Public Education and Outreach Campaign The Massachusetts Experience Joan Fallon Chief Communications Officer and Director of Public Education
Phase 1: The Initial Push Fall 2006 – 2007
3 Goals for Phase 1 Launch an aggressive public education campaign to: Provide information about the new law and raise awareness Promote the availability of new plans all certified by the state for quality and value Promote the Connector’s ability to offer unprecedented choice
4 How Many Uninsured Were There in Massachusetts? Fall 2006 State survey put the number at 395,000 Blue Cross Foundation of MA/Urban Institute estimated 532,000 Federal survey was higher at around 618,000
5 Who Are the Uninsured? 56% between ages 19 to 39 57% are male 70% are employed –Of these two-thirds work for small firms with less than 50 employees –About one-third report that their employers offer health insurance Source: Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy 2006 household survey of Mass. residents
6 What Market Research Showed Two basic messages resonated: –Health Security: Protection from financial ruin in the event of an unexpected accident or diagnosis –Access to Preventive Care
7 Public Education and Outreach Campaign
The Ultimate Endorsement Health Connector teams up with Boston Red Sox to build enrollment in new health insurance plans. Other corporate/civic partnerships announced as part of public education campaign
9 Elements of the Campaign Partnerships w/corporate and civic organizations including the health care community, faith communities, unions, business groups, sports teams, etc. Media Outreach Direct Mail Seminars & forums (over 150 presentations) Grassroots Outreach Paid Advertising Public Information Unit Grants to Community Organizations
10 Boston Red Sox Information booth at Fenway Park for all home games (focal point for media outreach) Live NESN interviews with Health Care Reform proponents – Senator Kennedy, Governor Patrick, State Sec. HHS Judy Ann Bigby, Connector Executive Director Jon Kingsdale Public Service Announcements Connect to Health Day at Fenway
11 NESN Interview with Senator Kennedy
12 Health Care Reform Coalition Group of 18 organizations, including Boston teaching hospitals, Blue Cross, Greater Boston Chamber, Mass Taxpayers, Health Care for All Raised funding for complimentary ad campaign Enabled Connector to focus on target market, while the Coalition focused on broad-based awareness Provided the glue to hold key supporters together
13 Health Care Reform Coalition
14 Our Partners Greater Boston Interfaith Organization –Went door to door –Helped at grassroots outreach events –Educational seminars following weekend services (train the trainer) CVS –Window Signage, info at pharmacy counters, overhead radio announcements Shaw’s and Star Market –Messaging in circulars, messages on store receipts
15 Our Partners Continued IBEW –Messaging on lighted billboard on Expressway Associated Industries of Massachusetts, (AIM) –Partnered with key business associations to co-sponsor 16, three-hour sessions across the state. Retailers Association, NFIB, Bank of America –helped with business outreach Comcast –pro bono advertising Zip Car –website link Massachusetts Health Plans –MMCOs and commercial plans advertised
17 Other State Agencies Department of Revenue –Postcards to tax filers (3.1 million), letters to employers ( 193,000) and uninsured Registry of Motor Vehicles –Notices to new Mass. residents Division of Unemployment Assistance –Inserts in resident mailings MBTA –Advertising on subway cars and buses Division of Insurance & Division of Health Care Finance and Policy –Presentations MassHealth (Office of Medicaid) –EOHHS Outreach and Enrollment Grants
19 Grassroots Outreach 20 community-based enrollment events during Fall & Winter 2007 Partnered with: –Legislators –Mayors/City Councilors –Local Hospitals –Community Health Centers –Community Groups –Health Plans –MMCOs –School systems
20 Worcester–Nov. 4, 2007 Co-Sponsors Lt. Gov. Murray Congressman McGovern Senators Chandler & Augustus Reps. O’Day, Fresolo & Spellane Worcester Public Schools U-Mass Memorial St. Vincent’s Great Brook Valley Community Health Center Family Community Health Center Worcester Chamber of Commerce Neighbor to Neighbor Worcester Community Action Council Commonwealth Pathways Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Harvard Pilgrim, Fallon, Neighborhood
