MY TRIP TO ROMANIA On my way there I saw the land and drew it as a map.
Flag After I got of the plane I saw a flag.
history I learned that the complete freedom from the Turkish rule was taken through the independence war in 1877.
econemy Did you know the natural resources are iron timber. The products they export are texiles, metals, machenery, consumar goods, foods, and fuels. The famous products are texiles, metals, machenery, consumar goods, foods, and fuels. They are part of the European Union. There form of currency is Leu.
Government I learnd the type of government they use is democracy. The head of the government is prime minister the man/woman is Traian Basecu.
culture There religion is greek catholic. The languages are a latian-based language. The food is beef, pork, lamb. The holidays are christmas, new years, and easter. The dance\art is musiums, arcistras, and therders. The sports are soccer, athletes, gymnastics. The Leisure activities are orcistras, and therders.
Geography The major landforms like forests mountains and deserts are The Carpatians which is a mounian range. Water landforms are the danube river, and the black sea. In July the weather is 77 degres farenhight (25 degres celcious) in January its 27 degres farinhit (—3 degres celsois)