate security arrangements like iron safe etc. 1 Head of Circle/ Region/Division Authorize postmasters to issue cheques PMG / CPMG / DTE 2 Place post office in account with local banks PMG / CPMG / DTE 3 Forecast cash requirement to meet the seasonal demand for cash withdrawals DDG(PO) 4 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 & 3 4 Days from start of activity 30 60 Ongoing 28 28
DIGITIZE ALL MANUAL RECORDS Activity 2 SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 DIGITIZE ALL MANUAL RECORDS Why? Manual update of accounts increases the transaction time for customers & also increases the time taken for end-of-day account closing. Hence, creation of electronic savings bank database is essential. How? – Implementation details Who? Ensure latest version of Sanchay Post is installed in the system 1 Divisional Head/ Postmaster Update all transactions in Sanchay Post. If required, outsource the electronic data update work. 2 Divisional Head/Postmaster Authenticate the updated data 3 SBCO / Divisional Head/Postmaster Scan all specimen signatures in the database 4 Postmaster / Divisional Head Ensure that data backup is taken daily in an external hard disk 5 Postmaster / Divisional Head Timeline Sub-activity 1 2, 3 & 4 5 Days from start of activity 7 60 Ongoing 29 29
RE- ENGINEER SAVINGS BANK OPERATING PROCESSES Activity 3 SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 RE- ENGINEER SAVINGS BANK OPERATING PROCESSES Why? Complex processes at post offices increase the transaction times significantly How? – Implementation details Who? Have multi-purpose savings bank counters at post offices Div. Superintendent/ Postmaster 1 Empower all counters to give withdrawal of enhanced amount (Rs. 5000) to customers 2 Div. Superintendent/ Postmaster Ensure automatic transfer of MIS interest to savings bank / recurring deposits 3 Div. Superintendent/ Postmaster Update the negative list of the system every month 4 Postmaster Measure transaction times to ensure that it is kept within norms 5 Postmaster Provide new passbooks compatible for computerized printing 6 Div. Superintendent/ Postmaster / PMG Use passbook printers for recording transactions 7 Postmaster Display filled-up savings bank forms to enable customers to fill the forms properly 8 Postmaster Provide necessary accessories such as cash counting & fake note detecting machines, storage for bank records etc 9 PMG / CPMG Timeline Sub-activity 1 & 6 2 3 4 & 5 7, 8 & 9 Days from start of activity 60 61 62 Ongoing Ongoing 30 30
STREAMLINE ACCOUNT TRANSFER PROCEDURE Activity 4 SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 STREAMLINE ACCOUNT TRANSFER PROCEDURE Why? Transfer of account from one post office to another generally takes a lot of time due to complex & unclear process How? – Implementation details Who? Postmaster 1 Application for transfer received in the post office should be immediately acknowledged & receipt given to the customer. Enter the application in the register. Maintain separate registers for each type of account Postmaster / Div. superintendent 2 Check the register daily to ensure that applications received are entered on the same day Postmaster 3 Prepare the advice of transfer and send to the office to which transfer is requested within three working days Postmaster / Div. superintendent 4 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 3 Days from start of activity Ongoing Ongoing Daily Ongoing 31 31
ENCOURAGE DEPOSITORS TO REGISTER NOMINEES Activity 5 SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ENCOURAGE DEPOSITORS TO REGISTER NOMINEES Why? Depositors do not register their nominees, which causes delays in settling deceased claims, as authentic nominee is not easy to determine How? – Implementation details Who? Advise depositors that name of nominee may be given in SB-3 card by the depositor when new account is opened 1 Postmaster Educate all SB staff regarding need to have nominees for all SB accounts 2 Divisional Head/ Postmaster Postmaster 3 Encourage staff to motivate customers to identify nominees at account opening stage Identify all existing accounts where nominations are not available 4 Postmaster Contact existing account holders (via mail or personal visit) and request to register nominee 5 Divisional Head/ Postmaster Launch special drives (including banner/local TV/print advertisement) if required, to ensure that account holders are sensitized to the need to register nominees 6 Postmaster/ Divisional Head/ PMG Monitor accounts without nominations every few days and take measures as per #5 & #6 above 7 Postmaster Timeline Sub-activity 4 1 2 3 5 & 6 7 Days from start of activity Ongoing 7 Ongoing 15 40 Ongoing 32 32
CLARIFY RULES FOR DECEASED CLAIM CASES Activity 6 SB BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CLARIFY RULES FOR DECEASED CLAIM CASES Why? Rules for settling deceased claim cases are not well understood in the post offices, leading to long lead times for settlement Process for deceased claim settlement is not followed uniformly How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Maintain a register for deceased claim cases as per the format given in the SB manual (Dureja’s book) 1 Post office 2 All deceased claims should have a date of receipt 2 Postmaster/Div. Head 3 Check the register daily to ensure that applications are entered in the register on a daily basis 3 Postmaster 4 In case of nomination, deceased claim application should be sanctioned within three working days of its receipt 4 Division Head 5 In case there is no nomination, application should be sent for verification on the day of receipt 5 Postmaster/Div. Head 6 Educate staff that as a rule, a death certificate attested by gazette/competent officer should be a reasonable proof of death 6 Postmaster 7 Educate staff that as a rule, documents to identify deceased claimant include passport, driving license, PAN Card, ration card/other certificates issued by competent officer 7 Postmaster 8 Pending deceased claim cases to be monitored on a daily basis 8 Postmaster 9 If number of pending deceased claim cases exceeds five, the postmaster should quickly take corrective actions 9 Postmaster/Div. Head/PMG 10 Documents relating to FAQs (frequently asked questions) on small savings schemes and the SB manual by Shri A. N. Dureja should be made available at the post office 10 CPMG/PMG/Div. Head Timeline Sub-activity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 10 Days from start of activity 15 20 33 33
CORE AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CORE AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area Improve mail operations at a post office: Mail Receipt, Sorting, Delivery, Collection and Dispatch Mail Simplify account opening, closure, transfer & deceased claim processes, ensure cash availability & reduce transaction times Savings Bank Project Arrow core area components included for improvement Improve core processes such as money order delivery and use of electronic remittances Remittances Office Service Level Improve customer experience in post office in terms of appearance, availability of information, waiting time and staff interaction 34 34 34 34
OVERVIEW REMITTANCES Goals Issues KPI/Targets Activities BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW REMITTANCES Remittances is a growing and an important area for India Post. India Post needs to ensure highly efficient service to be able to grow & regain market share Aspiration from remittances business is to ensure that all money orders received are paid on the same day & to promote eMOs & iMOs. Remittance service is affected by factors like cash availability, low line -limits and delay in transmission This document lists some steps that can be taken to improve Remittances Postmasters / superintendents should apply these activities in their post offices Goals List of goals for India Post Remittances operations Issues List of problems observed from post office visits KPI/Targets Key performance indicators (KPI) for remittance services and KPI targets Activities List of activities to improve remittance operations in post offices Source: Team discussions
GOALS AND ISSUES Functional Areas Goals Issues Payment of Money Order Remittances MUM-YSM011(Final)-20080717-(KM)(df) BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 GOALS AND ISSUES Functional Areas Goals Issues Payment of Money Order All money orders received to be paid on the same day All money orders are not being paid on the same day eMOs to replace manual money orders Increased use of iMOs Low usage of eMOs & iMOs Booking of Money Order 36 36 36 36 36
KPIs AND TARGETS – REMITTANCES BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 KPIs AND TARGETS – REMITTANCES Issue KPI Target All money orders are not being paid on the same day Percent money orders paid on the same day 100% Low usage of eMOs & iMOs Percent money orders booked as eMO 100% Percent money orders booked as iMO 100%* * As per demand 37 37
ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Remittances BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Issues Issue drivers Improvement Measures Activity No. Sufficient cash is not available at the PO Review cash balances & line limits 1 All money orders are not being paid on the same day 1 Insufficient postman compliance Supervise and monitor postmen performance 2 Unreliable connectivity/power Provide system back-up & daily monitoring of network connectivity and error reporting 3 Low usage of iMOs & eMOs 2 Facility not available at post office Install required software for eMO facility 4 Lack of staff compliance/ inadequate publicity Supervise and monitor staff & conduct over-the-counter and local publicity 5 38 38 38 38
REVIEW CASH BALANCES/REVISION OF LINE LIMITS Activity 1 Remittance BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 REVIEW CASH BALANCES/REVISION OF LINE LIMITS Why? No money order should be kept unpaid because cash is not available in the payment post office How? – Implementation details Who? Postmaster/Divisional Head Review the authorized minimum and maximum balances as per procedures laid down in rules 138 & 139 of the postal manual vol. VIII with adequate provision to take care of seasonal demands 1 Ask superintendent to issue orders revising minimum and maximum balance where justified 2 PMG/CPMG Make special arrangements for conveyance of cash to post offices during periods of peak demands such as festivals etc. 3 Divisional Head/PMG Revise line limits on various routes 4 Divisional Head/PMG Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 4 Days from start of activity 15 30 Ongoing 60 39 39
SUPERVISE & MONITOR POSTMEN PERFORMANCE Activity 2 Remittance BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SUPERVISE & MONITOR POSTMEN PERFORMANCE Why? To minimize delays due to postman negligence to ensure all money orders sent out for delivery are paid the same day How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Analyze percentage of money orders not delivered over the past one month 1 Divisional Head Conduct beat-wise analyses of money orders not delivered 2 Postmaster For each beat, identify reasons for non-delivery 3 Postmaster Monitor postmen in delivery beats by PRI(P)s, with greater focus on beats that have higher percentage of non-delivery 4 Postmaster Conduct a sample cross-check from customers, where money orders have not been paid for authenticity of the postman remarks 5 Divisional Head Take special actions for delivery in exceptional situations such as harvesting season when payee is in the field and not at home etc 6 Divisional Head Timeline Sub-activity 1, 2 & 3 4 5 6 Days from start of activity 5 15 Ongoing Ongoing 40 40
