Let Your Light Shine Before Others
IJ Mission The mission of an Infant Jesus Convent is the creation of a Christ-centred school community where all work together for the promotion of truth, justice, freedom and love, with special reference to the needs of persons who are disadvantaged in any way. Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Curriculum leaders & reflective practitioners A nurturing & collegial environment Partners in learning Strong and cohesive leaders All pupils possess talents & will experience success E ngaged & Empowered Learners E ffective Leaders E loquent indiv with strong E thics Moral Character Values- driven Performance Character Value- adding
LIFE 4 E ngaged & Empowered Learners E ffective Leaders E loquent Individuals with strong E thics FREEDOM LOVE God-Fearing Maximising Potential Gracious & Healthy Lifestyle INTEGRITY Truth Justice Sec 1 Registration 23 Dec 2010 Our School Values
Love 1)I love God by remembering to love unconditionally. 2)I love my country by singing the national anthem, saying the pledge and respecting racial and religious differences. 3)I love my school by upholding the school’s image, taking care of school’s property and keeping it clean and obeying school rules 4)I love my teachers by paying attention in class and handing in work on time 5)I love my parents by honouring them in word and deed. 6)I love my friends by showing them care and concern, accepting them for who they are and praying for all (including those I do not like) 7)I love myself by keeping myself fit and healthy, not doing anything that will hurt myself and dressing sensibly so as to prevent unwanted attention Integrity 1)I will do the right thing even if I may have to suffer the consequences or be unpopular among friends 2)I will admit my mistakes and not push the blame to others 3)I will have the moral courage to speak up when I see that something is wrong 4)I will not check my phone or eat in class even when no one is watching 5)I will complete my homework on my own and hand it in punctually Freedom 1)I will not take advantage of the freedom given to me by my parents or teachers 2)I have the right to ask others to maintain our school values and image. 3)I will exercise my freedom of choice wisely and take responsibility for any consequences 4)My friends have the freedom to air their opinions and I will respect their points of view. 5)I have the freedom to ask my teachers appropriate questions or to voice my doubts in class by students for students Unpacking.. by students for students
Sec 1 PTM 18 Jan 2008Sec 1 Registration 23 Dec 2010 All Pupils Possess Talents and will Experience Success Quality Relationships between Teachers and Girls Our Caring Teachers
Period of Transition Orientation week & camp Ease the girls’ transition 4 subjects to 8 subjects Reduce examinable subjects 2 FTs, 2 FTSC, 1 PTSC & 1 AED/LBS Parents as Partners Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Our Beliefs Our Expectations Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
A C E Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
We Believe in our Girls We believe our girls have potential and talents We want our girls to experience success We want our girls to be values-driven, to have the mindset of excellence Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Develop articulate and confident pupils who are women of integrity Ability-driven and talent-development approach, grounded in values Creation of opportunities for pupils to pursue excellence and experience success Data-driven culture Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Differentiation in curriculum & instruction – way of thinking, beliefs and attitudes Teachers are curriculum leaders and reflective practitioners (lesson study / action research) Quality of teacher-pupil, teacher- teacher relationships is key Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Love Integrity Freedom LIFE 4 ! Orientation Week Camp Spirito! Team Work in Action! Bonding Time
Love Integrity Freedom LIFE 4 ! Orientation Week The IJ Trail The Sengkang Trail
Love Integrity Freedom LIFE 4 ! Orientation Week Campfire Overcoming Obstacles through teamwork!
Love Integrity Freedom LIFE 4 ! Orientation Week and Our Leaders 2013 Sec 1 Camp LTC Leaders
2012 GCE ‘O’ Level Examination Results All Pupils Possess Talents and will Experience Success Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
As 8 or more 7 or more 6 or more 5 or more No. of girls * 2012 GCE O Level Exam Our Girls Have Excelled * Includes 1 from Sec5NA
Year *L1B5 Sec 4 Express GCE O Level Exam Our Girls Have Excelled * L1B5 : EL & best 5 subjects, the lower the aggregate the better
Year *L1B4 Sec 5 NA GCE O Level Exam Our Girls Have Excelled * L1B4 : EL & best 4 subjects, the lower the aggregate the better
Eligibility for JCs / Polytechnics 2012 GCE O Level Exam LevelJCPoly 4Exp 81.9% (78.4) 97.9% (97.9) 5NA 19.2% (11.3) 76.7% (61.3)
Subject Distinction (%) SJCNational English Literature(E) Chinese Tamil Higher Tamil Higher Hindi Express: Subjects that performed better than National Distinctions 2012 GCE O Level Exam
Subject Distinction (%) SJCNational A Math Math Biology Science (P/C) Science (B/C) Art GCE O Level Exam 4 Express: Subjects that performed better than National Distinctions
Subject Distinction (%) English Higher Chinese Higher Tamil Chinese Tamil Literature(E) CH(SS+G) Express: Subjects with improved distinctions 2012 GCE O Level Exam
Subject Distinction (%) A Math Math Biology Chemistry Physics Art Hindi Express: Subjects with improved distinctions 2012 GCE O Level Exam
Subject Distinction (%) SJCNational English Literature(E) Math Chinese Science (P/C) Science (B/C) Tamil GCE O Level Exam 5 Normal Academic: Subjects that performed better than National Distinctions
Subject Distinction (%) English Math Chinese Malay Tamil Literature(E) GCE O Level Exam 5 Normal Academic: Subjects with improved distinctions
Subject Distinction (%) Science (C/B) Science (P/C) Art GCE O Level Exam 5 Normal Academic: Subjects with improved distinctions
Pupil Academic Profile Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
English Language and Literature Focus for Sec 1s and 2s: to build a strong foundation in grammar and oracy skills Alignment of NA to Express curriculum to stretch our NA pupils Use of UbD to design lessons to develop communication skills suitable for today’s world Use of ICT to develop 21 st Century Skills Exposure to critical & inventive thinking during lessons through discussions of current affairs & social issues Love Integrity Freedom LIFE 4 ! Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Humanities New subjects for Sec 1 Focus: Engagement of students in the learning of Humanities & helping them gain confidence in the subjects Strategy: Use of research projects, ICT tools and fieldtrips, which help to promote SDL and CoL (C2015) Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Humanities Customisation of Humanities syllabi to meet students’ needs by: S treamlining and cascading of History & Geography syllabi and skills to lower sec Rationale: - better alignment to upper sec syllabi - better prepare students for GCE ‘N’/ ‘O’ - use of UbD to redesign curriculum - exposure to field work & inquiry-based learning Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Mother Tongue Languages New curriculum with emphasis on –Listening & Oral skills presentation –Critical & inventive thinking skills Use of ICT –Use of Facebook to assess oracy skills(Sec 1) –Use of iMTL platform to support learning Refine Baseline Resources Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Mathematics Curriculum New syllabus effective 2013 Applications & Modelling allow students to connect mathematics that they have learnt to the real world, enhance understanding of key mathematical concepts & methods Alignment of topics & giving emphasis to Algebra, especially during tests & exams Enhanced Baseline Resource Packages with DI approach Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Mathematics Use of ICT E-learning platform that encourages independent learning Online learning packages & assessment modules for students to learn at their own pace, 24/7 Multi-disciplinary Project Work (MPW) in collaboration with Art & D&T self-directed learners with critical & inventive thinking skills Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Lower Sec Specialised Science Purpose Subject Specialisation according to teacher’s strengths Strengthening the links between Lower Sec & Upper Sec Demands of GCE O Level Exam Stretching the potential & imagination of pupils Broad Schedule Chemistry (4 periods per week): Throughout both years Physics (5 periods per week): Sec 1 Semester 1, Sec 2 Semester 2 Biology (5 periods per week): Sec 1 Semester 2, Sec 2 Semester 1 Slightly more lesson hours for Chem as pupils have the least exposure to Chem in Pri Schs. Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Science: Curriculum Principles How Girls Learn Science Enthusiasm Positive emotions to excite girls’ interest Participation & Collaboration Girls learn Science better when they can play an active role in lesson actives, and communicate their thoughts with their peers. Clarity & Structure Guidance from the teacher on how concepts unfold (UbD) Enhanced design of notes & worksheets Building from research findings & improvements in results Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) for Project Work Love Integrity Freedom LIFE 4 ! Environment and CSI in Science
