Michigan’s New Educational Assessment Program Public Schools of Petoskey May 2014 1 Per MDE April 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Michigan’s New Educational Assessment Program Public Schools of Petoskey May Per MDE April 2014

Michigan’s Assessment Changes 2 Smarter- Balanced (SBAC) Interim/ Formative Summative (Spring) MI Developed (DRC) Interim/ Formative Summative (Spring)

Table of Contents  Thinking About- Slides 4-5  The Basics- Slides 6-9  Smarter Balanced- Slides  MI Developed (DRC)- Slides  Quick-Glance Information- Slide 27  Discussion- Slide 28  Resources - Slide 29 3

Thinking About Michigan’s new assessment program beginning in : What will it look & feel like? How will it differ from our past state assessment program (e.g., MEAP/MME)? How will we prepare our students? How will it correspond to our district’s balanced-assessment plan? What changes will we need to make? 4

What do we already know?  2 Types- Smarter Balanced (SBAC) & MI Developed (DRC) Summative- in the Spring (mandatory) Formative/Interim- in the Fall & Winter (most optional)  SBAC tests & their performance tasks reviewed by all teachers 2 years ago  Practice & pilot tests in district (HS 2013 & Elem 2014)  Aligned to state standards (CC/GLCE/HSCE/DOK)  Computer-adaptive & tech enhanced (SBAC)  Tech-enhanced only (MI Developed) 5

New Michigan Assessments: No Longer MEAP, MEAP-Access, Etc. Smarter-Balanced Assessments (SBAC)  3-8 th ELA & Math (CCSS) MI Developed Assessments (DRC)  K-2 ELA & Math (CCSS)  3-7 th Science (GLCEs/HSCEs/DOK)  3-8 th Social Studies (GLCEs/HSCEs/DOK)  High School (MMC Science & Social Studies)  High School ELA & Math (being developed) 6

New Michigan Assessments: No Longer MEAP, MEAP-Access, Etc.  KEA (Knd Entry)- Optional Fall 2014  WIDA (English Lang. Learners K-12 th )- Spring 2015  MI Developed FI Social Studies 5, 8, & 11 th (Students w/IEPs)- Spring 2015  MI Developed Science 4, 7, & 11 th (Students w/IEPs)- Spring 2015  Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Formerly MI-Access 3-8 & 11 th ELA & Math (Students w/IEPs)- Spring 2015

HS Interim MMC Specific Tests  Alg I/II, Geometry, Problem Solving ( )  English 9, 10, 11, 12th ( )  Bio, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sci ( )  US/Wld History & Geog, Civics, Econ ( ) Also, College Entrance/WorkSkills in 11th

New MI Test Rollouts  Smarter Balanced Assessments Possibly Fall 2014 Interim 3-8 ELA & Math Spring 2015 Summative 3-8 & 11 Math Spring 2015 Summative 3-8 & 11 ELA  MI Developed Assessment (DRC) Possibly Late Fall 2014 Interim 3-8 Sci & SS Spring 2015 Summative 4, 7, & 11 Science Spring 2015 Summative 5, 8, & 11 Social Studies Fall Interim 2015 K-2 ELA & Math Fall Interim & HS Science Fall Interim & HS Social Studies Formative/Interim Tests Generally Optional 9

Smarter-Balanced Assessments 10 Sounds like a name for low-fat butter!

Smarter Balanced: The Basics Math 3-8 & 11th ELA 3-8 & 11th Embedded Writing (not a stand-alone test) Computer-Adaptive & Technology- Enhanced Assessments

Smarter-Balanced: Timing 3-8 th Grades Math ( hrs including research/discussion)  Computer-adapted questions  Performance tasks (not all on computers)  Writing Embedded ELA ( hrs including research/discussion)  Computer-adapted questions  Performance Task (not all on computers)  Writing Embedded 12

Smarter-Balanced: Pilots  Training Tool & Practice Tests Training Tool Questions Practice Tests  Selected Response (~1 hour)  Performance Task (varies) 13

Smarter-Balanced: Practice for Tests  Click on Practice & Training Tests (2 nd top tab).  Scroll down to Take Practice & Training Tests.  Click on Student Interface Practice & Training.  Sign In (as a guest).  Select a grade level and click yes.  Start Math or ELA Training Test or Start G3/G4/G5 Math or ELA Performance Test.  You may also choose the longer Practice Tests. 14

Smarter-Balanced: Tech-Literacy  Back & Next icon  Middle & right scroll bars  Expand & collapse arrows  Highlighting & strike through  Zoom in & out  Pause test  Notes & flag icons  Calculator  Cursor back, forward, & delete  Drag & drop  Answer in boxes  Sound buttons  End test & submit buttons  Return back to a section (from Lincoln Elementary School) 15

Smarter Balanced: Tips  Must answer all questions on page before moving to next.  Can go back to edit.  After pausing 20 min., answers saved & cannot be changed.  Scroll all the way down to see all questions.  Answers saved automatically or by clicking on save.  Students end test and submit when finished.  Headphones & sound need to be working.  All “hands on deck” to begin tests.  Work on stamina, grit, & perseverance to show best effort. (from Lincoln Elementary School) 16