PROVIDE SYSTEM BACK-UP/MONITORING OF NETWORK Activity 3 Remittance BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 PROVIDE SYSTEM BACK-UP/MONITORING OF NETWORK Why? To ensure that system failures and connectivity breakdown do not reduce the usage of iMO/eMO How? – Implementation details Who? 1 As described in the Technology silo section 1 Postmaster 41 41
INSTALL REQUIRED SOFTWARE FOR eMO FACILITY Activity 4 Remittance BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 INSTALL REQUIRED SOFTWARE FOR eMO FACILITY Why? To ensure all post offices have the required facility available to book all money orders as eMOs How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Ensure that the post office has installed & configured the latest version of Meghdoot (Meghdoot 6.5) 1 Postmaster 2 Check if the latest patches released by PTC Mysore have been applied 2 Postmaster 3 Ensure that the computer which is used for communication with the central server is connected to the internet and all required firewalls & antivirus software is installed 3 Postmaster Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 Days from start of activity 3 4 Ongoing 42 42
SUPERVISE AND MONITOR STAFF & CONDUCT PUBLICITY Activity 5 Remittance BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SUPERVISE AND MONITOR STAFF & CONDUCT PUBLICITY Why? To make sure high levels of staff compliance & publicity in order to increase the usage of iMO & eMO How? – Implementation details Who? Ensure that eMOs received are printed by checking the website and that they are paid on the same day Postmaster 1 Monitor both iMOs booked and paid to check for increase in business and to ensure that all activities are completed within norms Postmaster 2 Ensure that the counter staff encourages the customers to use eMOs Postmaster 3 Ensure that forms for eMO are available in the post office and that regular money orders are not booked for post offices having eMO facilities Postmaster 4 Give advertisements/notices etc. in local media about eMO facilities Divisional Head/PMG/CPMG 5 Timeline Sub-activity 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Days from start of activity Ongoing 43 43
CORE AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CORE AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area Improve mail operations at a post office: Mail Receipt, Sorting, Delivery, Collection and Dispatch Mail Simplify account opening, closure, transfer & deceased claim processes, ensure cash availability & reduce transaction times Savings Bank Project Arrow core area components included for improvement Improve core processes such as money order delivery and use of electronic remittances Remittances Improve customer experience in post office in terms of appearance, availability of information, waiting time and staff interaction Office Service Level 44 44 44 44
OVERVIEW OFFICE SERVICE LEVEL Goals Issues KPI/Targets Activities BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW OFFICE SERVICE LEVEL Goals List of goals for India Post OSL operations High Office Service Level (OSL) is crucial for all operations in core areas. Customer perception about India Post is depends on the standard of service and upkeep of the post office Aspirations entail giving the best possible service and experience to customers The current state of the post office – both up-keep and staff attitude along with waiting time is at significant variance from the aspirations However with some tactical interventions, a major difference can be made Post office staff/ superintendents are encouraged to apply these interventions in their post offices Issues List of problems observed KPI/Targets Key performance indicators (KPI) for Office service level and KPI targets Activities List of activities to improve office service level operations in post offices
GOALS AND ISSUES Functional Areas Goals Issues Ambience Office Service Level MUM-YSM011(Final)-20080717-(KM)(df) BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 GOALS AND ISSUES Functional Areas Goals Issues Ambience To keep post office neat & clean to ensure highest customer satisfaction on ambience Present level of ambience needs major improvement Counter Operations To ensure consistency in quality of service To ensure all counter transactions are completed within the specified time norms To reduce waiting time at counters Counter transactions often exceed the prescribed time limits There are often long queues at counters Customer Interface Ensure friendly interaction of staff with customers to enable highest customer satisfaction on staff behaviour Current staff attitude in post offices is significantly lower than aspirations 46 46 46 46 46
KPIs AND TARGETS Issue KPI Target Office Service Level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 KPIs AND TARGETS Issue KPI Target Present level of ambience needs major improvement Customer satisfaction score on ambience (on a scale of 10) 8 Per cent compliance of postmaster on the daily checklist prescribed 95% Inconsistent quality of counter operations with high waiting & transaction time Per cent of transactions that exceed the time norms as committed in the Citizen’s Charter 10% Average waiting time at counters 15 mins Current staff attitude in post offices is significantly lower than aspirations Customer satisfaction score on quality of customer interface (on a scale of 10) 8 47 47
ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENTS Office Service Level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES FOR IMPROVEMENTS Issues Issue drivers Improvement Measures Activity No. Inefficiencies in the housekeeping arrangements Responsibilities of the Postmaster not clearly specified Undertake thorough cleaning Of post office Codify & track postmasters’ compliance to the daily check list prescribed 1 2 Present level of ambience needs major improvement 1 No time norms for counter services Service-specific counters Absence of queue management mechanism Non availability of public usage forms Duties of staff are not comprehensively codified Formulate & implement local Citizen’s Charter Ensure adequate infrastructure & support systems in post office Ensure better queue management Standardize the duties & responsibilities of post office staff 3 4 5 6 Inconsistent quality of counter operations with high waiting & transaction time 2 Lack of adequate professional / soft skills in staff due to inadequate training No feedback mechanism to review the service level Low levels of motivation in staff Organize professional / soft skills / troubleshooting training Implement customer satisfaction survey process Train employees 7 8 Current staff attitude in post offices is significantly lower than aspirations 3 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 48 48 48 48 48
UNDERTAKE THOROUGH CLEANING OF POST OFFICE Activity 1 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 UNDERTAKE THOROUGH CLEANING OF POST OFFICE Why? Improved ambience will lead to enhanced customer experience and also provide better work environment to the staff How? – Implementation details Who? Postmaster Make a list of items that are required & designate a person to ensure regular supply 1 Postmaster / Divisional Head Launch a cleanliness drive across office campus, public halls, working halls, toilets etc. 2 Postmaster / Divisional Head Weed out & dispose off all old records 3 Postmaster / Divisional Head Condemn and dispose off all unserviceable items of furniture, hardware etc. 4 Timeline Sub-activity 1 & 2 3 4 Days from start of activity 10 20 30 49 49
CODIFY & TRACK POSTMASTERS’ COMPLIANCE TO DAILY CHECKLIST Activity 2 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CODIFY & TRACK POSTMASTERS’ COMPLIANCE TO DAILY CHECKLIST Why? It is necessary to codify the duties & responsibilities of the postmaster & track its compliance for effective supervision and administration on a sustained basis How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Document the duties and responsibility of postmaster according to Annex A 1 Divisional Head 2 Postmaster should ‘check’ for completion each of the twenty points listed in the checklist every morning 2 Postmaster 3 Postmaster should also keep a record by making a ‘check’ under his dated signature 3 Postmaster 4 Initiate necessary action / follow up wherever remedial action/support is required from divisional office 4 Postmaster/Divisional Head 5 Send compiled set of Annex A sheets filled on a daily basis to RO / CO at the end of the week 5 Postmaster 6 Collate data received from all Project Arrow post offices and put up to the PMG / CPMG as the case may be, along with analysis, on a weekly basis 6 Designated OSL officer in CO /RO 7 7 Review the performance and take appropriate action wherever considered necessary PMG / CPMG 8 Conduct random visits to post offices to ensure actual compliance is happening to the checklist 8 PMG / CPMG Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 & 3 4 5, 6 & 7 8 Days from start of activity 3 Daily As needed Weekly As needed 50 50
FORMULATE AND IMPLEMENT LOCAL CITIZEN’S CHARTER Activity 3 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 FORMULATE AND IMPLEMENT LOCAL CITIZEN’S CHARTER Why? There is a need to define time norms and service standards of various services provided in a post office keeping in view the local circumstances How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Download model Citizen’s Charter (Annex C) available at India Post website Set up a Working Group (W.G.) consisting of Divisional Head, Postmaster, APMs, Counter Assistants, Union representatives and representatives of customers (at least two), hold meetings of W. G., prepare a draft Citizen’s Charter, fix time norms (realistic as well as challenging) for all the services provided by the office. Pilot - Implement the draft Charter and keep data of time taken to provide counter and delivery services with reference to the time norms drafted Hold a meeting of the W.G. again and finalize the Citizen’s Charter along with time norms as per the feedback of the Pilot Obtain the approval of PMG / CMPG for the Citizen’s Charter Implement and display the Citizen’s Charter in the post office Make a copy of the Citizen’s Charter in local language available with each and every employee of the office and ensure wide circulation amongst the customers Repeat the exercise (steps 2 to 8 above) after every 12 months 1 Divisional Head Postmaster PMG / CPMG Postmaster / Divisional Head 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 8 Days from start of activity 3 1 daily recurring 21 51 66 81 96 Every 12 months 51 51
