Wykonały: Kinga Dziendziel Aneta Konieczny Koczy Dominika Paulina Ogierman Blanka Wierzelewska
Pescara - a town in Italy
Crest Pescara room / KMA Population number of population you density table.
Italy (Italian Republic, owned by Italia, Repubblica Italiana) - a country located in Southern Europe, on the Apennine Peninsula, a member of many organizations, including: the EU, NATO, belonging to the eight most industrialized and wealthy countries in the world - the G8.
City of Pescara - half of the mouth of moths oĹźone Pescara river to the Adriatic (waĹźny fishing port). Inhabited by thousand. natives inhabitants (2004). StaroĹźytne Aternum. It occurs Industrial machinery, metal, chemical, cement, ceramic, enable Ăłkienniczy, spoĹźywczy. Pescara is a tourist's useful too MEASURES favorites. Museum is located writer and politician Gabriele D'Annunzio (in his family house). At Pescara airport is located handle which accepts both regional and international traffic International.
Italy as a unified state exists only since From the Middle Ages to the Risorgimento, although Apennine peninsula was relatively consistent in terms of language and culture, its history consisted of the history of independent republics and principalities, and foreign possessions and spheres of influence
Italian cuisine - one of the two most popular European kitchen next to the French cuisine. Italian cuisine is characterized by the use of large amounts of vegetables and spices such as oregano, basil, pepper, tarragon, thyme, rosemary and parmesan use. In the kitchen this quite commonly also used olive oil, tomatoes and onions and garlic, and olives. Italian cuisine is particularly specialized in dishes made from flour and fish and seafood.
Leonardo da Vinci Rafael Santi