Genetically Modified Crops B y: Rachel Yerkey, Austin Magnuson, Noah Wasosky, and Johnny Glesenkamp
What are Genetically Modified Crops? Genetically modified crops are organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.
Pros ●Some GMO’s are used to preserve foods. Some of these preservatives such as MonoSodium Glutamate and Sodium Citrate. These are in most canned soups and some of chips and snacks we eat today. ●Aspartame is another GMO, it is mainly used for a sugar substitute or more known as Artificial flavoring.
Pros 2 ●GMO’s are virus resilient. ● Trying to reduce the number of the Allergens in the food with GMOs making more food available with people that can’t have those foods to make them be able to have these foods.
Cons ●The public in many countries distrusts GMOs, seeing them as part of globalization and privatization, being “anti-democratic” or “meddling with evolution”. ● The evidence and risk and actual harm from GMOs has grown in 2 years. ● Claims for safety and efficacy of GM crops are often based on dubious evidence or no evidence at all. ● More than 60 countries have significant restrictions on the production of GMOs.
Cons 2 ●Studies are showing GMOs and their associated pesticides, such as Roundup, could lead to serious effects on health over time, such as liver and kidney toxicity. ●Many important crops, such as pulses, vegetables, fodder and industrial crops are almost entirely neglected. ●The government has been using GMOs since 1996 and the public is concerned about their safety.
Work Cited Page "GMOS AND YOUR FAMILY." NON GMO PROJECT. 1 Jan Web. 14 Oct "GM Crops Continue to Boost Productivity and Farm Incomes Worldwide." GMO Compass. GMO Compass, 7 May Web. 16 Oct Fresco, Louise. "Genetically modified crops." Agriculture Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Agriculture Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, n.d. Web. 16 Oct 2014.