Rotary International A Global Network of Community Volunteers
Rotary Motto: Service Above Self “Rotary - an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.”
History of the Beginning Established in Chicago – Paul Harris (attorney) – Silverster Schiele (coal merchant) –Hiran Shorey (merchant tailor) –Gustavus Loehr (mining engineer) The name Rotary is based upon members rotating from office to office to meet each week 1908 Second Club Established in San Francisco Today in 168 Countries, 30,000 Clubs with 1.2 million members world wide
Object of Rotary - Four Avenues of Service The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: –Development of acquaintances as a opportunity for service (Club Service); –High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignity of each Rotarian’s occupation as a opportunity to serve society (Vocational Service);
Object of Rotary through Four Avenues of Service (continued) –Application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life (Community Service); –Advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service (International Service).
4-Way Test Rotarians promote high ethical standards in professional lives 4-Way test created by Herbert J. Taylor in 1932 provides framework for discerning high ethical standards It asks the following four questions: –Is it the TRUTH? –Is it FAIR to all concerned? –Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? –Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned
Theme Rotary Shares Time –Talent – Kindness – Love Pittsburg Sunrise Rotary Club Founded in 1995 Meets Wednesday Mornings at 7:00 a.m. at Mt. Carmel
Sunrise Rotary Club International and District Projects RYLA Youth Leadership for High School Juniors Four-Way Speech Contest for High School Youth Sponsor Candidate for Kirchner Scholarship Organ Donor Program Rotary International Water Well Project Rotary International Vision Program Medical Supplies Network Romanian Orphanage Project
Pittsburg Sunrise Rotary Local Projects Dictionaries to Third Graders throughout Crawford and Cherokee Counties All Service Club Street Carnival P.S.U. International Student Picnic Food Bank Projects for Wesley House and Salvation Army School Kits for The Center Christmas Toys and Clothing through local organizations Veteran’s Memorial Maintenance Program Financial Support to Local Agencies
Pittsburg Sunrise Rotary Club Goals for Sustain and Increase Membership (38 to 41) Implement Successful Service Projects Support The Rotary Foundation (EREY) $4,000 (Voluntary member contributions of $100 each) Develop Leadership (Identify Pres-Elect Nominee for three years of planning) Enhance Public Relations Increase effectiveness of Club Administration (Board/Committee Chairs develop long-range plan)
Fund Raisers Flower Delivery for Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day All Service Club Street Carnival Organ Donor Program
New Member Orientation: Dues and Meals - $ Paid Semi- Annually in July and January Dues = $13 monthly Meals = $18 monthly Attendance – Rotary International requires 60% attendance record. Pittsburg Sunrise is proud to maintain an average of 90% or better.
Sunrise Rotary Past Accomplishment Hosted GSE Teams Sponsored/Nominated GSE Candidates Received Presidential Citation each year since club inception Immigrant Park Children’s Playground Over 50% of Club’s Members are Paul Harris Fellows