314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme: Lectures: 3 Hours/Week Theory: 100 Marks OBJECTIVE: To understand the basic building blocks of programming Languages. To Learn and understand various programming paradigms.
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS UNIT - I Introduction: Role of programming languages, Need to study programming languages, Characteristics of Programming Languages, Programming language paradigms: Imperative, Object Oriented, Functional, Logic, Event Driven and Concurrent Programming, Language design issues, Language translation issues, Data Types: properties of Types and objects, Elementary data types, structured data types, Type conversion, Binding and binding times.
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS UNIT - I Introduction: Role of programming languages, Need to study programming languages, Characteristics of Programming Languages, Programming language paradigms: Imperative, Object Oriented, Functional, Logic, Event Driven and Concurrent Programming, Language design issues, Language translation issues, Data Types: properties of Types and objects, Elementary data types, structured data types, Type conversion, Binding and binding times.
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS UNIT – II Procedures: Sequence Control: Implicit and explicit sequence control, sequencing with arithmetic expressions, sequencing with Nonarithmetic expressions,sequence control between statements. Subprogram control: subprogram sequence control, attributes of data control, shared data in subprograms, different parameter passing methods, lifetime of variables, Storage management, Exceptions and exception handling. Desirable and undesirable characteristics of procedural programming. Case study of Pascal.
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS UNIT - III Object Oriented Programming: General characteristics for object based programming, Design Principles for object oriented programming, Implementing object oriented programming, desirable characteristics of object oriented programming. Object Oriented Programming in Java : Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, I/O, access specification, interfaces, packages, exception handling, multithreading, event handling. AWT: working with windows, Graphics, Text, using AWT controls,layout manager and menus. Comparative study of C++ and JAVA.
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS UNIT – IV Declarative Programming Paradigm: Logic programming language model, logical statements, Resolution, Unification, Search structures, Applications of Logic programming. Case study of Prolog. Applicative programming Paradigm: Lambda calculus: Ambiguity, free and bound identifiers, reductions, typed lambda calculus, principles of functional programming. Case study of LISP
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS UNIT – V Parallel Programming Paradigm : Classification of computer architectures, principles of parallel programming, precedence graph, data parallelism, control parallelism, message passing, shared address space, synchronization mechanisms, mapping, granularity, compilers, operating systems.
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS UNIT – VI Additional Programming Paradigms: Data flow programming design principles, Database programming design principles, Network programming design principles, Socket programming in JAVA, Internet programming design principles, windows programming.
314450: PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS Text Books: 1. Roosta Seyed, “Foundations of Programming Languages Design & Implementation”, 3rd Edition, Cenage learning. ISBN- 13: Pratt T.W., Zelkowitz “Programming Languages : Design and Implementation ”PHI, 2002, 3rd Edition.ISBN Reference Books: 1. Sebesta R. W., “Concepts of programming languages”, Pearson Education 2001,4 th edition.ISBN Sethi Ravi, “Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs” Pearson Education, ISBN: Herbert Schildt “ The Complete Reference Java2”, 5th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN-13:
Goals / Objectives To gain an understanding of the basic structure of programming languages: – Data types, control structures, naming conventions,... To learn the principles underlying all programming languages: – So that it is easier to learn new languages To study different language paradigms: – Functional (Scheme), Imperative (C), Object-Oriented (C++, Java), Logic (Prolog). – So that you can select an appropriate language for a task
What is a Programming Language? “A language intended for use by a person to express a process by which a computer can solve a problem” -Hope and Jipping “A set of conventions for communicating an algorithm” -E.Horowitz “ The art of programming is the art of organizing complexity” -Dijkstra, 1972
Design Criteria for PL Readable – comments, names, (…) syntax Simple to learn – Feature multiplicity E.g.:-Count=count+1, count+=1,count++. – Orthogonal - small number of concepts combine regularly and systematically (without exceptions). Portable – language standardization – Ease with which programs can be moved from one implementation to another Writability – How easily a language can be used to create programs for a chosen problem domain. Abstraction – control and data structures that hide detail Efficient
Why learn more than one PL? So you can choose the right language for a given problem – If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. So you can learn a new language more easily later – As your job changes, you may need to used different languages – As our understanding of programming improves, new languages are created To learn new ways of thinking about problems – Different languages encourage you to think about problems in different ways – “Paradigms”
What is a Paradigm? A way of looking at a problem and seeing a program – What kind of parts do you look for? Problem: Print a “large X” of size n. E.g., size 5 is X X X X X
Paradigms of Programming? There are several ways to think about computation: – a set of instructions to be executed – a set of expressions to be evaluated – a set of rules to be applied – a set of objects to be arranged – a set of messages to be sent and received
Some Programming Paradigms Procedural – examples: C, Pascal, Basic, Fortran Functional – examples: Lisp, ML Object-oriented – examples: C++, Java, Smalltalk Rule-based (or Logic) – example: Prolog
Why so many? Most important: the choice of paradigm (and therefore language) depends on how humans best think about the problem Other considerations: – efficiency – compatibility with existing code – availability of translators
Models of Computation RAM machine – procedural directed acyclic graphs – Smalltalk model of O-O partial recursive functions – Lisp and ML Markov algorithms – Prolog is loosely based on these
Lots of Languages There are many programming languages out there Lots of other PL-like objects – document languages, e.g. LaTeX, Postscript – command languages, e.g. bash, MATLAB – markup languages, e.g. HTML and XML – specification languages, e.g. UML
Issues for all Languages Can it be understood by people and processed by machines? – although translation may be required Sufficient expressive power? – can we say what needs to be said, at an appropriate level of abstraction?
Translation Compilation – Translate into instructions suitable for some other (lower level) machine – During execution, that machine maintains program state information Interpretation – May involve some translation – Interpreter maintains program state
Trade-offs Compilation – lower level machine may be faster, so programs run faster – compilation can be expensive – examples: C (and Java?) Interpretation – more ability to perform diagnostics (or changes) at run-time – examples: Basic, UNIX shells, Lisp