Design & Technology Home Economics Sec 1: Design & Tech Sec 2: Home Econs Syllabus completed in 1 year Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Design & Technology Semester 1: Focus on Technical Skills CT1 : Coursework (Handphone Holder) CT2: Topical Tests & Assignments SA1 : Coursework (Steady Hand) No SA1 Written Mid Year Exam Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Design & Technology Semester 2: Focus on Design Process CT3: SCAMPER & Google Sketchup CT4: MPW SA2: Design Folio & Coursework (Mobile Toy) No SA2 Written Year End Exam Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Strong Correlation between Artistic Endeavour and Cognitive Abilities Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Sec 1 Aesthetics Programme Weekly Dance and Music lessons Semester 1: Weekly Dance and Music lessons Assessment: a)Basic music literacy and Introduction to Jazz Dance b)Journal reflections Weekly Communication Skills lessons anchored in current affairs discussions Semester 2: Weekly Communication Skills lessons anchored in current affairs discussionsAssessment: a) Presenting and writing speeches Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Character & Citizenship Education A structured and progressive customised curriculum based on Needs Analysis & the focus on strengthening pupil-teacher relationships ˚ feedback – Self, Peer, Parent, Teachers 2. Values in Action (VIA) 3. Values Education (CME, RE, CHOICES) 4. National Education 5. Sexuality Education 6. Leadership 7. Career Guidance 8. Financial Literacy 9. Cyberwellness Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Continual Assessment (CA) Semestral Assessment (SA) Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
CA & SA Schedule: in Students’ Planner AssessmentTypeLevelTime Frame Common Test 1Written TestsSec 1–4/5Term 1 Wk 8 Common Test 2Portfolio AssessmentSec 1–3Term 1 Wk 3 to Term 2 Wk 3 Semestral Assessment 1 Written Tests/Orals/ Practical Sec 1–4/5Term 2 Wk 6-8 Common Test 3Written TestsSec 1–3Term 3 Wk 6-7 Common Test 4Portfolio AssessmentSec 1–3Term 2 Wk 4 to Term 3 Wk 7 GCE ‘N’ Prelim Examinations Prelim ExaminationsSec 4NT/4NATerm 3 Wk 5-7 GCE ‘O’ Prelim Examinations Prelim Examinations (include Practical) Sec 4Exp– Sec 5NA Term 3 Wk 5-8 Semestral Assessment 2 Written Tests/Orals/ Practical Sec 1–3Term 4 Wk 2-4
CT2 & 4 - Portfolio Assessments Topical Tests Open book Tests E-Quiz Oral Presentations Journal Writing (e.g. in English) Problem Solving (e.g. in Math & Physics) Research Assignments Project Works (MPW for Sec 1&2; MT) Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
WEIGHTING FOR CA & SA Course SEMESTER 1SEMESTER 2 TOTAL CA1 SA1 CA2 SA2 CT1 + CT2CT3 + CT4 Express 15 %25 %15 %45 %100 % N(A) 15 %25 %15 %45 %100 % N(T) 20 % 25 %35 %100 %
Absence During Tests & Exams Call up the school & inform Form Teacher (FT) Submit the Medical Certificate (MC) to the FT upon her return to school Note: For absence without Medical Certificate, a ‘Zero’ (0) will be given for the papers missed (as is the practice for national exams) There will be no makeup for the papers missed Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
S1 Express: Pass in EL & Pass % in the ave for all subjects S1 Normal Academic: Pass in EL & 2 other subjects OR Pass in 4 subjects S1 Normal Technical: Pass in 2 subjects one of which must be EL or Math Promotion Criteria Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Grade Equivalence “O” Level“N” Level A1, A2, B31 B4, C5, C62 D7, E83 F94 Equivalence between N & O Levels
LATERAL TRANSFERS 1 N(T)1 N(A) 1 Exp1 N(A) > 70% in the average for all subjects & deemed able to cope Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
We have a Wide Range of CCAs
Our Areas of Focus for CCA Student- centric Values Driven STUDENT LEADERSHIP Social Emotional Learning [SEL] V alues I n A ction 6 – 7 hrs of volunteer service within CCA per year Core CCA Programmes Talent & skills development Enrichment Programme Sch representation Camps & overseas learning journeys Developing competencies of Activities
Co-Curricular Activity Each student must participate in one CCA CCA attendance must be regular (at least 75%) Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
CCA Grading LEAPS - L eadership E nrichment A chievement P articipation S ervice Marks accumulated over 4/5 yrs but CCA attendance of 75% must be maintained every year Reflected in School Graduation Certificate Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
CCA Choices Online Application From 25 Jan to 2 Feb choices Can apply using computers in the school library Details & instructions given through students after CCA Experience Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
School Rules & Expectations To develop disciplined behavior Details are in Students’ Planner Appreciate parents’ support –tattoos are not allowed –dyed/ tinted hair is not allowed –Handphones can only be used after school & in designated areas –Latecomers need to serve detention Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
60 Road Safety & Security Road Safety –Parents are to drop their children outside the school after the school gate and girls walk along the zebra pathway –Parents may drop children within the school in the event of rain –Speed limit within school premise is 15 km Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
61 Parents to drop off their girls after the school gate, near the overhead bridge Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
62 Girls to walk along the zebra pathway to the school foyer. Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
Let your light shine before others The gift of the candle