PA 230 Unit 5 Midterm Review
Reminders Office hours Friday, 1-3pm EST No seminar on Monday, May 23rd Midterm exam due Tuesday, May 24th No discussion board Next seminar is Wednesday, May 25th
oedjlwmrub WORD JUMBLE
Capable of existing or living together in harmony Word in jumbled form: bcyoamptiilit
Physical equipment used in a computer system, such as the central processing unit Word in jumbled form: ehwarrda
Mobile telephone with computer features Word in jumbled form: ssepmharton
Type of flat graphics computer using a digital pen Word in jumbled form: ltatbe
Collection of software that directs a computer's operations Word in jumbled form: ogapnetir mssyte
Operating System
Battery powered power supply unit guaranteed to provide power to a computer in the event of interruptions Word in jumbled form: SUP
(Uninterruptable Power Supply UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply
Rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks Word in jumbled form: neeiuetttq
Computer data into a coded form Word in jumbled form: nencprtioy
portable document format by Adobe Word in jumbled form FDP
Computer software distributed without initial charge but for which the user is encouraged to pay a nominal fee Word in jumbled form: hsaeewarr
Company that offers access to the internet and to e-mail Word in jumbled form: SIP
(internet service provider) ISP (internet service provider)
Device that allows data to be moved between two points on a network Word in jumbled form: rrotue
Security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to a networked computer system Word in jumbled form: fairlelw
Electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to/from computer via telephone Word in jumbled form: mmeod
Rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular group Word in jumbled form: esctih
Containing information whose unauthorized disclosure could be prejudicial Word in jumbled form: cyonlfideantyii
Key component of a computer system Word in jumbled form: CUP
(central processing unit) CPU (central processing unit)
Data about data Word in jumbled form: mdettaaa
Place where wireless internet, services are provided to users of portable computers through a wireless local area network Word in jumbled form: tho tosp
Hot spot
Contract out jobs or services Word in jumbled form: gonutscouir
Computer on a network where most functions are carried out on a central server Word in jumbled form: tnih tecnli
Thin client
Access to a computer from a physically separate terminal Word in jumbled form: reeomt ascsce
Remote access
Person authorized to authenticate legal documents Word in jumbled form: ntaoyr clpibu
Notary public
Accidentally sharing confidential information Word in jumbled form: Irnatdtvnee dieusrsclo
inadvertent disclosure
Model Rules of Professional Conduct are ethics guidelines for what? Word in jumbled form: BAA
Device for connecting computers in a network Word in jumbled form: buh
Person who manages a computer system Word in jumbled form: aadmniisttrro
Person authorized to act on another's behalf Word in jumbled form: taneg
Secret word used by authorized people to prove their right to access Word in jumbled form: dpasrsow
Reminders Office hours Friday, 1-3pm EST No seminar on Monday, May 23rd Midterm exam due Tuesday, May 24th No discussion board Next seminar is Wednesday, May 25th