Department of Computer and Information Science The Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU Faculty of Information Tecnology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU2 Organization
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU3 Key figures Employees:175 ”Production”: ECTS)/year Scientific papers: ca. 250/year. Budget 2006: 108 MNOK (€ 13 M) –NTNU, ordinary:78 MNOK –NTNU, strategic:15 MNOK –External. research fundings:15 MNOK
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU4 People Faculty:58 Permanent, full time:41 Adjunct (20% positions): 7 Temporary, full time:10 Staff:27 Engineers:19 Administrative: 8 PhD students, PhD-students:72 Post docs17
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU5 Teaching activities Basic computer science (undergraduate level) –For all engineering faculties –For BSc computer science students –For BSc and MSc students at other faculties Specialist education (graduate level) –Master in technology (engineering profile) –Master of science (science profile) PhD education Cross disciplinary programs –Social sciences –Humanities –Medicine
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU6 Teaching volume Number of courses: –MSc/BSc:32 –Engineering:44 –PhD level:13 ”Production”: –5500 course students (exams per year) 800 full time student equivalents 30/70 divided between science and engineering courses 7-8% of the total NTNU “production” ! –6-10 PhD awarded per year
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU7 “Sivilingeniør” (M.Eng.) - structure Year 1 and 2 –General basis (mathematics, physics, electronics, philosophy) –Basic computer science (programming, algorithms, databases, software engineering) Year 3 –Broad introduction to professional computer science Year 4 and 5 –Specialities, cross disciplinary (wide spectre of choices) –Thesis (final two semesters – 100 person-years annually)
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU8 Student volumes – engineering From 1999: Separate admission (80 per year) to communications technology
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU9 Complex Data Systems Computer systems –Neural nets, hardware/software co-design, architectures for parallel computing Algorithm Construction and Visualization –Search algorithms, parallel algorithms –Computer graphics, scientific visualisation, modelling and animation, virtual reality, virtual heritage
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU10 Data and Information Management Databases and Distributed Systems –Multimedia, distributed systems, geographical information systems, high capacity, high reliability, parallelism Information Management –Digital Libraries; Open Archives; Metadata in a distributed world; Multi-media content; Information models –Interoperability between systems, collections –Information Retrieval in: Bioinformatics and Health; Geo- referenced systems; Multilingual collections
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU11 Development and Use of IT-systems Software Engineering –Software quality, software development processes, object orientation and reuse, OSS/COTS, software architecture, cooperation technology Human Computer Interaction –Dialogue modelling and design Information Systems –Collaborative technology, enterprise systems, conceptual modelling, distributed information systems
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU12 Intelligent Systems Artificial Intelligence and Learning –Neural nets, case-based reasoning, robotics, genetic algorithms Knowledge Based Systems –Approximate reasoning based on incomplete and precarious data, knowledge-based program design, natural language analysis Image Processing –Structural methods, statistical methods, computer vision, artificial intelligence in image processing
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU13 Project examples Fast Search and Transfer ASA –search technology deployed by Lycos CLUSTRA (now: Sun –open system platform, zero down-time, linearly scalable, high performance SQL database system Falanx (“Reodorprisen”, nat’l gründer award in 2006) –Graphical processor for mobile phones Virtual heritage –Medieval Trondheim Numerous international projects (mostly EU)
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU14 Typical ”users” of IDI students Consultant companies Research institutions Service to the petroleum industry New enterprises (nowadays initiated by the students themselves …) +++ And indirectly serving the whole nation.
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU15 Collaboration with industry Student projects –4th year: at least 280 hours/student, external “customer” Diploma thesis –5th year: at least 680 hours/student for those with industrial assignments PhD projects Industrial assignments
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU16 Important industrial partners Telenor –Adjunct professor sponsored –PhD students sponsored Accenture (prev: Andersen Consulting) –PhD students sponsored Fast Search & Transfer –Professor sponsored SINTEF –Professor sponsored and Statoil, Hydro, Skattedirektoratet, …
Dept. Computer and Information Science, NTNU17 Contact information Address: Department of Computer and Information Science Sem Sælands vei 7-9 NO-7491 Trondheim NORWAY Phone/fax: –Phone: –Fax: Internet: –Web: –