Tenses, backshift Kliszki Barbara
Tenses to break SimplePerfectProgressivePerfect Progressive Present Past Future Break Breaks Broke Will break Have broken Has broken Had broken Will have broken am/is/are breaking was/were breaking Will be breaking Have/has been breaking Had been breaking Will have been breaking
New English File Beginner Present Simple Past Simple be going to
New English File Elementary Present Simple Present Continuous Present Simple/ Present Continuous Past Simple be going to Present Perfect Present Perfect/ Past Simple
New English File Pre-Intermediate Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous be going to will Present Perfect Past Perfect
New English File Intermediate Present Simple/ Present Continuous Past Simple/ Past Continuous/ Past Perfect Future Forms be going to Present Continuous will Present Perfect/ Past Simple Present Perfect Continuous
New English File Upper-Intermediate Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple/ Past Continuous/ Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect/ Future Continuous
New English File Advanced Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple/ Past Continuous/ Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect/ Future Continuous
Backshift Changing the tense of the verb Present→Past Reported (indirect) speech New English File Pre-Intermediate
He said he would always love me. I asked him what his name was. We said we liked shopping. She told him she had passed the exam. She asked him if he was married. He said he had to go. He said he might be late.