ENSURE ADEQUATE INFRASTRUCTURE & SUPPORT SYSTEMS Activity 4 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ENSURE ADEQUATE INFRASTRUCTURE & SUPPORT SYSTEMS Why? To ensure adequate availability of required infrastructure & forms to facilitate smooth counter operations How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Assess on the basis of traffic, the number of MPCM & SB counters required 1 Postmaster / Divisional Head 2 Change hours of business / extend counter working hours wherever required 2 Postmaster / Divisional Head 3 Plan for lunch breaks so that breaks are not concurrent for counter staff 3 Postmaster / Divisional Head 4 Provide for spare counters in case of seasonal rush 4 Postmaster 5 Provide separate facilitation / enquiry counter where feasible (also for accepting complaints / RTI appl.) 5 Postmaster 6 Devise a system for transfer of cash between counter and treasury 6 Postmaster 7 Prepare and circulate a list of telephone numbers of all support agencies 7 Postmaster 8 Have separate transaction times for savings bank agents 8 Postmaster / Divisional Head 9 Ensure that all the forms for use by customers are available in the public hall itself 9 Postmaster / Divisional Head 10 Ensure the forms are placed so that customers do not need to form a queue to obtain forms 10 Postmaster / Divisional Head 11 Make MO forms available for sale at the designated counters 11 Postmaster / Divisional Head Timeline Sub-activity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 8 9 10 & 11 Days from start of activity 7 Ongoing Daily Ongoing 52 52
ENSURE BETTER QUEUE MANAGEMENT Activity 5 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ENSURE BETTER QUEUE MANAGEMENT Why? To manage the customer flow in the office and bring down the waiting time How? – Implementation details Who? 1 Ensure that post office is provided with spare counters so that postmaster can open additional counters whenever required 1 PMG 2 The queue monitoring and management mechanism (Annex B) is available for download at the India Post website 2 Postmaster / Divisional Head 3 Visit the public hall at frequent intervals to see if there is a rush at any counter 3 Postmaster 4 Fill up the proforma (Annex B) every day 4 Postmaster 5 Send a copy of the filled up proforma of the week (Monday to Saturday) to the designated (Office Service Level) officer in Circle Office every Monday for review. 5 Postmaster 6 Compile the data from POs and put up to the PMG / CPMG, as the case may be, on a weekly basis with analysis 6 Designated (OSL) officer in RO / CO 7 Review the performance and take appropriate action wherever considered necessary 7 PMG / CPMG Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 & 3 4 5, 6 & 7 Days from start of activity 21 Daily Daily Weekly 53 53
STANDARDIZE THE DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF POST OFFICE STAFF Activity 6 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 STANDARDIZE THE DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF POST OFFICE STAFF Why? In order to achieve consistency in quality of service level, It is necessary to define duties and responsibilities of officials related to counter services in a structured manner How? – Implementation details Who? 1 For consistency of quality of service level, duties and responsibilities of officials related to counter services be codified as per the standard Model at Annex-D available for download at India Post website This document will be prepared by the postmaster in respect each of the officials whose work relates to counter services. Divisional Head will examine and approve. Postmaster will issue the Memo of Duties and Responsibilities to each of the officials. A copy will be given to the concerned supervisor 1 Postmaster/Divisional Head Postmaster Divisional Head 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 4 5 Days from start of activity 3 15 21 30 30 54 54
ORGANIZE PROFESSIONAL/SOFT SKILLS/TROUBLESHOOTING TRAINING Activity 7 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ORGANIZE PROFESSIONAL/SOFT SKILLS/TROUBLESHOOTING TRAINING Why? Employees at counters are found to take too long to perform counter operations due to insufficient professional & troubleshooting skills. Also, friendliness to customers is not usually up to the mark, which requires soft skills training. How? – Implementation details 1 Please refer the HR silo in the Look-and-feel section. 55 55
IMPLEMENT CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY PROCESS Activity 8 Office service level BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENT CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY PROCESS Why? To sustain and improve the overall level of service quality, it is necessary to obtain and analyze feedback from customers How? – Implementation details Who? Download the Customer Feedback Form (Annex E) from the India Post website & print with consecutive serial numbers for each post office separately PMG / CPMG 1 Display the availability of customer feedback forms prominently on the notice board Postmaster 2 Hand over the feedback forms to the customers in the public hall after the customer completes the transaction at the counter Postmaster 3 Ensure at least 5 feedback forms are filled up every day and at least 15 forms each for MPCM and Savings Bank counters / web based services are filled up every week Postmaster 4 Tabulate the customer feedback forms as per Annex F in a register to be maintained for the purpose and at the end of the week send it to the designated (Office Service Level) officer in the RO / CO for collating Postmaster 5 Collate data from all the Project Arrow post offices and work out the weekly score of KPIs as per Annex G in respect of each of the post office and put up to PMG / CPMG for review Designated (OSL) officer in RO/CO 6 Review the performance and take appropriate action wherever considered necessary PMG / CPMG 7 Timeline Sub-activity 1 2 3 & 4 5, 6 & 7 Days from start of activity 30 35 Daily Weekly 56 56
CONTENTS Topic Pg no. Objectives and structure of Project Arrow 2 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CONTENTS Topic Pg no. Objectives and structure of Project Arrow 2 Blue Book objectives & guidelines 7 Blue Book by Silo – Core operations 13 Blue Book by Silo – Look & feel 66 Project monitoring 128 57 57
LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area Ensure consistent brand image for India Post through uniform and exhaustive use of brand logos and signage across all post offices Branding Identify and implement technology components required in Project Arrow post office – such as WAN, internet kiosk etc. Technology Project Arrow Infrastructure area compo-nents in focus Identify training requirements for post office staff to sensitize them to Project Arrow requirements. Implement training modules. Human Resource Identify and complete all infrastructure requirements in post offices to change post office “look & feel” to Project Arrow standard Infra-structure 58 58
OVERVIEW Branding Activities Implementation Details Timelines BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW Branding To ensure that the brand logo and identity of India Post is consistent across all post offices The aspiration is to build a unique brand identity of India Post across the country To achieve this aspiration, all post offices need to be compliant with the new branding guidelines developed by the Directorate This document lists steps to be taken and timelines and also preliminary set of specifications Postmasters/ Superintendents should undertake these activities in their post offices Activities List of branding activities along with associated steps to be taken Implementation Details Implementation steps to be taken along with details Timelines Recommended timelines and milestones Specifications List of specifications of internal and external branded objects Organisation List of resources that will be involved in the implementation BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 59 59 59
ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN Branding BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN Activities Steps to be taken Step No. Define post office requirements Set up a local team Ensure timely development/ procurement process Quality check Installation Maintenance Brand Review Become familiar with Corporate Manual of India Post List out branding requirements for the post office Prepare specifications of various items Allocate people to carry out the required work Consolidate requirements Observe financial procedures required for procurement Take necessary approvals Place orders with approved vendors Check quality of samples from vendor/perform inbound quality check Validate brand consistency Define a plan for installation, including alternate working space Monitor installation and ensure completion before launch date Define maintenance plan/review frequency Maintain/replace branding items as required Implement any changes to brand/signage as indicated by directorate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Pre- Operative Post- Operative BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 60 60 60 60 60
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/3) Branding BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/3) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Define post office requirements Become familiar with Corporate Manual of India Post All post offices have to meet the branding requirements A list of post office objects with detailed specifications (dimensions, marking, colour etc.) is included in this document and is also available in the corporate manual of the department All specified objects should be re-branded as per specifications. A listing of the objects is: Name board (external sign board), information boards Standee (services board), letter boxes PO stationary, postman bag, staff jacket for front line staff Detailed specifications are included in the specifications section of this document Division Head List out branding requirements for the post office Identify the category of post office. A post office categorization includes type – GPO, HPO, MDG, SO Define which of the re-branded objects would apply to the post office given the post office type The mapping of re-branded objects to post office type is available in the corporate manual and also in some preliminary form in the specification section of this document Consult other Project Arrow post offices to understand type of re-branded objects Division Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 61 61 61
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/3) Branding BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/3) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Prepare specifications of various items Decide which of the re-branded objects can be outsourced or developed within the post office (e.g., painting letter boxes could be done internally) Decide procurement at circle level Based on the in-house/outsourcing and level of procurement, develop a list of work required at post office/region/circle level Division Head Set up a local team Allocate people to carry out the required work Based on the list of work required, allocate team members and the time they will spend on doing this work Clarify roles and expectations to the team Develop an implementation timeline (Gantt chart) with milestones Get commitment from team members on implementation timelines Division Head Consolidation of requirements and observe financial procedures Consolidate the requirements activity-wise from divisions/regions Decide on the procurement process for each activity Use circle knowledge and experience (from Project Arrow Phase I, II) Observe financial procedures for procurement with clear terms and conditions Conduct pre-tender assessment of vendors’ capabilities Circle Head Ensure timely development/ procurement Take approvals and place orders Approval of the tender/quotation rates In the work order, clearly list activities to be sourced from vendors, service level required and terms and conditions Issue work orders with clear defined time-lines and specifications of the items to be procured with provision for pre-delivery quality check Circle Head Check quality of samples from vendor/perform inbound quality check Define a time period with selected supplier to review samples Define what is acceptable quality of re-branded objects and failure conditions Ensure samples provided by the supplier meet the acceptable quality threshold/ conduct site visits if required Circle Head Quality Check Validate brand consistency with Circle/ Directorate Officers If required, validate samples with Directorate to ensure that the quality of all re-branded objects is as per specifications Circle Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 62 62 62
