Module 1 Introduction to SRL
Aims of the Masterclass Understand the principles of self regulated learning (SRL) and how they apply to GP training Develop frameworks of supporting SRL in key areas of the GP curriculum Reflect on and analyse their self regulation of their own teaching and coaching Improve consultation skills teaching using techniques to facilitate SRL Use the principles to identify trainees more likely to fail, reasons behind the difficulty and implement appropriate educational interventions
Why Self Regulated Learning? Evidence base within educational psychology Links to GP curriculum Competency 10 - maintaining performance, learning and teaching E-portfolio Links to current teaching methods in GP Adult learning principles
PedagogyAndragogy The learnerDependent. Teacher directs what, when, how a subject is learned and tests that it has been learned Moves towards independence. Self-directing. Teacher encourages and nurtures this movement The learner's experience Of little worth. Hence teaching methods are didactic A rich resource for learning. Hence teaching methods include discussion, problem-solving etc. Readiness to learnPeople learn what society expects them to. So that the curriculum is standardized. People learn what they need to know, so that learning programmes organised around life application. Orientation to learning Acquisition of subject matter. Curriculum organized by subjects. Learning experiences should be based around experiences, since people are performance centered in their learning
Learning and Teaching Methods
What is our Starting Point? All course participants are effective self regulated learners in the context of:- Medicine General practice GP Training All our trainees are effective self reflective learners in the course of their learning in their education so far
My Success My success depends on my intelligence, which I was born with Although I can learn things I cant change my mental abilities My success depends on the strategies that I choose
: When I have a Task to Achieve I try and complete the whole task in one go I break the task down into small steps I think of different ways of achieving the task and use the one most likely to work I tend not to attempt a task if I don’t think I am able to do it
When Performing a Task I use different ways to remind myself of what I should do I constantly check to see if my strategies are working I work in different ways dependent on how well I am doing I compare my performance to my peers
After I have Completed a Task I always reflect on how well I have done I always seek objective feedback I always consider whether I can improve how I achieved the task I compare my outcomes with others
If I Fail in a Task I will keep trying until I succeed I do something else instead I try to change the method I use I worry about whether I am good enough I look for external factors for causes I ask others for help
Successful Learners
Planning Successful Learners Set specific short term objectives related to longer term aims (hierarchy of goals) Believe they will succeed Are intrinsically interested in the subject they are learning Plan how they will learn (as well as what) Have a learning goal orientation not a performance goal orientation
Doing (Performing) Successful learners Use specific planned strategies to achieve the learning Monitor their performance against their planned objectives and strategies Self record their monitoring (decreases reliance on recall and enables them to interpret smaller changes in performance)
Reflection Successful learners Reflect on the strategy used Attribute problems in performance to strategies used Have an adaptive reaction to problems in performance (i.e. will change strategy) Control negative emotions Persevere in achieving a task Motivate themselves to continue learning
Self Regulated Learning Cycle
Metacognition Thinking about thinking – being aware of thought processes Goal setting Strategy selection Monitoring of learning and strategy Reflection on learning process as well as outcome
Motivation Goal Orientation Performance or mastery (learning) orientation Approach or avoidance Task interest Intrinsic or extrinsic Attribution Locus of control Ability vs. strategy Self Esteem Self efficacy beliefs
Attitudes Beliefs and Values Goal orientation Self beliefs efficacy Ability Self worth Beliefs about intelligence Entity or incremental Beliefs about learning
Goal Orientation Describes the motivation for learning Mastery (learning) goal orientation is learning to improve competence (intrinsic motivation) Performance goal orientation is learning for a level of performance – usually as judged by others, often for ego protection Either can be approach or avoidance Approach is development of competence Avoidance is not being incompetent
Performance Goal Orientation Approach is demonstrating competence Avoidance is not appearing incompetent Learners with a performance goal orientation (particularly avoidance) are more likely to:- protect their own competence perceptions by comparisons to others have a belief that their mental ability is a fixed entity have maladaptive responses to challenge e.g. avoidance, blaming others
Learning Goal Orientation Approach is development of competence Avoidance is not being incompetent (e.g. mistakes) Learners with a learning goal orientation are more likely to:- Seek out constructive feedback – both positive and negative Continually want to improve Have a belief that success depends on the strategy they use, not their mental ability Persevere if they don’t succeed
Assessing SRL Questionnaires Reflective journals Task specific questions General e.g. e-portfolio Micro analysis Questioning about thoughts, feelings and behaviour before, during and/or after a task Observation of Behaviours
The Programme Session 1 Understanding the model Self application Application to trainees Development of learning goals Session 2 How can SRL be facilitated or taught Define specific skills Development of SMART objectives for ourselves
The Programme Session 3 Practising the skills Practice facilitating SRL and receiving feedback Reflection on feedback and own learning aims and objectives Session 4 Planning the next steps