Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect They aren’t as bad as you think!
A. What is the greenhouse effect? 1. The greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat from the sun by gases in our atmosphere. 2. Our atmosphere is like a blanket made of gases that surrounds our planet. The gases that make up our atmosphere include water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO 2 like you may use in your pellet gun), methane (gas produced by cows, bacteria, etc.), nitrous oxide (NOS or laughing gas), & a few other gases. The gases that make up our atmosphere include water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO 2 like you may use in your pellet gun), methane (gas produced by cows, bacteria, etc.), nitrous oxide (NOS or laughing gas), & a few other gases.
Greenhouse effect continued The trapping of the sun’s heat by these gases is not bad! The trapping of the sun’s heat by these gases is not bad! It is actually good, because w/out them we would be an average of 60º colder everyday. It is actually good, because w/out them we would be an average of 60º colder everyday. Can someone say BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!? Can someone say BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!? These gases keep life on Earth comfortable & livable, much like a greenhouse does for plants when temperatures outside are too cold for the plants to live. These gases keep life on Earth comfortable & livable, much like a greenhouse does for plants when temperatures outside are too cold for the plants to live.
Animation of the Greenhouse Effect site.jpg
When the Greenhouse Effect Works Overtime… 1. Then you get GLOBAL WARMING. 2. Global warming is a gradual increase in average temperatures around the globe—around the world. 3. This happens because too many greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere trapping too much heat.
What causes the increase in greenhouse gases? Simply put: YOU DO Simply put: YOU DO People are the number one cause behind the increase in greenhouse gases. People are the number one cause behind the increase in greenhouse gases. WE do this by burning more & more fossil fuels, refusing to recycle materials—by just being wasteful & not thinking about tomorrow. WE do this by burning more & more fossil fuels, refusing to recycle materials—by just being wasteful & not thinking about tomorrow.
More heat? Who cares? YOU SHOULD!!! More heat = increasing temperatures More heat = increasing temperatures Increasing temperatures = Increasing temperatures = melting polar ice caps (our freshwater reserves now are sliding into the ocean) melting polar ice caps (our freshwater reserves now are sliding into the ocean) stronger storms stronger storms drought drought stronger hurricanes stronger hurricanes wildfires wildfires stronger winter blizzards stronger winter blizzards And the list goes on and on… And the list goes on and on…
You can make a difference. You can help combat global warming everyday. Here’s how: Reduce, reuse, & recycle Reduce, reuse, & recycle Turn off lights when you aren’t using them Turn off lights when you aren’t using them Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth Use renewable resources/recycled products Use renewable resources/recycled products Change out your regular light bulbs for fluorescent ones Change out your regular light bulbs for fluorescent ones Carpool/ride the bus/public transportation Carpool/ride the bus/public transportation Walk don’t drive/ride in a car for short trips Walk don’t drive/ride in a car for short trips