Middle School Talent Development Program at Northwest School of the Arts Janice Bernier Academic Facilitator
Mission To provide appropriate intellectual opportunities that help gifted students realize their potential and connect them with their complex world.
Goal To support the development of a content-rich educational process throughout CMS which provides opportunities and resources for learners to……
Attain levels of academic achievement consistent with their abilities Engage in abstract and creative reasoning Apply insightful questioning See interconnections among disciplines Practice self-directed learning and independent problem solving Goal
The Academic Facilitator’s Role To model/demonstrate best practices in gifted education To lead on-site professional development activities in gifted education and other instructional areas To assist teachers in planning instruction that will meet the needs of the gifted learner
Standard Plus Courses Students who need to be challenged with enriched grade level curriculum Courses offered in Language Arts and Mathematics
Honors Courses Students who need to be advanced in their learning, which will require curriculum beyond grade level Courses offered in Language Arts and Mathematics
Differentiation Differentiated activities are integrated into the regular classroom to complement and supplement the standard curriculum. This occurs in all academic classes for the benefit of all students.
Without differentiation everyone… Moves at the same pace Completes the same assignments Is evaluated the same way
Collaborators of Differentiation Classroom Teacher Academic Facilitator Media Specialist Administrators
Desired Outcomes Curriculum studied in greater depth through more challenging lessons and differentiated activities Curriculum accelerated to include above-grade level material when appropriate Advanced pace of learning
What Do Gifted Services Look Like?
Mathematics Standard Plus or Honors classes Instructional Strategies: Discovery Learning Projects using higher order thinking (application and synthesis) Programs: Math Olympiad
Mathematics The following GOALS are repeated each year in grades 6-8 (including Algebra and Geometry); however, the level of difficulty and application increase each year. Goal 1: Number and Operation Goal 2: Measurement Goal 3: Geometry Goal 4: Data Analysis and Probability Goal 5: Algebra
Language Arts Instructional Strategies: Socratic Seminars Curriculum Compacting Programs: Battle of the Books Texts: Words on the Vine and Vocabulary from Classical Roots William and Mary Curriculum Novels Scope and Time for Kids (also used in Social Studies and Science when applicable)
Science Instructional Strategies: Curriculum Compacting Contracts Research Projects Texts: The science text book differentiates and provides leveled resources differentiation occurs in activities, lab sheets, study guides, projects, and tests. You (and your student) may not even realize it is happening Training has been provided for teachers for differentiation in the science classroom
Social Studies Using the study of culture and history to: Enhance higher-order thinking skills such as analysis and evaluation Expose students to rich, rigorous, and relevant primary source documents and other resources Develop sense of self
Social Studies Texts: History Alive! and Geography Alive! Primary Source Documents Junior Scholastic and Time for Kids (current events) Instructional Strategies: Cooperative learning Socratic Seminars Role-play, panel discussions, and debates Video clips with viewing guides and discussions Analysis of political cartoons Essays Research Projects
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Middle School Talent Development Differentiated Education Plan
Practices and Strategies LA M Socratic Seminar LA M Creative/Critical Thinking Processes LA M Research Skills LA M Reflective Assessment LA M Authentic Assessment LA M Arts Infusion LA M Multiple Intelligences LA M Talents Unlimited LA M Creative Problem Solving LA M Richard Paul Critical Thinking Model LA M Past, Present, Future Analysis LA M Torrance Problem Solving Model LA M Problem Based Learning LA M Enrichment Centers LA M Product Assessment LA M Performance-Based Assessment LA M Higher Order Questioning LA M Curriculum Compacting
Content Modification LA M Learning Contracts LA M Research Projects LA M Learning/Interest Centers LA Vocabulary Development LA Contemporary /Multicultural Literature M Standard Plus M Honors M Algebra I M Geometry
Special Programs Future Problem Solving (Community Service) National Academic League Theater/Dance Quiz Bowl High Q Talent Identification Program (TIP) Odyssey of the Mind Science Bowl Great Books Chess Club Battle of the Books Shakespeare Recitation Competition Computer Club Science Olympiad Geography Bee Algebra Team Geometry Team Math Olympiad Junior Historians
Middle School TD Performance Review Completed in June 2007 by Math and Language Arts Teachers (mailed home w/ report card) 4 Areas: Content Evaluation Process Evaluation Product Evaluation Affective Evaluation Low evaluation in all four areas can result in loss of AIG status
Contact Information Phone ext 249 Website
Questions If you have any questions, please fill out an index card. On front include: Student’s name Grade level Your Name Phone or address Write questions on back