UNICEF Georgia Role in Developing Social Work Profession Natia Partskhaladze, MD, MSW Child and Family Wellbeing Specialist Npartskhaladze@unicef.org
What we do at UNICEF Promote and Support Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child Focus areas : Child survival and development Basic education and gender equality HIV/AIDS and children Child protection Policy, advocacy and partnership
Why do we support social work Share vision and values of promoting human rights and supporting people to realize their full potential
UNICEF support to social work in Georgia in early 2000 Introduced in the field of child care in early 2000 Supported training through non-degree training Provided technical and financial support to GoG for strengthening the profession
UNICEF support to social work in Georgia Embedding social workers into government Advocating for increasing number and qualification of SWs in different fields (child care, juvenile justice, education) Advancing professional recognition and regulation Introducing professional supervision and performance evaluation system Development/improvement of social work assessment tools and protocols
UNICEF support to social work in Georgia (cont.) Supporting academic education at Universities (BA, MSW, PhD) Assisting in development of practice teaching Support continuous to on-job trainings of state social workers Technical assistance and coordination between state and non-state actors, academia, donor organizations
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