21 East Boston – Nov. 15, 2007 Co-Sponsors Sen. Petruccellil Rep-Elect Basile Councilor Lamatina & Arroyo Mayor’s Health Line Health Care for All Greater Boston Interfaith Organization East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Iglesia Christiana Nueva Vida East Boston Chamber of Commerce Blue Cross & Blue Shield Fallon, Harvard Pilgrim, Neighborhood
22 Advertising Television, including New England Sports Network Radio Print, including community, ethnic and college newspapers Internet Transit Targeted to all geographies, from western Massachusetts to Cape Cod
23 Our Message There's a new law - you need health insurance Unprecedented choice of plans Easy comparison of plans and prices through our website State Seal of Approval for quality and value
24 Connector Advertising “I’ve Got It” Broken Arm
26 Connector Advertising Radio Ad: Sign Up by Nov 15Sign Up by Nov 15
27 Spike in visits to web site prior to tax penalty going into effect (May ’07 to Jan ’08 shown below)
28 Public Information Unit Created to focus on calls regarding Health Care Reform law and business questions Alleviated pressure on two call centers for enrollment Handled up to 2,500 calls/ s a week.
29 Results of Outreach efforts By end of 2007, over 300,000 newly insured Massachusetts residents Law and penalties were fully implemented
30 Over 300,000 newly insured December 5, 2007 Massachusetts State House World Series Trophy helps us celebrate HCR Milestone!
Phase 2:
32 Goals for Phase 2 With over 300,000 newly insured, the focus turned to those hardest to reach Get their attention Motivate them to enroll
33 Who said that it would be easy?
34 What Market Research Showed 2008 Those who remain uninsured resist health insurance because they: Would rather play the odds Feel they can’t afford it Believe they don’t need it Object from a civil liberties, anti-government perspective
35 What Are the Best Motivators? Knowing the Tax Penalties Understanding how costly medical treatment can be
36 Our Challenge Come up with an edgy as well as educational campaign Develop creative that is visually compelling
40 Radio Ad: Not Gonna Happen to meNot Gonna Happen to me
41 Social Media Facebook Digital advertising Search Engine Optimization Twitter
Jaclyn Commonwealth Care Member Cancer free for two years. “If I didn’t have health insurance, I would never have made an appointment with my doctor because of the cost. The cancer would have spread and I would not be alive today to tell my story.”
New to Massachusetts, Abbie was not optimistic about obtaining health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. “I figured I would go through the same process and be turned down again. But I wasn’t. I did the whole thing online and got a very good plan. I was just thrilled!” Abbie Commonwealth Choice Member
44 Rate of Uninsured By November of 2008 only 2.6 % of Massachusetts residents were uninsured Best in Nation Rate has remained steady (2.7%) since Fall 2009 Source: Division of Health Care Finance and Policy
Phase 3: present
46 Signs Health Care Reform Is Working More than 400,000 newly insured One third in commercial (non-subsidized) plans 34% reduction in free care pool spending Non-group premiums down Opinion poll shows voters continue to support the law (59 – 75%)
47 Goals for Phase 3 Promote Health Connector Brand The Health Connector can help. It offers: –Choice and Comparison of Price and Plans –Peace of Mind through the Seal of Approval –You owe it to yourself to compare
48 Advertising TV Commercial: Comparing Apples Radio Ad: Expert Guide
49 Going Forward In 2010, we will be launching plans for small employers and their employees Using many of the same techniques
50 Lessons Learned It takes a community effort A variety of approaches are critical Build partnerships and keep them alive Opportunities for outreach are everywhere from ballparks to churches, pharmacies to grocery stores
51 Contact Information Joan Fallon Chief Communications Officer and Director of Public Education Health Connector
52 Spring 2009: A great day for her and a great day for us!