«St. Valentine’s Day» Відкритий виховний захід Підготувала:


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Presentation transcript:

«St. Valentine’s Day» Відкритий виховний захід Підготувала: Відкритий виховний захід  «St. Valentine’s Day»   Підготувала: вчитель англійської мови КЗ “Мелітопольська школа-інтернат III ступеня “Творчість “ЗОР Новікова Наталя Вікторівна

February 14th St. Valentine is one of the popular holidays in Europe and America. It is the day, when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff, exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment and send Valentines, special cards with messages.



THE LEGEND ABOUT VALENTINE Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believed in the Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, had been thrown to prison for his teaching. Moreover, the emperor forbade all the men to get married because he was sure that marriage makes men weaker and he needed only strong men. But Valentine broke the law and was beheaded. THE LEGEND ABOUT VALENTINE

VALENTINE’S QUIZ 1. The origin of St. Valentine's Day date back to Ancient... a) Rome c) Greece b) Africa 2. What was Valentine's profession: a) Priest b) Doctor c) Teacher 3. The most popular image on St Valentine’s Day is: a) A star shape b) A heart shape c) A pumpkin

match the famous couples 1. Adam 2. Napoleon 3. Tarzan 4. Rhett Butler 5. Tristan 6. Ruslan 7. Romeo 8. Caesar a. Juliet b. Ludmila c. Isolda d. Scarlet O'Hara e. Jane f. Josephine g. Cleopatra h. Eve  Answers: 1.h; 2.f; 3.e; 4.d; 5.c; 6.b; 7.a; 8.g

I heartily hope you have Use the code to read a secret message 19 83 8 7 26 69 19 77 42 83 56 2 8 42 56 17 83 7 66 8 7 83 7 2 2 42 66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8 51 33 7 42 I heartily hope you have 33=D 77=L 19=I 51=S 42=Y 83=H 79=N 56=0 8=E 66=V 7=A 69=T 17=U 26=R 2=P A

MATCH TWO HEARTS TO READ THE VALENTINE POEM Happiness is never far behind is dream come true when thoughts of you come into mind. A friend like you is more special people like you What the world needs now

What does it symbolize? A rose – a symbol of love A forget-me-not – a symbol of true love A poppy – a symbol of consolation A snowdrop – a symbol of hope A tulip – a symbol of powerful love being declared A lily – a symbol of purity

LOVE ME, TENDER Love me, tender, love me sweet. Never let me go. You have made my life complete, And I love you so. Love me, tender, love me true All my dreams fulfill, For my darling, l love you too, And I always will,