Teaching Developmental Writing Seminar Vii
Technology: Etymology: Greek technologia systematic treatment of an art, from technē art, skill + -o- + -logia -logy Date: a: the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area: engineering; medical technologyengineeringtechnology b: a capability given by the practical application of knowledge: a car's fuel-saving technologycar's 2: a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge: new technologies for information storage technical 3: the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor: educational technology
Current Practices What types of technologies do you currently use in your developmental writing classrooms? What is your reasons for using these technologies? How effective are they?
Why use technology? Real world applications Value for teaching writing Low Threshold Applications (LTAs) A Low Threshold Application (LTA) is a teaching/learning application of information technology that is reliable, accessible, easy to learn, non-intimidating and (incrementally) inexpensive.
Low Threshold Applications Each LTA should have immediate, observable, positive consequences, and may also contribute to cumulative changes in teaching and/or learning practice (e.g., helping improve faculty-student contact). "... the potential user (teacher or learner) perceives an LTA as NOT challenging, not intimidating, not requiring a lot of additional work or new thinking. LTAs… are also 'low-threshold' in the sense of having low INCREMENTAL costs for purchase, training, support, and maintenance." - Steve Gilbert, President, TLT Group, in AAHESGIT-96
Technologies We Currently Use: Word Processing Online Resources Norton Field Guide To Writing Grammar Bytes School House Rock The Guide for Grammar and Writing Purdue Owl The Little Brown Handbook
Technologies We Currently Use: Course Management Systems Google Research Docs (collaboration) Forms Podcasts
Using Blackboard As a way to emphasize student responsibility Grades Course repository Communication tool
What’s new in Google Docs? Google Docs for Teachers = Google Templates Google Forms =87809
Podcasts: Create your own To record your lectures For student projects and recordings To teach or review difficult As a resource ITunes U
Games and Learning What can we learn from games and game theory to: help us better use technologies in the classroom? Help us teach more effectively in the classroom?
Teaching With Technology Resources Teaching Tips Index From Honolulu Community College Inquiry Based Learning PLAN: A Study-Reading Strategy Tools for Teaching With Technology Using PowerPoint to Teach Vocabulary and Higher Level Thinking
Teaching With Technology Resources Tips for Using Common Technology Tools in Teaching Using Google Docs to Teach 21st Century Skills Graphic Organizers Systems Learning Approach to Developing Online Activities
Teaching With Technology Resources UC Berkeley-Teaching Library Internet Workshops Purdue Online Writing Lab Universal Design Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology: Accommodations and Universal Design
Teaching With Technology Resources CITE: Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education SITE: Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
Free Technology Resources Everystockphoto.com offers a search engine that can be used t find free images on the web. Incometech has a collection of Creative Commons-licensed music iTunes U is a collection of audio and video content from higher education faculty around the world that can be freely used for educational purposes. Khan Academy provides 800-plus YouTube tutorials covering math, science, and finance problems MERLOT is a peer-reviewed searchable collection of online learning materials
Free Technology Resources Search by Creative Commons provides a convenient way to access search engines that include CC-licensed materials Webcast Berkeley is a collection of podcasts and webcasts from the University of California-Berkeley Wikimedia Commons is a repository for public domain and freely licensed educational media such as images and sound and video clips YouTube EDU is a collection of videos and channels from higher education institutions MIT OpenCourseWare is a website that contains almost all content form Massachusetts Institute of Technology courses