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/3) Branding BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/3) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Installation Define a plan for installation, including alternate working space Agree with vendor on timeline for completion of re-branding Define time before launch when the re-branded objects would be installed (new sign boards etc.) Ensure work plan is synchronized with other “look & feel” areas such as infrastructure etc. Define any alternate working arrangement during the time of civil/re-branding activities Circle Head Monitor installation and ensure completion before launch date Monitor installation and ensure smooth implementation Closely monitor for issues/contingencies – develop alternate plans to ensure completion of all re-branding activities before the launch date Circle Head Maintenance Upkeep of re-branded items Define the cleaning/maintenance process and periodicity for various items (Sign Boards, Letter boxes etc.) Identification of person for cleaning on daily basis and electrical maintenance Incorporate the task allotted in the duty chart of the person(s) identified Obtain commitment from person(s) identified Division Head Monitor Monitor the items for cleanliness, proper functioning of electrical appliances etc. on weekly basis Discuss with staff on the process of maintenance and keep evolving better procedures Division Head Brand Review Changes in specifications Apply at once any change in specifications or designs communicated by Directorate Circle Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 63 63 63
TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (1/2) Branding TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (1/2) Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Define post office requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. Become familiar with Corporate Manual of India Posts 2. List out branding requirements for the post office Set up a local team 3. Prepare specifications of various items 4. Review available capacity of resources and define team Ensure timely development/procurement process 5. Consolidation of Requirements 6. Observe financial procedure for procurement 7. Take approvals 8. Place orders 64
TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (2/2) Branding TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (2/2) Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Quality Check 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9. Check quality of samples from vendor/ perform inbound quality check 10. Validate brand consistency (if required with Directorate Officers) Installation 11. Define a plan for installation, including alternate working space 12. Monitor installation and ensure completion before launch date Maintenance 13. Define maintenance plan/review frequency 14. Maintain/replace branding items as required Brand review 15. Implement any changes, if any to brand/ signage as indicated by Directorate 65
Branding BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS The following Post Office objects need to be re-branded as per new India Post Corporate Manual Objects New India Post logo Counter signage Display Information boards Branding Internal branding Stationery Materials Uniforms Postman bags PO signage (name board, standee etc.) External branding Letter boxes Vans 66 66
SPECIFICATIONS Branding Name Technical Description Example BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS Name Technical Description Example External sign board (post office name board) Standard sign boards as shown in the diagram. The ratio of the size will always remain 1:3 (H x W) Specific colour combination is as Red : (C20 M100 Y100 K0) Yellow : (C0 M5 Y100 K0) Name of office in two/three languages will be on the strip provided for the purpose Order for languages for two will be Hindi First and English next. For three languages, the order is Regional language, Hindi and English Postal Index Number will be added on the signboard of delivery post office BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 67 67 67 67
SPECIFICATIONS Branding Name Technical description Example BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS Name Technical description Example Information board There are four types of information boards in a post office Citizen’s charter Hours of business Public notice board Advertisement Each information board should be 4 x 3’ (H x W) and should contain the Corporate Symbol and text, as shown in the diagram The wings of the Corporate Symbol will be painted in ‘Post Office Yellow’ over a ‘Post Office Red’ stripe on the top. The relevant text will appear on the right side of the same stripe Another stripe containing three shades of red will run across the bottom portion BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 68 68 68 68
SPECIFICATIONS Branding Name Technical description Example BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS Name Technical description Example Uniform materials Jacket for Counter (front office) staff Postman delivery bag The front office staff is expected to wear a post office red jacket on top of their dress (Red: (C20 M100 Y100 K0) The new India Post logo should be clearly visible around the left pocket The bag used by post man should be post office red in colour (as per the specifications define above) The new India Post logo should be stencilled on the front of the bag in corporate colours as shown in the picture Jacket Bag BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 69 69 69 69
SPECIFICATIONS Branding Name Technical description Example Standee BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS Name Technical description Example Standee Two variants of standee (services boards) are recommended. Size of standee used depends on type of PO. GPO & HPO will use the taller standee. Other types of POs may be considered for shorter ones Taller Standee Actual dimensions are 16 ft by 4 ft (H x W) Shorter Standee Actual dimensions are 8 ft by 2 ft (H x W) Material for both is ACP – Aluminium Composite Panel Colour is Post Office Red and Yellow Important services available in that particular post office should be highlighted in the standee in order of priority Shorter standee Taller standee BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 70 70 70 70
SPECIFICATIONS Branding BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 71 71 71 71 Name Technical description Example Letter boxes Four variants of letter boxes may be used Three standing One hanging All letter boxes should have the post office red colour The only exceptions are Green and Blue letter boxes meant for local and Metro city letters Corporate symbol and Corporate name should be prominently displayed as shown Hour plate to show time of clearance should be in the front. No other text will appear on the letter box. The name of the post/mail office will be put at the back of the standing letter box and at the back/bottom of the hanging letter box ID number of the letter box will appear on both sides of the box Standing - 1 Hanging Standing - 2 Standing - 3 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 71 71 71 71
ORGANISATION Branding Key Activities Responsible Authorises Supports MUM-YSM011(Final)-20080717-(KM)(df) BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ORGANISATION Key Activities Responsible Authorises Supports Consulted Define post office requirements Division Region Circle Directorate Set up local teams Division Division Region Circle Pre- Operative Define procurement processes Circle Circle Directorate Directorate Quality Check Circle Circle Directorate Directorate Ensure timely deployment Circle Circle Circle Directorate Maintenance Division Region Region Circle Post- Operative Brand Review Circle Directorate Directorate Experts 72 72 72
LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area Ensure consistent brand image for India Post through uniform and exhaustive use of brand logos and signage across all post offices Branding Identify and implement technology components required in Project Arrow post office Technology Project Arrow Infrastructure area compo-nets in focus Identify training requirements for post office staff to sensitize them to Project Arrow requirements. Implement training modules. Human Resource Identify and complete all infrastructure requirements in post offices to change post office “look & feel” to Project Arrow standard Infra-structure 73 73
OVERVIEW Technology Activities Implementation Details Timelines BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW Technology Activities Major activities in technology, with associated steps to be taken Technology is a key enabler to ensure that all postal operations are carried out smoothly and less time is consumed by back end operations Technology aspiration for India Post is to achieve total computerization and facilitation of web-enabled services Key components include provision of hardware/ software and connectivity in all post offices This document lists steps to be taken and timelines and a set of specifications Postmasters/ superintendents should undertake these activities in their post offices Defines steps to be taken with recommended timelines Implementation Details Timelines Recommended timelines and milestones Specifies technology requirements for various class of offices Specifications Organisation Specifies responsibilities for various activities BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 74 74 74
ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN Technology BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN Activities Steps to be taken Step No. Define post office requirements Set up a local team Ensure timely procurement & deployment process Commissioning of hardware Installation of software Maintenance System security Get post office requirements specifications Calculate hardware, software & networking requirements Review available resources Prepare blue print for site preparation Observe financial procedures required for procurement Take necessary approvals & place orders with approved vendors Coordinate WAN deployment & supply of hardware Coordinate site preparation Validate site readiness and hardware quality/quantity Hardware commissioning Monitor software installation and ensure completion before launch date Define/review maintenance plans & contracts Maintain/replace computer consumables & stationery Maintain hardware record, software versions and contact numbers Put in place a daily check-up process Update the software & antivirus, apply system upgrades and backup data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pre- Operative Post- Operative BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 75 75 75 75 75
