Technology Initiatives Educating for the Future
Classroom Innovations
Technology Highlights Plano ISD Technology Philosophy We believe that technology is a tool. It is not an education itself, and it does not and should not take the place of a well-trained professional teacher. It can, however, motivate students and enhance the curriculum, and bring to the fingertips of every student a storehouse of research and information which expands student learning and strengthens teaching.
Technology Highlights Plano ISD Technology Vision Statement To provide comprehensive, equitable and efficient use of existing and emerging technology to engage, challenge and nurture diverse learners in preparation for citizenship in an increasingly complex information society.
Technology Highlights Community Support n 1996 Technology Bond $43 million (classroom initiatives) n 1999 Technology Bond $21.2 million (network, Y2K) n 2000 Technology Bond $39 million (classroom initiatives, replacement program)
Technology Highlights Initiatives from the past six years: n Students throughout the district have access to technology tools from PreK-12. n Internet access is available at every network workstation. n Students and staff have a personal “digital user interface” at every network workstation.
Technology Initiatives Initiatives from the past six years: n Staff have over a hundred different technology-related professional development courses offered in a variety of formats. n Parents have access to each individual staff member via and voice mail. n Ongoing funding provided by bond referendums.
Technology Initiatives Initiatives from the past six years: n Create a comprehensive online curriculum center for Internet and Intranet use. n Design and implement web-based interfaces for access to administrative databases. n Investigations into the possibilities for classroom use of handheld computers.
Technology Initiatives Initiatives from the past six years: n Implement private fiber-optic ATM network delivering voice, data and video. n Provide telephones in every classroom. n Implement campus-based video broadcast systems for interactive communications.
Technology Initiatives Initiatives from the past six years: n Elementary school classroom environments
Key Classroom Elements
Elementary School level
n Distributed student computers (7 in grades K-4; 8 in grade 5) n 100’s of software applications n 27” TV/monitor for display of computer and video sources n VCRs; laserdisc players; VIDs n Cable TV; districtwide broadcast network n Digital video library
Elementary School level
Technology Initiatives Initiatives from the past six years: n Middle school classroom environments
Middle School Skills
Middle School level
n Distributed student computers (8 in core classrooms) n Three 30-station writing labs n Video/audio projection systems in core classrooms n VCRs, VIDs for display n Cable TV; districtwide broadcast network n Digital video library
Middle School level
Technology Initiatives Initiatives from the past six years: n High school classroom environments
High School level
n Distributed student computers (based on content-area needs) n Multiple content-area labs n Video/audio projection systems in core classrooms n VCRs, VIDs for display n Cable TV; districtwide broadcast network n Digital video library
High School level
Technology Initiatives
Teacher Tools
Educating for the Future Technology Initiatives