What do you know about Christmas? Do you know why it is called so? Do you know why we celebrate it at this time? Do you know when it started?
Christmas celebration It is a holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. Although nominally a Christian holiday, Christmas is also widely celebrated by many non-Christians. Popular modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, music, an exchange of greeting cards, church celebrations, a special meal, and the display of various decorations; including Christmas trees, lights and garlands. In addition, several similar mythological figures, known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas and Santa Claus among other names, are associated with bringing gifts to children during the Christmas season.
The history v=A5T5ibb2E9Ihttp:// v=A5T5ibb2E9I Watch and say did you know that
Do you believe in Santa Claus? Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply "Santa", is a figure which was derived from the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, a historical, legendary figure who in many Western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of the good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve. Saint Nicholas of Myra is the primary inspiration for the Christian figure. He was a 4th century Greek Christian bishop of Myra, a province of the Byzantine Anatolia, now in Turkey. Nicholas was famous for his generous gifts to the poor. He was very religious from an early age and devoted his life entirely to Christianity. His relics were taken to Bari where they are kept to this day. Saint Nicholas was later claimed as a patron saint of many diverse groups, from archers, sailor, and children to pawnbrokers(lombardininkai).
Santa Claus v=g4ArUIb1i6w& feature=relatedhttp:// v=g4ArUIb1i6w& feature=related Watch and say do you believe in Santa Claus
Do you decorate the Christmas Tree? Some historians trace the lighted Christmas tree to Martin Luther. He attached lighted candles to a small evergreen tree, trying to simulate( imituoti), the reflections of the starlit heaven -- the heaven that looked down over Bethlehem on the first Christmas Eve. Until about 1700, the use of Christmas trees appears to have been confined (apsiriboja) to the Rhine River District. From 1700 on, when lights were accepted as part of the decorations, the Christmas tree was well on its way to becoming a tradition in Germany. Then the tradition crossed the Atlantic with the Hessian soldiers. Trees and branches can be made purposeful as well as symbolic. The Christmas tree is a symbol of a living Christmas spirit and brings into our lives a pleasant aroma of the forest.
Christmas Tree v=Wl-KjWRxewIhttp:// v=Wl-KjWRxewI Watch the video about the Christmas tree.
Christmas traditions To decorate the Christmas tree; To take gifts; To eat festive dinner; To meet family members; To go church; To sing carols.
Christmas carols om/watch?v=9T4WB2 zfmps&feature=relate dhttp:// om/watch?v=9T4WB2 zfmps&feature=relate d om/watch?v=B3wsDv 10dJI&feature=relate dhttp:// om/watch?v=B3wsDv 10dJI&feature=relate d om/watch?v=c5YujQL ZM2U&feature=relate dhttp:// om/watch?v=c5YujQL ZM2U&feature=relate d