MONGOLIAN-RUSSIAN COOPERATION IN KHURELTOGOOT OBSERVATORY IN THE ISON PROJECT FRAMEWORK N.Tungalag 1, I.Molotov 2, V.Voropaev 2, V.Kouprianov 3, Yu.Krugly 4, S.Schmalz 5, A.Pozanenko 6 1 Research Center of Astronomy and Geophysics, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2 Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS, Moscow, Russia 3 Central (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory, RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 4 Institute of Astronomy of Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine 5 Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany 6 Space Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia For the first time in Mongolia, regular observations started for applied and fundamental astronomical programs – in particular, for space debris research, observations of asteroids, and cosmic gamma-ray bursts. This was possible upon installation of optical telescopes ORI-40 and VT-78a in Khureltogoot observatory, under support and supervision of the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) coordinated by Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics (KIAM), Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2009, the Research Center for Astronomy and Geophysics (RCAG) cooperates with the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) for near-Earth space surveillance coordinated by Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics (KIAM), Russian Academy of Sciences. ISON is an open international nongovernment project, mainly aimed at being a free source of information on space objects for scientific analysis and other applications. ISON is currently one of the most wide-spread observation networks and is one of only two of those in the world that is capable to observe the sky globally from both Eastern and Western hemispheres. ISON observations are coordinated mainly by the KIAM center for collection, processing, and analysis of information on space debris (ADAPS). To the date, ISON joins 35 observation facilities with 80 telescopes of apertures from 12.5 cm to 2.6 m in 15 countries and carries out researches on space debris, asteroids, and GRBs. 8.4 million measurements in 1.21 million tracklets for about 4000 Earth-orbiting objects were collected by the ISON network in It is planned that a part of the orbital data will be accessible via a UN-hosted web page in Since autumn 2012, RCAG and KIAM, in collaboration with ISON, conduct a large amount of astronomical observations of space debris, asteroids, and optical gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows at the new facility of the Khureltogoot observatory near UlaanBaatar. Introduction A new pavilion was built in Khureltogoot during 2012 to initiate collaboration with ISON. Since November 2012, observations began with the VT-78a 19.2 cm telescope with field of view of 7×7 degrees on a robotic WS-180 mount. The telescope is controlled by the CHAOS TCS software; CCD image processing is done using the APEX II software platform developed within the ISON project. This telescope provides extended surveys of a visible part of the geostationary ring from 0° to 20° degrees inclination, with up to 15 thousand measurements for 500 to 700 objects per night. The limiting magnitude is 14 m for 10s exposure time, while the time span of individual tracklets is up to several hours. These surveys help KIAM to increase the accuracy of geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) object orbits for conjunction analysis, to detect maneuvers of active satellites, and to assist in maintaining the orbits of GEO objects in clusters. Moreover, many HEO objects are detected as a by-product. Since November 2013, a new 40 cm telescope ORI-40 with the field of view of 2.3×2.3 degrees on a robotic WS-240 mount was commissioned to provide dedicated observations of faint space debris fragments. The limiting magnitude is 16.5 m for 10s exposure time. Methods and experiments Monitoring of space debris Monitoring of space debris Starting from 2013 till 2014, tracklets were obtained in measurements over the total of 244 nights. As a result, a number of space debris objects were discovered and catalogued that may constitute a threat to high-orbit spacecrafts. Observatory staff actively participates in joint publications with their Russian colleagues. Recently, 9 joint papers were published, including a report at the past COSPAR–2014 conference (Moscow, August 2014). MPC code MPC code On February , Khureltogoot Observatory was assigned the observatory code O75 by Gareth Williams of the Minor Planet Center (MPC), only a week after the start of minor planet observation with the ORI–40 telescope. Asteroid surveys Asteroid surveys A large number of observations of asteroids were carried out with the ORI–40 telescope, aimed at discovery of new objects. The first results immediately showed that the detection limit of ORI–40 is about ~19.5 mag for objects with small zenith angles. Thus, it is quite a difficult task to discover new asteroids since most of those brighter than 19 mag are already known. Hence only near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and comets remain the potential survey targets. However, after an improvement done in June 2014, the instrument is now suitable for highly accurate photometric observations of asteroids brighter than 19 mag. Since then, the instrument is mainly targeted at obtaining light curves of already known asteroids to obtain their physical and dynamical parameters. NEO confirmation NEO confirmation On April , our first NEO confirmation was issued by the MPC in MPEC G75 for the Apollo-family asteroid 2014 GY48, which is also on the list of the potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs). GRB afterglow observation GRB afterglow observation Since 2012 more than 20 fields of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) were observed, in 5 cases optical afterglow were detected. Results for the following bursts were published in GCN circulars: GRB A, GRB A, GRB B, GRB A. For GRBs observed, further photometric measurements or upper limits have been obtained by our colleagues in the Astronomy Department of the Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAS). Most interesting GRBs detected are GRB A (2 nd brightest GRB in optic), GRB A (observed starting 8.7 min. after burst trigger at BAT/Swift orbital telescope), and GRB A (a dense light curve for 1 hour was obtained). ResultsAbstract Sample images obtained with ORI-40 telescope Map of ISON sites and telescopes cm telescope VT-78a. 40-cm telescope ORI-40. Comet C2013R1 ( ). Crab Nebula in filter B. Supernova in M 82 on Contact us Viktor Voropaev: Viktor Voropaev: Sergei Schmalz: Sergei Schmalz: Namkhai Tungalag: Namkhai Tungalag: