Building infrastructures for workplace health promotion in enlarging Europe Eliza Iwanowicz, Poland Theodor Haratau, Romania Reinhold Sochert, Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

Building infrastructures for workplace health promotion in enlarging Europe Eliza Iwanowicz, Poland Theodor Haratau, Romania Reinhold Sochert, Germany

2-level process of building infrastructures for WHP in enlarging Europe EUROPEAN LEVEL The process of ENWHP enlargement – 7 new NCOs in the Network NATIONAL LEVEL The process of building and/or strengthening infrastructures for WHP in AACs

STEP 1 – Identification of National Contact Offices of the EN WHP in new Member States of the European Union STEP 2 – Kick-off meetings STEP 3 – Round-table meetings

STEP 1 Identification of NCOs in 7AACs

Identified new NCOs in 7AACs CountryNational Contact OfficeContact Person Cyprus Department of Labour Inspection of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance Athanasiou Athansasios Estonia The Health Care Board at the Ministry of Social Affairs Uno Kiplok Latvia Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health at Riga Stradins University Ivars Vanadzins Lithuania National Centre for Health Promotion and Education Zenonas Javtokas Malta Health Promotion Department at the Ministry of Health Maryanne Massa So’ton Slovak Republic Faculty of Public Health at the Slovak Medical University Margareta Šulcová Slovenia Clinical Institute of Occupational, Traffic and Sports Medicine at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana Eva Stergar

STEP 2 Kick-off meetings in 7 AACs

The role of a kick-off meeting: An interview on WHP in the AAC - - a status-quo analysis Preparation for the future round-table meetings

Kick-off meetings took place in the following AACs: Slovak Republic/ Bratislava, 30th June 2005 Lithuania/ Vilinius, 15th July 2005 Slovenia/ Ljubljana, 29th August 2005 Estonia/ Tallinn, 30th September 2005

STEP 3 Round-table meetings in AACs

Round-table meetings: These were the national meetings of stakeholders responsible for workplace health in AACs Representatives of the following institutions/ organisations were the most often invited for these meetings: Ministries of: Health/ Social Affairs/ Welfare/ Labour/ Sport/ Education Universities Public Health Institutions Labour Inspectorate Occupational Medicine Institutes/ Centres/ Units Insurance Fund Various NGOs: employers’/ employees organisation Enterprises promoting employees’ health Media

The agenda of a round-table meeting PresentationSpeaker Welcome introductionHead of the NCO The concept of WHP and activities of the EN WHP Representative of the EN WHP Secretariat Review of the Dragon – fly ProjectRepresentative of the NIOM Exemplary experiences in co- operation with the EN WHP of the AAC Representative of the NIOM or the Romtens Foundation WHP Local Forum in Poland/ RomaniaRepresentative of the NIOM or the Romtens Foundation The status-quo with regard to WHP of a host AAC (based on the project questionnaire) with examples of actions in this field – system and practical solutions Representative of the the NCO Models of Good Practice in the field of WHP Representative of an enterprise SWOT analysis concerning WHP of a host AAC / discussion workshop resulting in the establishment of the national forum and co- operation with the ENWHP All participants

The round-table meeting in La Valetta/ Malta 2nd November 2005 the main organiser: Heath Promotion Department/ The Ministry of Health ENWHP representatives: NIOM/ Poland, BKK/ Germany & The Romtens Foundation/ Romania ca 20 participants

Main driver of WHP in Malta – MoH / Department of Health Promotion Members of the WHP Forum – SMEs + Unions + Employers’ Association Networking in Malta (small, English speaking, active) WHP “taste” in Malta : Health Promotion at the workplace The round-table meeting in Malta

The round-table meeting in Nicosia/ Cyprus 2nd December 2005 the main organiser: Department of Labour Inspection/ the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance ENWHP representatives: NIOM/ Poland, BKK/ Germany & The Romtens Foundation/ Romania ca 20 participants

Main driver of WHP in Cyprus – Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance by its Department of Labor Inspection Members of the WHP Forum – SMEs + Unions WHP “taste” in Cyprus – surveillance of the health of employed persons Future trends: involving big companies through promoting the Business Case among their community The round-table meeting in Cyprus

The round-table meeting in Vilnius/ Lithuania 25th November 2005 the main organiser: The National Centre for Health promotion and Education ENWHP representatives: NIOM/ Poland & BKK/ Germany ca 30 participants

The round-table meeting in Ljubljana/ Slovenia 9th December 2005 the main organiser: the Clinical Institute of Occupational, Traffic and Sports Medicine/ University Medical Centre Ljubljana ENWHP representatives: NIOM/ Poland & BKK/ Germany ca 20 participants

The round-table meeting in Slovenia It was a success since: participants expressed the need to create a national forum for WHP at two levels: the first should be consisted of representatives of scientific institutions, Slovenian authorities, and other central organisations; the second one ought to gather professionals implementing whp activities in enterprises and representatives of companies active in this field

all the attendees agreed to meet with each other at least once a year to exchange their experiences and share the outcomes of their achievements Slovenian NCO expressed the desire to stimulate, consult and supervise all these activities leading to the development of the strong Slovenian forum for WHP The round-table meeting in Slovenia

19 th December 2005 the main organiser: Health Care Board/ the Ministry of Social Affairs ENWHP representatives: NIOM/ Poland & BKK/ Germany ca 15 participants The round-table meeting in Tallinn/ Estonia

was led jointly by the Health Care Board (the former NCO) and the National Institute for Health Development (the present NCO) was devoted to presenting two national WHP networks: The Estonian Network of Health Promoting Enterprises (involving ca 20 companies; 2005) The Network of Health Promoting Hospitals (2000) The round-table meeting in Estonia:

It was a success since: the representatives of the Health Care Board and the National Institute for Health Development expressed a desire for further close cooperation in the Estonian Healthy Workplaces Project participants decided to make use of experience from building the Network of Health Promoting Hospitals to enlarge the Estonian Network of Health Promoting Enterprises the head of the National Institute for Health Development expressed the readiness of her organisation to take the role of the NCO of the EN WHP The round-table meeting in Estonia:

13 th January 2006 the main organiser: Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health/ Riga Stradins University ENWHP representatives: NIOM/ Poland & BKK/ Germany ca 35 participants The round-table meeting in Riga / Latvia

It was a success since: It was the first national meeting of stakeholders entirely devoted to WHP It enabled the establishment of the national forum for WHP The NCO expressed a need to officially expand its work plan and funding on WHP The round-table meeting in Latvia

In most countries these were the first national meetings of stakeholders interested in WHP Establishment of the national forums for WHP Commitment to engage into further development of the national infrastructures and polices in WHP Desire to make use of outcomes of former EN WHP initiatives The round-table meetings

Thank you for your attention!