Welcome! Today is Tuesday, April 22, 2014 F ail notices will be mailed out Friday. Service and Study tours meeting today. PLU visit Thursday at 3pm in portable 1 Please: turn off your phones and put them away, take out your: annotated history packet journals copy of the class novel, writing utensil, put backpacks on the floor, and Prepare your journals for a Good Grammar Lesson
Good Grammar: Commas Review what is a dependent clause? A dependent clause contains a subject and verb, but the clause cannot stand independently. What are some dependent clause markers? because, since, when, while, until, if, as, though, although, unless, after, before, once, whether
Commas: Dependent Clauses Review What do dependent phrases and clauses do? And where are they found in a sentence? Dependent phrases and clauses help to clarify and add detail to an independent clause. Dependent clauses may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
Commas: Introductory/ Dependent Clauses Review When a dependent clause is placed at the beginning of a sentence, place a comma between the independent clause and the dependent clause. Dep. clause S V Before he took the test, Dan struggled with Conj. S V his homework, so his father helped him.
Commas: Introductory/Dependent Clauses Review Where would you place the comma in the following example? S V Because it was raining we decided to go to the movies. Introductory clause S V Because it was raining, we decided to go to the movies.
Commas: Dependent Clauses Review When a dependent clause is located after an independent clause, Do not place a comma between the two. S V We decided to go to the movies because we were bored.
Commas: Essential Phrases and Clauses An essential clause or phrase is used to modify a noun. It also adds information that is critical to the meaning of the sentence. Essential clauses are NOT set off by commas. S essential phrase V The people who work in my office are loud.
Commas: Essential Phrases and Clauses The word “that” is almost always an indicator of an essential phrase or clause. Sessential V The tiramisu that I had at Joe’s was great.
Commas: Non-essential Phrases and Clauses A nonessential phrase or clause adds extra information to a sentence. This information can be eliminated from the sentence without jeopardizing the meaning of the sentence. Always place commas around nonessential phrases and clauses.
Commas: Non-essential Phrases and Clauses Even without the phrase the sentence still makes sense: My brother plans to throw a party. S non-essential V My brother, who lives across town, plans to throw a party.
Commas: Non-essential Phrases and Clauses Use commas to set off additional information. S V Steve said that he would propose to me on non-essential Valentine’s Day, which is my favorite holiday.
Comma Practice Would you place commas in the following sentences? If so, where? 1. I am planning a trip to Paris which is one of the greatest cities in the world. 2. The place that I would most like to see is the Eiffel Tower. 3. Pierre who is one of my business contacts will meet me at the airport.
Today’s Learning Goals I will be prepared to participate in tomorrow’s Socratic Seminar. Progression of Learning We will outline and write our seminar papers We will generate questions to potentially begin discussion.
Socratic Seminar Etiquette The purpose of a Socratic Seminar The purpose of a Socratic Seminar is to achieve a deeper understanding about the ideas and values in a text. In the Seminar, participants systematically question and examine issues and principles related to a particular content, and articulate different points-of-view. The group conversation assists participants in constructing meaning through disciplined analysis, interpretation, listening, and participation. What are your preferred norms?
Let’s Work on Outlines and Papers
Fist to Five I will be prepared to participate in tomorrow’s Socratic Seminar. Homework Socratic Seminar paper In the Pagoda tomorrow. Set the tables up in a “U” formation. Bring in your camp forms. Vocabulary quiz on Thursday Do you know what impending means?