How to be an integral key player: Fostering effective communication & collaboration John Slone, MPP, CDFM
What fuels high performance teams? High-performance teams put faith in: 1) healthy communication 2) spirit of collaboration
What is the nature of the communication? Three main circumstances arise for communicating on a team: Sharing Receiving Responding Maintain open lines of communication. Say, “Let me know if you run into problems.”
Less of that…More of this Direct, honest & concise- be very clear No paddling. Describe the action you want taken and give the person all the specific information necessary, including the who, what, when, where and how of the situation. Two-way Constant Encourage thinking as a team Achieving common goals; team goals over individual goals
Reach maximum potential Benefits Increased buy-in Higher productivity Creativity
Increase your productivity and effectiveness Return on investment is what the management wants. A shared sense of purpose Thrive in a collaborative environment Your attitude and how you treat others play a significant role in your career growth
Recognizing ways that you could become a more effective collaborator Proactively remove all communication barriers Set some “ground rules” on how to effectively communicate No to takedowns, Yes to “teachable moments” Try to recognize ways that you could become a more effective collaborator with people above and below you in the chain of command.