Basic VENet Model Description and Example QUINTA.


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Presentation transcript:

Basic VENet Model Description and Example QUINTA

Contents: 1. Topical focusTopical focus 2. Compact VENet ModelCompact VENet Model 2.1. VENet ManagementVENet Management 2.2. VENet Training SystemVENet Training System 2.3. VENet Support SystemVENet Support System 3. German Example of VENet ModelGerman Example of VENet Model

Topical focus of this presentation This presentation focuses on the compact VENet model with its basic structural elements and indispensable tasks. In a second step the VENet model is exemplary transferred to the German EQUAL project „Modular Network for Vocational Education“ 3 Focus 1

4 Compact VENet Model Basic Structural Elements of VENet VENet Management Training System Life Skills Training Theoretical Vocational Training Practical Vocational Training Support System Labour Market Interface Psychosocial Care and Support Strategic Partner Support 2

Development, planning and implementation Overall project management Finance Communication Mainstreaming Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation VENet Management VENet Model Segmentation 5 2.1

6 VENet Training System Life Skills Training Theoretical Vocational Training Practical Vocational Training VENet Model Segmentation 2.2

2.2.1 Life Skills Training Tasks and Functions 7 Overall responsibility for VENet participants Imparting life skills and social competencies to participants Imparting gender sensitivity Coordination of training process Cooperation with Management

2.2.2 Theoretical Vocational Training Tasks and Functions 8 Developing of curricular material Providing theoretical vocational education for participants Involving regular schools Matching of content with the practical training

2.2.3 Practical Vocational Training Tasks and Functions 9 Provision of apprenticeship facilities Offer of internships and qualification modules Imparting practical „on the job“ experience Practically oriented input for the VENet training system partners

2.3.1 Labour Market Interface Psychosocial Care and Support Strategic Partner Support VENet Support System VENet Model Segmentation

2.3.1 Labour Market Interface Tasks and Functions 11 Providing the participants Human resource management Communication with regional businesses Demand oriented placement of participants Movements of participants within VENet Placement of participants into labour market after VENet

2.3.2 Psychosocial Care and Support Tasks and Functions 12 Psychosocial and psychological care of participants Support in times of crisis and conflict Curative and preventive psychosocial measures Ensuring stability of VENet participants

2.3.3 Strategic Partner Support Tasks and Functions Involvment in planning and implementation Support on superordinate level Clarification of administrative questions Support of communication among all involved partners Accreditation and certification Sensitisation of participating companies 13

German Example of VENet Model The German EQUAL project QUINTA „Modular Network for Vocational Education“ shows a practical example of the VENet model. 14 VENet Model Example 3

QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Overview Organisation in charge: Berufsbildungszentrum Hellweg e.V., Soest (non-governmental, non-profit educational institution) General information: Target group: Moderately disadvantaged young persons with apprenticeship potential Cooperation between non-governmental, non-profit educational institutions and regional companies (joint training system) 15

QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Overview Training: Participants attend regional vocational schools Mix of regular in-company vocational training, vocational and life skills training at non-governmental, non-profit educational institutions and theoretical vocational training at vocational schools Exactly matched, optimised and supervised vocational training Complementary, holistic and individualistic system for vocational training 16

QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Overview Support: Psychosocial support of participants Dedicated human resource management Exchange of participants within the Modular Network for Vocational Training is possible on demand 17

QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Description 18 Educational Network: At the heart of the German QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Education is a regional network of four non- governmental, non-profit educational institutions. These institutions are in charge of most of the VENet management tasks and are involved in the theoretical and practical vocational training of the participants.

Tasks of Educational Network: The major task of the educational institution network as a whole is to impart social skills (coping) to the participants and to guide them through the vocational programme. One of the educational institutions is in charge of the overall management of the entire regional VENet project (Berufsbildungszentrum Hellweg e.V., Soest). QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Description 19

Practical Vocational Education: The practical vocational education mostly lies in the hands of regional businesses. They are being supported by the aforementioned educational institutions that have adequate workshops and instructors at their disposal. Educational institutions are also responsible for most of the supporting activities (psychosocial support, human resource management). The complete Modular Network of Vocational Training is being supported by relevant actors from the fields of regional educational and labour market politics. QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Description 20

QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Responsibilities Venet Overhead Management : Berufsbildungszentrum Hellweg e.V. (Non-governmental, non-profit educational institution) 21

QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Responsibilities Venet Training System Life Skills Training: Berufsbildungszentrum Hellweg e.V., InBIT gGmbH, INITEC gGmbH and Kolping Bildungszentrum Werl (regional non-governmental, non-profit educational institu- tions) Theoretical Vocational Training: Börde-Berufskolleg, Eduard-Spranger Berufskolleg, Hubertus-Schwartz-Berufskolleg, Lippe-Berufs-kolleg, Paul-Ehrlich-Berufskolleg (regional vocational schools), Remedial education by Berufsbildungszentrum Hellweg e.V., InBIT gGmbH, INITEC gGmbH and Kolping Bildungszentrum Werl 22 Practical Vocational Training : 30 regional companies (SMEs) with focus on handicraft and manufacturing industry. Qualification modules by Berufsbildungszentrum Hellweg e.V., InBIT gGmbH, INITEC gGmbH and Kolping Bildungszentrum Werl

QUINTA Modular Network for Vocational Training QUINTA: Responsibilities 23 Labour Market Interface: Kolping Berufliche Bildung GmbH, (Non-governmental institution with focus on placement of unemployed persons into the labour market / Job Office). Psychosocial Care and Support: Kolping Bildungszentrum Werl, dedicated team of psychologists and social pedagogues. Strategic Partner Support: National employment agency (regional subsidiaries), regional Chamber of Crafts, regional Chamber of Commerce, regional Handicraft Association Hellweg, regional Entrepreneurs Advisory Board, local Economic Association Werl. VENet Support System

VENet thank you for your kind attention! For further questions please contact Piotr Bastek: