Database on Managers‘ Working Conditions Presentation of results Preliminary conclusions Verona, June 18 2010Presentation of the Online Database « Working.


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Presentation transcript:

Database on Managers‘ Working Conditions Presentation of results Preliminary conclusions Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers » 1

Overview 1.Introduction (Purpose of the survey) 2.The database as a unique and valuable tool for mobile Managers 3.The database as a tool for political analysis Preliminary conclusions on differences and similarities 4.The database as a core element of CEC‘s Managers Network 5.Further improvements, troubleshooting Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »2

Purpose of the database- intended benefits for individual members Database as an opportunity to identify obstacles and opportunities related to a pursuing a career abroad. Systematic overview of the basic elements of employment contracts for managers (employment and social protection, participation) Database as a natural source of knowledge on working conditions in Europe for (mobile) managers. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »3 The database as a unique and valuable tool

Purpose of the database- intended benefits for CEC’s political activities Systematic overview of the basic elements of employment contracts for managers (employment and social protection, participation) Helpful for monitoring all areas where the EU has enacted own legislation (participation) where it tries to harmonise (labour market) or to coordinate national policies (social protection). More information on similarities and differences Opportunity to enhance the organisation’s competitiveness and attractiveness. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »4 The database as a unique and valuable tool

CEC’s key political interests in comparing working conditions Is there a common understanding of the role and positions of “managers” within Europe? How big are the differences in important areas such as protection against unfair dismissals or pensions? Are the systems of employee representation converging? What is the role of managers’ unions / associations in shaping their members working conditions? Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »5 The database as a tool for political analysis

Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers » 6 Image depicting the Swedish distribution of managers at various levels of management

Key findings (1): Broad consensus on the definition of „managers“ Broad consensus on the definition of „managers“, especially on the need to distinguish between directors / board members and all other „employed“ managers. In few cases there are distinct (legal or factual) subgroups of among employed managers, for example: „cadre supérieur“ (F), „Leitender Angestellter“ (D). Similarities and differences in the definition criteria: –All countries: autonomous decision making power –Most countries: hierarchical, financial responsibilities –Few countries: minimum number of employees under supervision Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »7 The database as a tool for political analysis

Key findings (2): Employment protection for managers is valued In all countries covered by the study legal protection against unfair dismissals also applies to managers. In three countries (D, AU, CH) only in parts. This indicates that managers value and benefit from stability in their employment. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »8 The database as a tool for political analysis

Key findings (3): Most common basis for employment contracts In most countries employment contracts are the result of individual negotiations and collective agreements. Europe’s managers therefore need both: Strong unions / associations willing and able to negotiate Individual help in contract negotiations. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »9 The database as a tool for political analysis

Key findings (4): Employee participation – a successful model Employee participation has manifestly become a defining feature for European companies. Employee participation also extends to the board level in many countries. But do managers always benefit from these systems? Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »10 The database as a tool for political analysis

Key findings (5): Only partially integrated in participation schemes In several countries managers are not part of general participation schemes but have own systems for their representation of interests. Both systems can be equally efficient. In some countries however, there is no formalised participation of managers. Please note: “General participation schemes” as visualised here does not include possible board level participation. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »11 The database as a tool for political analysis

Preliminary conclusion National differences but also many similarities. Internal Market market requires more and more convergence between the member states’ labour and social policies. Adding to the convergence: “soft law” policy coordination such as the Lisbon Strategy, the Europe 2020 strategy etc. Results merely a „snap shot“ in a dynamic process. Financial crisis and legislative reforms in many countries add to dynamic: Working conditions as a moving „target“. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »12

Theses for the future political development Thesis 1: European Integration will become more “socially- minded”, but will remain a primarily economic concept. Thesis 2: There are no guarantees for any national policies. Especially the European Court of Justice’s disposition for “surprise rulings” continues to be an element of uncertainty. Thesis 3: National rules that define managers’ working conditions will slowly converge - but remain on the historic development path of each state. Full harmonisation is neither foreseen in the European treaty, nor necessary, nor would it be efficient. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »13 The database and its political context

Access to the database via CEC Managers‘ Network Not just a smaller version of huge players such as LinkedIn, Xing etc. – rather a „special interest“ forum Managers‘ Networks USPs –Facilitating an exchange of information between mobile managers on working conditions –Facilitating cross-border contacts for members of CEC member associations interested in issues such as employee representation. Access to the database only through membership in the CEC Managers‘ Network – the professional network for CEC members Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »14 The database and CEC’s Manager’s Network

Brief presentation of the Managers‘ Network (1) Core element: Member Search form Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »15 The database and CEC’s Manager’s Network

Brief presentation of the Managers‘ Network (2) Other features: News, Forums, Surveys Registration under Free of charge, strictly confidential, privacy and protection of data is ensured Plans for the near future: New user-interface with the “look and feel” of other professional networks – more user-friendliness, more options, however no compromises in terms of privacy and confidentiality. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »16 The database and CEC’s Manager’s Network

Troubleshooting Overview and visibility Data collection More content Other deficiencies Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »17 Further improvements, troubleshooting

Periodic surveys? Annual focus areas? Take into account rapid policy changes in many member states as a result of the financial and economic crisis. Description of the national labor markets? New use areas? Increased validity and reliability? New cooperation partners? Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »18 Possible future development? Further improvements, troubleshooting

Thank you for your attention! Any questions? Do not hesitate to get in touch with us: CEC Office in Brussels: Jaime Aleite, Ledarna: Andreas Zimmermann, ULA: Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »19

Deleted from the presentation for time reasons: Background information on the political instruments for more convergence of labour and social law in the EU. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »20

More convergence through direct regulation - examples Examples for already existing directives that directly influence working conditions –Participation: Involvement of employees in SEs, EWCs –Employment protection: directives on employee rights in transfers of undertakings (2001/23/EC) and on „collective redundancies“ (98/59/EC) –Working conditions: Working time directive Examples for planned directives –Working time (reform of the existing directive) –Supplementary pensions: common rules regulation access, improved insolvency protection, portability Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »21 The database and its political context

More convergence through policy recommendations - examples Lisbon strategy (2000 – 2010): Aimed at increasing competiveness through innovation, “learning economy” and renewal of social and labour market regulation. Strategy “Europe 2020” (2010 – 2020): Aimed at “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” Both strategies include reporting and benchmarking processes like the “Open Method of Coordination”. No strictly binding norms of law (“soft law”), but: –heavy factual influence on national policy agendas (e.g. higher employment rates for the age-group 55 to 64) –increasing convergence through “Comply or explain” and “Naming and shaming” mechanisms. Verona, June Presentation of the Online Database « Working Conditions for Managers »22 The database and its political context