Adjunct Faculty Information
Welcome to Helena College Teaching at Helena College can be rewarding and challenging. You are a vital member of our faculty and we want to fully engage you at every level! Please remember you can contact the Academic Affairs office with any question:
Academic Affairs Office The Academic Affairs Office manages all of the academic programs and courses offered by Helena College. It also supervises the Library and Division of Continuing Education. The Associate Dean of Academics heads the office, with support from the Division Chair for General and Technical Education, the Division Chair for Trades, the Division Chair/Program Director for Nursing, the Program Director for Fire & Rescue, and the Administrative Associate. The Academic Affairs Office oversees and supervises the adjunct faculty and their functions on campus.
I want to teach at Helena College, what do I do? Helena College depends on talented professionals from the community to teach in a variety of areas, either to supplement full-time instruction or to provide unique expertise in a discipline. To find out about current instructional needs, go to the Employment page of our website. Information on how to submit your materials can be found there. At minimum, we’ll need your resume and transcripts of all post-secondary coursework. Employment page Different courses and programs require different types of credentials and skills. Generally, a Master’s degree with at least 9 graduate credits in the teaching field is required for transfer courses, and an Associate’s degree with 5 or more years of relevant work experience is required for trades courses. Please contact the Academic Affairs Office or HR with your specific questions.
I’ve been hired to teach a class at Helena College, what do I do? You should have already spoken to the Division Chair, as well as to the HR department. You will need to fill out the required paperwork and sign your letter of offer which states your course assignments along with compensation. The Division Chair for your area will provide you course materials. This should include a previous course syllabus, a copy of the book(s) or lab manual(s), and possibly old tests and assignments. You should read this material and ask your chair any questions you might have. You will be asked to teach a course according to the outcomes that are listed in the course syllabus. The way in which you do that can be adjusted, but the goals and objectives of the course must be met. There will be an Orientation scheduled at or near the beginning of each semester to familiarize you with our processes and campus. Attendance is not required, but strongly recommended.
Teaching at Helena College You will be provided with a key to the adjunct office area if you are at the Donaldson campus; if you are at the Airport campus keys will be provided as needed. You will be provided access to a copy machine and to computers with Microsoft Office and printing capabilities. You will be expected to become familiar with the policies and processes of the campus as outlined in the current catalog. You will be provided a College ID number to be used when accessing our Online faculty interface systems, (MyHC, Moodle, and STARFISH) as well as for Library purposes. You will be provided a parking permit and information about where to park. You may be asked, from time to time, to provide feedback or updates on your course(s) or students. It is vital that you complete the “attendance surveys” via STARFISH before the deadlines, as these assist the College in awarding student financial aid!
Resources you will need to use There are several different systems that you will encounter: MyHC—the main registration and records system where you will see class rosters, enter midterm and final grades Moodle—the College’s online Learning Management System where you can post a syllabus, maintain a viewable gradebook, and (if teaching hybrid or online) provide your content and interact with students STARFISH—the College’s student contact and alert system where you can provide information about attendance and performance, refer your students for support services, or raise a concern about a student to appropriate staff members Outlook (self-explanatory) The good news is that there is only ONE login and password combination for accessing ALL of these systems!
Teaching at Helena College You will be expected to teach the course as directed, attend each scheduled class, and provide student grades and possibly outcomes assessment information at the end of the course. If you are sick, or plan on missing a course, you must contact the Academic Affairs Office at and speak with your Division Chair. If you know you will be absent from a class, you must still provide meaningful learning for the students (guest lectures, assignments, etc.). If you have questions, please contact the Academic Affairs Office. Adjunct faculty do not receive benefits or accumulate sick or holiday time. If you miss courses, your pay will be adjusted. Each adjunct faculty member will be evaluated annually by a supervisor or full-time faculty member. Each course will be evaluated by the students using an online feedback system. You’ll receive copies of these evaluations and feedback regarding your teaching. We ask that you also contribute your own assessment of your teaching to the evaluation process.
What if I…..? Have a problem with a student I’m unable to manage on my own? Use STARFISH to “raise a flag” which alerts other professionals on campus Contact your Division Chair or the Academic Affairs Office with details. There are lots of resources on campus to help you, and you are not expected to handle issues alone. Have recommendations on the course or required textbooks? We always want feedback from faculty, so please make comments to your Division Chair or the Academic Affairs Office.
What if I…..? Can’t log-in to the MyHC? Contact the Registrar’s Office at Need a Class Roster? Your MyHC is the online interface with our student records system. You will be provided password protected access in order to see class rosters, student information and to submit midterm and final grades. Want to help with advising, a student club, or in other ways? Again, we need and want your help, so just let your Division Chair or the Academic Affairs Office know so that we can direct you!
What if I…..? Don’t like the room I’m teaching in, or find it inadequate for my needs? Contact your Division Chair, who will work with the Registrar to see if reassignment is a possibility. If it is a matter of climate or noise control, contact the Academic Affairs Office. Have a student with a disability? Contact the Disability Resources Office. Have a student who needs tutoring, or who could be an excellent tutor? Contact the Student Support Center at
What if I…..? Have a student who hasn’t shown up for weeks, isn’t turning in assignments, or whose personal life is affecting his/her class performance? Raise a “flag” in Starfish; be sure to send a copy to the student! Have a student who needs to make up a test when I can’t be on campus? Contact your Division Chair for different options for test proctoring. Need special audio-visual equipment for a class? Most of our classrooms are equipped with projection capability, however, if you are uncertain you can contact IT or
What if I…..? Lose my key or forget my ID? Contact the Academic Affairs Office if you lose your key for a replacement. Your ID number can easily be retrieved through the Registrar’s Office. Didn’t get paid or my pay seems to be incorrect? Contact Human Resources.
Finding What/Who You Need Our Faculty/Staff Directory has the most up-to-date listing of individuals and their role on campus.Faculty/Staff Directory Be sure you have read the Adjunct Faculty Handbook prior to teaching for the first time!Adjunct Faculty Handbook Our College Catalog contains information about certificate and degree programs, policies regarding grades, student conduct, and academic policies. The online version is always the most up-to-date one!College Catalog Need help with Moodle, with resources to help teach your class or to supplement course materials? Be sure to reach out to the Library and its knowlegable and helpful staff for assistance!Library
We Appreciate You!!! Adjunct faculty are an integral part of our campus community. We try very hard to make you feel welcome and provide you access to all the information you need. We are a small campus who will get to know you by name. You will work with amazing students and with wonderful colleagues. Please note that teaching assignments do not necessarily renew after each semester. Please let your Division Chair know of your availability for future teaching assignments! If at any time you have questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact the Academic Affairs Office. ENJOY YOUR SEMESTER!