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/4) Technology BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Define post office requirements Define post office requirements Gather details of each post office viz. no. of counters of each type, staff strength of supervisory staff, PA cadre and postman cadre as per acquaintance roll Gather data on existing number of Pentium-IV and above computers, printers, electronic weighing scale, UPS and Genset Division Head Calculate hardware, software and networking requirements Directorate to calculate hardware requirements as per the criteria given in specification details Ensure broadband connection in post office. All HOs and selected MDGs should have leased line connection Division Head Set up a local team Review available resources Set up a local team for each post office, with system administrator and postmaster as a part of the team The team should compile a list of existing hardware and manpower Division Head Prepare blueprint for site preparation The team should prepare a blueprint for layout plan of hardware, network cabling, power cabling keeping in view local conditions and guidelines given in specification section The team should also define alternative working plan during site preparation The team should prepare a list of various activities to be carried out along with responsibilities Division Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 76 76 76
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/4) Technology BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Ensure timely procurement & deployment process Observe financial procedures required for procurement Based on the calculated requirements do financial estimate Decide on procurement process for each activity/item Observe financial procedures for procurement with clear terms and conditions Conduct pre-tender assessment of vendors’ capabilities Directorate / Circle Head* Take necessary approvals and place orders Get approvals for tender/quotation rates In the RFP/tender, clearly list activities to be sourced from vendors, service level required and terms and conditions Issue orders with clear defined time-lines and specifications of the items to be procured with provision for pre-delivery quality check Directorate / Circle Head* Coordinate supply of hardware & WAN deployment Initiate procurement process with the vendors Coordinate with vendors for timely supply of hardware Directorate / Circle Head* Commission-ing of hardware Coordinate site preparation Monitor progress of site preparation closely Ensure work plan is synchronized with other look and feel areas Division Head Validate site readiness and H/W quality/ quantity Inspect every item specified in the site readiness blueprint to validate completion of site readiness Check the quantity and quality of various items Division Head Hardware commissioning Agree upon a plan with vendor for commissioning of hardware Monitor commissioning of hardware, LAN and WAN Make history sheets of various equipment Division Head * Responsibility for procurement of specific items is divided between directorate & circles. Please refer to organization page for details BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 77 77 77
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/4) Technology BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Installation of software Monitor software installation and ensure completion before launch date Get authorized CDs for all required software as per specifications Develop a plan for software installation Plan and execute master data entries in various software Carry out pilot run (e.g., for a week) for testing & familiarity Switch to fully computerized environment Division Head Maintenance Define/review maintenance plans & contracts Assess need for maintenance for all hardware items Accordingly, make a maintenance plan for all hardware items If vendor is required for maintenance, take necessary follow-up action Division Head Maintain/replace computer consumables & stationery Keep some specified spare systems (nodes, printers etc.) at a central place for use during breakdowns Define optimum stock of computer consumables and computer stationery and define process to maintain required stock Division Head Maintain hardware record, software versions and contact numbers Update history sheets of all items Maintain records of original software CDs and various versions received Maintain contact details of various vendors and make them available to all concerned Division Head Put in place a daily check-up process Make a list of all hardware & networking and check for proper working every morning. Note in error book in case of any default Report the problem to the divisional office, the vendor or service provider as required If the problem is not rectified on the same day, take up the matter with the regional office Postmaster BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 78 78 78
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (4/4) Technology BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (4/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who System security Update the software & antivirus, apply system upgrades and backup data Ensure all software is installed in domain environment and keep the domain password secret Ensure every person has his/her own password and train staff to not share it and change it every 15 days Allocate a secure location for all software CDs Take backups everyday and keep one set of backup tapes in a physically different secure location Install latest versions of software, antivirus etc. immediately Internet usage must be restricted Division Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 79 79 79
TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (1/2) Technology TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (1/2) Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Define post office requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Launch+ 1. Get post office requirements specifications 2. Calculate hardware, software & networking requirements Set up a local team 3. Review available resources 4. Prepare blueprint for site preparation Ensure timely procurement & deployment process 5. Observe financial procedures required for procurement 6. Take necessary approvals & place orders with approved vendors 7. Coordinate WAN deployment & supply of hardware 80
TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (2/2) Technology TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (2/2) Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Commissioning of hardware 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Launch+ 8. Coordinate site preparation 9. Validate site readiness and hardware quality/quantity 10. Hardware commissioning Installation of software 11. Monitor software installation and ensure completion before launch date Maintenance 12. Define/review maintenance plans & contracts 13. Maintain/replace computer consumables & stationery 14. Maintain hardware record, software versions and contact numbers 15. Put in place a daily check-up process System security 16. Update the software & antivirus, apply system upgrades and backup data 81
SPECIFICATIONS – LAYOUT, NETWORKING & WIRING Technology BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – LAYOUT, NETWORKING & WIRING Item Details Layout The layout has to be as compact as possible Computers other than those at counters, treasury & delivery should be pooled (for redundancy & easy maintenance) The pool room should also be used for training Servers should be preferably in server cabinets Detailed layout of computers, networking cables, power cables etc. should be documented as a plan Networking Switch must be used in place of Hub Structured cabling which includes rack, switch, patch panel, I/O outlet, factory crimped patch cords, LAN cable (CAT 6/5e) is advisable All network equipments must be placed in a rack near to server with adequate ventilation There should not be any joints in the cable connecting patch panel with I/O outlet Adequate redundancy must be planned in networking. It is suggested that at least one network point may be kept spare for every 5 counters besides making provision for network points for extra counters which may be required to operate in exigencies. Similar redundancy must be planned for other places also All LAN cables should have identification tags at both ends Electrical wiring & earthing Blue print of placement of computers must be finalised (and made available in circle office) before starting the UPS cabling work Proper wiring with good quality material has to be ensured Adequate redundancy of power points must be provided to take care of exigencies Network and power cable must be separated by at least a feet and must not be in same casing Ensure that voltage between earth and neutral point can never exceed 3 volts at full load. For bigger offices, redundant earthing provision may be kept For kiosk, UPS power connection is not required as it has a built-in UPS with 1 hour backup. However, Genset supply should be made available for kiosk point BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 82 82 82
SPECIFICATIONS – HARDWARE & PERIPHERALS (1/2) Technology SPECIFICATIONS – HARDWARE & PERIPHERALS (1/2) Sl. Name of Item Norms 1 Server Single-handed post offices – No servers are required Post offices with less than or equal to 25 nodes – 1 CPU server More than 25 but less than or equal to 75 nodes – 2 CPU server More than 75 nodes – 4 CPU server 2 (a) Nodes One node for every counter 20% of the number of counters as standby to be rounded up One node each for every supervisor and postmaster 50% of the number of back-office staff to be provided with nodes 2 (b) Kiosk One for every post office 3 80 column printer One 80 column printer each for all counters except SB counters and also one each for each standby node + 50% of back-office nodes 4 136 column printer Every HO – 2 Every SO except single-handed – 1 5 Passbook printer 50% of all SB counters 6 High-speed printer One for every HO + one for those post offices where the number of postmen exceeds 50 83
SPECIFICATIONS – HARDWARE & PERIPHERALS (2/2) Technology SPECIFICATIONS – HARDWARE & PERIPHERALS (2/2) Sl. Name of the Item Norms 7 Laser printer One laser printer to every delivery post office 8 Barcode scanner One barcode scanner each for all counters except SB counters and also one each for each standby node + one for every 15 postmen 9 Signature scanner One for every 10 SB counters 10 Flat-bed scanner Flat bed scanner is not required to be supplied 11 10 kg weighing scale One 10 kg weighing scale is required for every MPCM Counter. If there are more than one MPCM counters, one of the weighing scales could be of 50 Kg category. One weighing scale of 10 Kg may be supplied if there is a full time treasury posted in the post office. A separate weighing scale of 20 Kg category may be provided at delivery branch if there are more than 20 postmen 12 20 kg weighing scale 13 50 kg weighing scale 14 UPS 0.4 KVA x (No. of nodes + servers) 15 Genset Twice the capacity of the UPS supplied 84
ORGANIZATION Technology Division Region Circle Directorate MUM-YSM011(Final)-20080717-(KM)(df) BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ORGANIZATION Key Activities Responsible Authorises Supports Consulted Division Region Circle Directorate Define post office requirements Division Circle Region Set up a local team Directorate Circle Ensure timely procurement & deployment process Servers, nodes, printers, kiosk, barcode scanner, OS and RDBMS UPS, genset, signature scanner, weighing scales Pre- Operative Circle Directorate Commissioning of hardware Division Region Circle Installation of software Division Region Circle Maintenance Post- Operative Division Region Circle System security BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 85 85 85 85
LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area Ensure consistent brand image for India Post through uniform and exhaustive use of brand logos and signage's across all post offices Branding Identify and implement technology components required in Project Arrow post office – such as WAN, internet kiosk etc. Technology Project Arrow Infrastructure area compo-nents in focus Identify training needs for post office staff and sensitize them to Project Arrow requirements. Implement training modules. Human Resource Identify and complete all infrastructure requirements in post offices to change post office “look & feel” to Project Arrow standard Infra-structure 86 86
OVERVIEW Human Resource Activities Implementation Details Timelines HR BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW Human Resource Activities Major activities in HR, with associated steps to be taken HR training is key to ensure that the post office staff is trained and motivated to conduct his/her daily tasks The aspiration for India Post is to identify and fulfil all training requirements and sensitize staff to project objectives & requirements Key components include identification of training needs, preparation of trainers and complete the training This document lists steps to be taken and timelines and also set of specifications Postmasters/ superintendents should undertake these activities in their post offices Implementation Details Defines steps to be taken with recommended timelines Timelines Recommended timelines and milestones Specifications Specifies details about training requirements for staff Organisation Specifies responsibilities for various activities 87 87
ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN HR BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN Activities Steps to be taken Step No. Awareness programmes and workshops Fill up staff gaps Preparation for training programmes Identification & preparation of trainers Training programmes Rewarding high performance Awareness for change agents Awareness for divisional heads and postmasters Awareness for post office staff Fill up vacancies in staff Complete posting of staff in post offices Create database for training Prepare action plan for training Monitor implementation of training plan Selection of WCTC and field trainers Selection of agency for soft-skills training Selection of retired persons for training of delivery staff Training/preparation of trainers Training for departmental software & troubleshooting Training for soft-skills Training for delivery staff On-time reimbursements for trainers Identify and reward high performing post offices Award recharge cards to trainers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pre- Operative Post- Operative BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 88 88 88 88
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/4) HR BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Awareness programmes and workshops Awareness for change agents Get a copy of the Project Arrow bluebook and understand objectives, requirements etc. thoroughly Schedule two days with change agents & circle programme officers in the first week of programme Conduct training PSCI for Circles new to Project Arrow Awareness for divisional heads and postmasters Directorate should ensure circles/regions understand the objectives & requirements of the programme thoroughly Schedule two days with divisional heads & postmasters in the second week of programme Get training material from change agent HR Conduct training Circles/ Regions Awareness for post office staff Circles should ensure postmasters are trained in Project objectives & requirements Schedule a weekend training with post office staff in the third week of programme Get training material from change agent HR Conduct training Post-masters / Field Trainers Fill up staff gaps Fill up vacancies in staff Indicate actual number of vacancies in Training Form A Take action to fill up postman vacancies through GDS Engage outside people for service during peak hours If required, outsource data entry and specimen signature scanning Refer to revised duties of postmen for data entry in postman module etc Circles / Regions BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 89 89 89
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/4) HR BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Fill up staff gaps Complete posting of staff in post offices Circles/ Regions For PM/SPM, post regular staff as far as possible Post SPMs in LSG Offices Do not post PAs who are about to retire on counters or in jobs relating to core areas Ensure minimum of two years continuity for postings Ensure all postings are completed by third week of the project Preparation for training programmes Create database for training Circles/ Regions Postmasters should prepare database of training requirements in Training Form A and send to Change Agent HR – Circle Change Agent HR – Circle should compile information in Training Form B and send to PTC/WCTC Prepare action plan for training Circles/ Regions WCTC/PTC/PSCI should prepare a training schedule based on number of seats for training and send to each Change Agent HR – Circle. Change Agent HR – Circle should distribute training seats for each post office to divisional heads Each staff should know of the programme dates to attend at PTC/PSCI three weeks before commencement of the training Monitor implementation of training plan Circles/ Regions WCTC/PTC/PSCI should inform Change Agent HR – Circle about the status of attendance of all participants Postmaster should monitor completion of all trainings for all staff personnel and report untrained persons to Change Agent HR – Circle. Change Agent HR Circle should review reports and make required changes in training BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 90 90 90
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/4) HR BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Identification and preparation of trainers Selection of WCTC & field trainers Circles should identify WCTC trainers and field trainers along with one back-up trainer for each WCTC trainer Selection should be made such that the trainers can continue for the entire project period The WCTC trainers will impart training in departmental software & trouble shooting while the field trainers in departmental rules Circles/ Regions Selection of agency for soft-skills training Circles should select a training organization (e.g. a management institute) for training of soft-skills as per the criteria annexed Circles/ Regions Selection of retired persons for training delivery staff Issue a call for volunteers (e.g. using ads, past contacts etc.) Form a selection committee comprising of DPS & Director, PTC along with personnel from local training institute Select people to conduct training Trainers can be reimbursed @ Rs. 200/75 mins. & TA/DA as admissible Circles/ Regions Training/ preparation of trainers Organize one week training by PTC to train WCTC trainers Give relevant training material to all the trainers, including external agency Circles/ Regions BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 91 91 91
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (4/4) HR BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (4/4) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Training Programmes Departmental software & troubleshooting Circles/ Regions Make necessary arrangement for logistics for the training programme Remind all participants about the details of the training If required, do a dry run of the training with the trainers Conduct the training & gather feedback Details of training location, duration & participants are available in specifications section Soft skills Circles/ Regions Delivery staff Circles/ Regions Ensure on-time reimbursement for trainers Circles/ Regions Instruct the divisional heads to ensure settlement of reimbursements (e.g. travelling bills) of trainers on-time for smooth training operations Divisional heads should monitor and either settle claims or inform the decision to regional heads Rewarding High Performance Identify and reward high performing post offices Circles/ Regions Obtain a copy of the external audit report of post office in the region/ circle Award post office staff according to award specifications as detailed in the specifications Identify high performing people and award recharge cards Circles/ Regions Decide on an award package depending on available budget and number of trainers (e.g., postmasters, system administrators, field trainers etc.) Award trainers as per the decided package BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 92 92 92
TIMELINES (1/2) HR Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Launch+ Awareness programs and workshops 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Awareness programmes and workshops 2. Awareness for divisional heads and postmasters 3. Awareness for post office staff Fill up staff gaps 4. Fill up vacancies in staff 5. Complete posting of staff in post offices Preparation for training programs 6. Create database for training 7. Prepare action plan for training 8. Monitor implementation of training plan 93
TIMELINES (2/2) HR Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Launch+ Identification and preparation of trainers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9. Selection of WCTC trainers 10. Selection of agency for soft-skills training 11. Selection of retired persons for training delivery staff 12. Training/preparation of trainers Training Programs 13. Training for departmental software & troubleshooting 14. Training for soft-skills 15. Training for delivery staff 16. On-time reimbursement for trainers Rewarding High Performance 17. Identify and reward high performing post offices 18. Award recharge cards to trainers 94
SPECIFICATIONS FOR AWARDS HR SPECIFICATIONS FOR AWARDS Award Details Reward high performing post office 1st Prize One week foreign training to PM, PA, Postmen, System Administrator and Field Trainer 2nd and 3rd Prize Cash awards for the entire staff of the Post Office Basis for selection of the high performing post office Please refer to criteria for excelling in each Core Area which is available with the change agents and also on the India Post website for download 95
SPECIFICATIONS – TRAINING PACKAGES HR BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – TRAINING PACKAGES Training Details Departmental software Troubleshooting Duration 12 days 2 days Location WCTC PTC Who will be trained Postal assistants PMs/Supervisors System administrators Two PAs from each post office Soft skills Duration 3-4 days 6 days Location On site PSCI/PTC Who will be trained Postal assistants Delivery staff PMs of gazetted offices/Other PMs Training for delivery staff Duration 6 sessions (75 minutes each) 6 days Location On site WCTC/Local computer training centre Who will be trained Delivery staff 96 96
ORGANIZATION HR Key Activities Responsible Authorises Supports Consulted Awareness programs and workshops PSCI/Circle Not Applicable Circle Not Applicable Filling up of HR gaps Division Circle Circle Directorate Pre-Operative Conduct training programmes PSCI, PTC, WCTC Region PTC Directorate Reward high performance (Recharge cards) Directorate/ Circle/ Division Circle for recharge cards Circle Directorate Reward high performance (Rewards to high performing post offices) Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate Post- Operative 97 97
LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 LOOK & FEEL AREA COMPONENTS Key focus area Ensure consistent brand image for India Post through uniform and exhaustive use of brand logos and signage's across all post offices Branding Identify and implement technology components required in Project Arrow post office – such as WAN, internet kiosk etc. Technology Project Arrow Infrastructure area compo-nents in focus Identify training requirements for post office staff to sensitize them to Project Arrow requirements. Implement training modules Human Resource Identify and complete all infrastructure requirements in post offices to change post office “look & feel” to Project Arrow standard Infra-structure 98 98
OVERVIEW Infrastructure Activities Implementation Details Timelines BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 OVERVIEW Infrastructure Major infrastructure activities along with associated steps to be taken Activities Right infrastructure is essential to give a uniform look-and-feel to post offices and facilitate smooth operations. The aspiration for India Post is to standardize all required infrastructure across all post offices in India. Key components include standard exterior and interior looks, required fixtures and furniture. This document lists steps to be taken and timelines and also set of specifications Postmasters/ superintendents should undertake these activities in their post offices Implementation Details Details out each step to be taken Timelines Recommended timelines and milestones Specifications List of specifications of internal and external items Organisation Specifies responsibilities for various activities BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 99 99 99
ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ACTIVITIES AND STEPS TO BE TAKEN Activities Steps to be taken Step No. Define post office requirements Set up a local team Ensure timely development/ procurement process Quality check Installation Maintenance Become familiar with this document to understand requirements Collect field data, analyze gaps and finalize scope of work Prepare specifications of required work & items needed Allocate people to carry out the required work Consolidate requirements and prepare & submit estimates Observe prescribed financial procedures Take necessary approvals Place orders with approved vendors/contractors Check quality of samples from vendor/perform inbound quality check Check alignment with branding silo for consistency Define a plan for installation, including alternate working space arrangements Monitor installation and ensure completion of all work before launch date Define maintenance plan/review frequency Maintain/replace infrastructure as required 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pre-Operative Post- Operative BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 100 100 100 100 100
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/3) Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (1/3) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Define post office requirements Become familiar with this document to understand requirements Go through the list of post office infrastructure requirements with detailed specifications (colour schemes, numbers, object details etc.) which is included in the specifications section of this document All existing infrastructure to be replaced/repaired to conform with the specifications and any gaps to be filled by fresh installation/ purchase Division Head Collect field data, analyze gaps and finalize scope of work Identify the category of post office. A post office categorization includes type – GPO, HPO, MDG, SO Define what infrastructure requirements would apply to the post office given the post office type & its traffic volume Determine the gaps in the required infrastructure vis-à-vis the current state of infrastructure Consult other Project Arrow post offices to understand type of infrastructure Division Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 101 101 101
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/3) Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (2/3) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Set up a local team Prepare specifications of required works & items needed Determine what items need to be purchased and what can be repaired Then, determine which work can be done within the post office and which ones need to be outsourced (e.g., some painting could be done internally) Submit list to regional/circle office to decide procurement at region/circle level Based on this, develop a list of work required at post office/region/circle level Division Head Allocate people to carry out the required work Based on the list of work required, allocate team members and the time they will spend on doing this work Clarify roles and expectations to the team Develop an implementation timeline (Gantt chart) with milestones Get commitment from team members on implementation timelines Division Head Ensure timely development/ procurement Consolidate requirements & observe standard procedures for procurement/ contractor selection Consolidate the requirements for civil/electrical works & furniture/fixture works separately Decide on the tendering process for each activity Use circle knowledge and experience (from Project Arrow Phase I, II) Observe financial procedures for procurement with clear terms and conditions Conduct pre-tender assessment of vendors’/contractors’ capabilities Circle Head Take approvals and place orders with approved vendors/ contractors Get approvals for the tender/quotation rates In the work orders, clearly list activities & items to be sourced from vendors, service level required and terms and conditions Issue work orders with clear defined time-lines and specifications of the activities & items to be provided with provision for pre-delivery quality check Circle Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 111 102 102
IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/3) Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS (3/3) Activities Steps to be taken Details Who Check quality of samples from vendor/perform inbound quality check Define a time period with selected supplier to review samples Define what is acceptable quality & failure conditions for each piece of infrastructure Ensure samples provided by the supplier meet the acceptable quality threshold/conduct site visits if required Circle Head Quality Check Check alignment with branding by validating with Circle/Directorate Officers If required, validate samples with Directorate to ensure that the design, colour & quality of all infrastructure is in line with branding requirements Circle Head Define a plan for the required works to be done, including alternate working space arrangements Agree with vendor on timeline for completion of various parts of the total work Define time before launch when the infrastructure will be installed Ensure work plan is synchronized with other “look & feel” areas such as branding etc. Define alternate working arrangements for post office operations for the time period of civil activities Circle Head Infrastructure works/ Installation Monitor progress and ensure completion of all work before launch date Monitor progress of works and ensure smooth implementation Closely monitor for issues/contingencies – develop alternate plans to ensure completion of all activities before the launch date Circle Head Define maintenance plan/ review frequency Define the cleaning/maintenance process for various areas & items Identify a person for cleaning on a daily basis and for electrical maintenance Incorporate the task allotted in the duty chart of the person(s) identified Obtain commitment from person(s) identified Maintain a log sheet where all responsible person(s) will record maintenance/ cleaning activities Division Head Maintenance Maintain/repair infrastructure as required Monitor post office infrastructure for cleanliness, proper functioning of electrical appliances etc on weekly basis Discuss with staff on the process of maintenance and keep evolving better procedures Division Head BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 103 103 103
TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (1/2) Infrastructure TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (1/2) Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Define post office requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Become familiar with this document to understand requirements 2. Collect field data, analyze gaps and finalize scope of work Set up a local team 3. Prepare specifications of required work & items needed 4. Review available capacity of resources and define team Ensure timely development/procurement process 5. Consolidate requirements & prepare and submit estimates 6. Observe standard procedures required for tendering 7. Take necessary approvals 8. Place orders with approved vendors / contractors 104
TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (2/2) Infrastructure TIMELINES AND MILESTONES (2/2) Pre-operative Post- operative Weeks Quality Check 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9. Check quality of samples from vendor/ perform inbound quality check 10. Check alignment with branding silo for consistency Infrastructure works/Installation 11. Define a plan for the required works to be done, including alternate working space arrangements 12. Monitor progress and ensure completion of all work before launch date Maintenance 13. Define maintenance plan/review frequency 14. Maintain/repair infrastructure as required 105
Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS The following parameters need to be standardized for post offices Objects Exterior Colour scheme for walls Colour scheme for walls and floor Display Information boards & signage Infrastructure Interior Customer service counters Furniture Customer writing ledges Storage cupboards Customer waiting benches Accessories Counter staff chairs Hall and counter lights BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 106 106 106
SPECIFICATIONS – COLOUR SCHEME FOR EXTERIORS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – COLOUR SCHEME FOR EXTERIORS Name Name Example Exterior Colour scheme is white background with red coloured highlighted edges The white coloured building stands out in any surroundings and red colour gives it an identity associated with Post office since time immemorial This will give a corporate identity to post office and will enhance its corporate image Colour scheme Walls Wall highlights – edges Windows and doors Walls Wall highlights - edges Windows and doors BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 107 107 107 107
SPECIFICATIONS – COLOUR SCHEME FOR INTERIORS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – COLOUR SCHEME FOR INTERIORS Name Name Example Interior Inner walls of the post office are white to reflect the light and to make the public space look bigger than what it is. Floor is suede coloured to match the walls. The wall facing writing ledge is coloured yellow to provide a bright spot on otherwise all white back- ground and will protect the wall from getting spoilt by gum, ink etc. Colour scheme Walls Floors Wall facing the writing ledge Counters Benches and chairs WALLS FLOORS Wall facing the writing ledge Counters Benches/ Chairs 108 108 108 108 108 108
SPECIFICATIONS – FLOOR / WALL FACING THE WRITING LEDGE Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – FLOOR / WALL FACING THE WRITING LEDGE Name Name Example Interior The wall facing writing ledge is coloured yellow to provide a bright spot on otherwise all white background and will protect the wall from getting spoilt by gum, ink etc. Floor Wall facing the writing ledge 109 109 109 109 109 109
SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTERS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTERS Name Name Example Interior Counters are coloured red and steel grey. This is to provide brightness in otherwise white interiors. Red is also the post office colour Chairs are grey in colour so that they match with the counters and the flooring Furniture Customer service counter 110 110 110 110 110 110
SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTERS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTERS Name Name Example Interior counters are designed ergonomically keeping the work of counter operations in mind Lights are provided on the top to give enough lighting at the working space Front of the counter has an elevation to provide some space to the customer for keeping his bag, papers etc. while waiting Furniture Customer service counter 19 mm block board finished with combination of PO red shade lamination and steel shade lamination Front view Rear view 111 111 111 111 111 111
SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTERS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTERS Name Name Example Interior branding signage on the top of the counter has provision for lighting and also a provision for counter display board Furniture Customer service counter 19 mm block board finished with combination of PO red shade lamination and steel shade lamination View – multiple counters 112 112 112 112 112 112
SPECIFICATIONS – CUSTOMER WRITING LEDGE Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – CUSTOMER WRITING LEDGE Name Name Example Interior The writing ledge is red and steel grey in colour. It has shelves for keeping forms The writing ledge also has a wastepaper basket attached to it Customers can use it for throwing the wasted paper and other material Furniture Customer writing ledge 19 mm block board finished with combination of PO red shade lamination and steel shade lamination View 113 113 113 113 113 113
SPECIFICATIONS – STORAGE CUPBOARDS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – STORAGE CUPBOARDS Name Name Example Interior Cupboards behind the counter for keeping records are coloured red and steel grey. The cupboards are lined behind the counter and will be in front of white coloured walls. They will match with counters in front of them and will brighten the otherwise white back-ground Furniture Storage cupboards 19 mm block board finished with combination of PO red shade lamination and steel shade lamination 114 114 114 114 114 114
SPECIFICATIONS – VISITOR BENCH Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – VISITOR BENCH Name Name Example Accessories Benches are made of steel and are steel grey in colour. The steel provides strength and longevity to bench. Steel grey colour matches with floor as well as with the counters Furniture Visitor bench 115 115 115 115 115 115
SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTER STAFF CHAIRS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – COUNTER STAFF CHAIRS Name Name Example Accessories Chairs are grey in colour so that they match with the counters and the flooring. They are comfortable and ergonomically designed Furniture Counter staff chairs 116 116 116 116 116 116
SPECIFICATIONS – HALL AND COUNTER LIGHTS Infrastructure BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 SPECIFICATIONS – HALL AND COUNTER LIGHTS Name Name Example Accessories Bright white fibre lights to provide appropriate lighting in the public hall and on the counters Lighting Hall and counter lights 117 117 117 117 117 117
ORGANISATION Infrastructure 118 118 118 Activities Responsible MUM-YSM011(Final)-20080717-(KM)(df) BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 ORGANISATION Activities Responsible Authorises Supports Consulted Define post office requirements Civil / Electrical / Postal Division RO / Civil / Electrical Division CO / SE (Civil / Electrical) Office CO / CE Office Set up local teams Divisions Divisions Region / Circle Circle Define procurement processes Civil / Electrical Division Civil / Electrical Division CO / SE / Civil / Electrical Division Circle Pre-Operative Quality Check Civil / Electrical Division Civil / Electrical Division CO / SE / Civil / Electrical Division Circle Ensure timely deployments Civil / Electrical Division Civil / Electrical Division CO / SE / Civil / Electrical Division Circle Maintenance Divisions Division / Region Region / Circle Circle Post - Operative 118 118 118
CONTENTS Agenda Item Pg no. Objectives and structure of Project Arrow BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 CONTENTS Agenda Item Pg no. Objectives and structure of Project Arrow 2 Blue Book objectives & guidelines 7 Blue Book by Silo – Core operations 13 Blue Book by Silo – Look & feel 66 Project monitoring 128 119 119
BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 FOR PERFORMANCE MONITORING, AN AUTOMATED REPORTING MECHANISM HAS BEEN PUT IN PLACE AT INDIA POST Aligned with strategic objectives Linked to priorities and scope of organization / department Structured approach to choose selected areas and KPIs based on overall corporate strategy Focused number to direct employee priorities Focused on driving performance improvement Internal and external benchmarks selected to stretch performance Variances clearly highlighted and tracked Metrics and targets created with employee input to ensure buy-in Designed to provide snapshot of performance Layout designed to facilitate quick assessment of performance along a number of dimensions Use of visual clues (e.g., colours, graphics) to guide user Ability for user to quickly drill down Integrated into larger performance management framework Post-office level KPIs along with aggregation at every level to ensure integration with directorate-level framework Input to regularly scheduled performance dialogues 120 120
60% BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 DATA FROM POST OFFICE DATA BASE AND WEB-ENTERED DATA WILL BE USED TO CREATE A KPI-BASED PERFORMANCE DASHBOARD 2 Data extracted from PO databases – verifiable data Example Data Number of Regd articles received Number of Regd articles not delivered Age of MO not delivered Number of Regd articles mis-sorted Number of banking transactions 1 Data Repository Meghdoot 100% = all data required for KPIs Sanchay Post Operational dashboard reports Reporting Engine 40% 100% 3 Data manually entered through web based system 60% Example Data Number of Ord articles received Number of Ord articles not delivered Time of mail arrival Customer satisfaction score Staff satisfaction score Average waiting time Data repository would store data collected from individual PO Online web-based tool 121 121
KPIs WOULD BE TRACKED ON A WEEKLY BASIS AT A NATIONAL LEVEL BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 KPIs WOULD BE TRACKED ON A WEEKLY BASIS AT A NATIONAL LEVEL KPI below tolerance KPI within tolerance ILLUSTRATIVE KPI DASHBOARD – National roll up1 (Week ending Dec 13) Units Tolerance Last Week This Week Status KPI Mail & MO delivery Per cent mail not sent for delivery (Ord) Per cent mail not sent for delivery (Regd) Per cent mail not sent for delivery (Speed) Per cent mail not delivered same day (Ord) Per cent mail not delivered same day (Regd) Per cent mail not delivered same day (Speed) Per cent MO delivered same day Beat Deviation Time Per cent Minutes 0.00% 5.00% 3.00% 95% 30 0.00% 0.01% 5.67% 2.41% 97.0% 12 0.16% 0.46% 0.39% 0.01% 5.02% 3.04% 95.0% 8 KPI Office Service Level Average wait time Customer satisfaction score on quality of customer interface (out of 10) Customer satisfaction score on ambience and support system (out of 10) Staff satisfaction score (out of 10) Per cent transactions that exceed time Per cent compliance by postmaster on the prescribed daily check list Minutes Number Per cent 15 8 10% 95% 3.4 9.7 9.8 9.9 0.1% 100.0% 3.4 9.7 9.8 9.9 0.1% 100.0% 1: National roll up is average of all Phase I PO performance 122 122
BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 TREND LINE CAN ALSO BE DRAWN TO SEE IMPROVEMENT OR DECLINE IN PERFORMANCE Trend for KPI from Aug 22 to Dec 13 in weekly buckets1 ILLUSTRATIVE % Ordinary mail delivered % Registered mail delivered Ordinary mail target Registered mail delivered target Ordinary mail actual Registered mail delivered actual 97 94 95 26-Dec 19-Dec 12-Dec 5-Dec 28-Nov 21-Nov 14-Nov 7-Nov 31-Oct 24-Oct 17-Oct 10-Oct 3-Oct 26-Sep 19-Sep 12-Sep 5-Sep 29-Aug 22-Aug 26-Dec 19-Dec 12-Dec 5-Dec 28-Nov 21-Nov 14-Nov 7-Nov 31-Oct 24-Oct 17-Oct 10-Oct 3-Oct 26-Sep 19-Sep 12-Sep 5-Sep 29-Aug 22-Aug % Speed Post mail delivered % MO delivered Speed Post mail delivered target MO delivered target Speed Post mail delivered actual MO delivered actual 96 97 97 94 94 95 95 97 97 94 26-Dec 19-Dec 12-Dec 5-Dec 28-Nov 21-Nov 14-Nov 7-Nov 31-Oct 24-Oct 17-Oct 10-Oct 3-Oct 26-Sep 19-Sep 12-Sep 5-Sep 29-Aug 22-Aug 26-Dec 19-Dec 12-Dec 5-Dec 28-Nov 21-Nov 14-Nov 7-Nov 31-Oct 24-Oct 17-Oct 10-Oct 3-Oct 26-Sep 19-Sep 12-Sep 5-Sep 29-Aug 22-Aug 1: Calculated based on reported days in the week (sometimes less than six) 123 123
BVA-040216-507-20080509-GE1-v6 NATIONAL LEVEL KPIS WOULD BE BROKEN INTO CIRCLE- WISE AND EVEN POST OFFICE-WISE PERFORMANCE REPORT ILLUSTRATIVE KPI below tolerance KPI Dashboard – Circle roll up1 (Week ending Dec 13) Maharas-htra Tamil Nadu Uttara-khand Units Tolerance AP Jharkhand MP NE Orissa Rajasthan UP KPI Mail & MO delivery Per cent mail not sent for delivery (Ord) Per cent mail not sent for delivery (Regd) Per cent mail not sent for delivery (Speed) Per cent mail not delivered same day (Ord) Per cent mail not delivered same day (Regd) Per cent mail not delivered same day (Speed) Per cent MO delivered same day Beat Deviation Time Per cent Minutes 0.0% 5.0% 3.0% 95% 30 0.0% 1.8% 0.3% 96.0% 5.8 0.0% 0.1% 1.6% 1.5% 99.7% 5.8 0.0% 0.6% 0.5% 10.5% 8.7% 86.3.2% 23.7 0.3% 0.7% 0.5% 0.0% 9.3% 6.0% 92.0% 3.7 0.0% 5.6% 100.0% 17.5 0.0% 7.8% 4.0% 93.3% 5.3 1.2% 3.1% 2.8% 0.0% 4.5% 1.9% 98.7% 12.2 0.0% 5.0% 1.1% 98.8% 2.2 0.0% 98.2% 8.3 0.0% 4.8% 2.5% 89.7% 6.7 KPI Office Service Level Average wait time Customer satisfaction score on quality of customer interface (out of 10) Customer satisfaction score on ambience and support system (out of 10) Staff satisfaction score (out of 10) Per cent transactions that exceed time Per cent compliance by postmaster on the prescribed daily check list Minutes Number Per cent 15 8 10% 95% 1.80 10.0 0.0 100% 2.00 6.8 7.0 7.3 0.0 75% 3.17 8.2 8.3 0.0 83% 2.20 7.4 7.6 0.0 80% 0.00 9.0 9.5 0.0 100% 15.20 8.0 0.0 80% 0.80 10.0 9.8 0.0 100% 1.11 9.8 10.0 0.0 100% 2.40 9.8 10.0 0.0 100% 1.5 7.3 0.0 75% 1: Circle roll up is average of PO performance in the Circle 124 124