Smarter-Balanced Assessments Universal Accommodations & Supports Head phones Text-to-Speech Print on Demand Enhanced Color Enlarger Highlight & Underline Cross-off Undesired Answers 17

MI Developed Assessments (DRC) 18

MI Developed (DRC): The Basics Reading & Math (K-2 nd ) Embedded Writing (not a stand-alone test) Social Studies (First Rollout 5, 8, & 11 th ) Science (First Rollout 4, 7, & 11 th ) Technology Enhanced (not adaptive)

MI Developed Assessment: General Information  Online (Tech enhanced, not adaptive)  Aligned to K-2 Common Core ELA & Common Core Math State Standards  Aligned to 3-12 th GLCEs/HSCEs/DOK Working on Next Generation Sci. Standards Working on C3 (College, Career, & Citizenship) Social Studies Standards High School ELA & Math will be aligned to CCSS 20

MI Interim Assessments: Additional Information Pilots & Practice on New Test Formats (Elem Knd- KEA) Spring 2013 (HS- DRC Social Studies) Spring 2014 (Elem 3,4, & 5- DRC SS & SBAC) Spring 2014 (Elem/MS/HS- DRC FI Social Studies) Spring 2014 (MS & HS ACT Aspire) Purposes- Taken to better understand the tests, check our operating systems, learn about our students’ tech literacy skills, obtain tech grant $$, add to the information collected nationally/state-wide as pilot tests are evaluated, get student data (from some tests), etc. 21

MI Developed Assessments: Timing  Science 3-5, 7, 11 th ( hrs)  Social St 3-5, 8, 11 th ( hrs) 22

MI Developed Assessment: Online Training Tutorials & Practice Tests  Both are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED prior to testing!  Look for DRC symbol on our computers.  Click on Training or Practice.  Select grade level.  For Test Practice, select content area– e.g. Social Studies.  Type in user name & password displayed universally on the screen.

MI Developed Assessments: Other Suggestions  Read the MDE Test Administration Manual for Elementary or Secondary grades at  Ensure that the Assessment Building Coordinator (principal) has Student Login Tickets prepared & delivered.  Remember that there are 2-parts to the tests (one ticket for both parts). If students have practiced prior to taking the tests, the directions & reminders may be better remembered, purposefully used, & less troublesome during the actual testing period. We will also be able to delineate earlier which tech components are causing issues or perhaps enhancing the test layout for students.

MI Developed Assessments: Checklist  Test Ticket (1 per student)  Computer & Headphones  Scratch Paper & Pencils  Periodic Table (Elementary 5 th Science only)  Testing Instructions

MI Developed Assessments Basic Online Tools & Accommodations/Supports Pointer Cross off Highlighter Magnifier Line Guide Notes Calculator Periodic Table (5 th -HS) Text-to-Voice 26

Quick-Glance Information: SBAC & MI Developed (DRC) Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC) & MI Developed Assessments (DRC) GRADETESTReadingWritingMathScienceSocial StCollege Standards Tested CCSS GLCE/HSCE KMI DRC F 2015 KSBAC 1MI DRC F SBAC 2MI DRC F SBAC 3MI DRC F SBAC S 2015S 2015 (Embedded) S MI DRC S 2015F SBAC S 2015S 2015 (Embedded) S MI DRC F 2016S SBAC S 2015S 2015 (Embedded) S MI DRC F SBAC S 2015S 2015 (Embedded) S MI DRC S 2015F SBAC S 2015S 2015 (Embedded) S MI DRC S SBAC S 2015S 2015 (Embedded) S 2015 HS/11th MI DRC S 2015 Other S 2015 SBAC

Possible Discussion Questions What are our hopes for students/teachers/parents?  Compared to MEAP/MME/MI-Access  Online vs. paper and pencil  Data quality and feedback time How will we prepare our students/ourselves?  Math & reading fluency  Depth of Knowledge  Tech literacy skills  Stamina & perseverance  Performance tasks What are our expectations concerning these assessments and the district’s future balanced-assessment plan?  Will we need NWEA & other assessments?  How may this impact progress monitoring?  How might this help us review & check for student growth?

SBAC & DRC Resources Smarter-Balanced 1. General Plan in MI T_SBAC__5-year_plan_presentation_397448_7.pdf T_SBAC__5-year_plan_presentation_397448_7.pdf 2. Q & A lanced_Pilot_Frequently_Asked_Questions_406553_7.p df lanced_Pilot_Frequently_Asked_Questions_406553_7.p df 3. MI Transition (SBAC & DRC) _Transitions_Communication- April_2_2014_452589_7.pdf _Transitions_Communication- April_2_2014_452589_7.pdf 4. General (SBAC & DRC) Assessment_System_452591_7.pdf Assessment_System_452591_7.pdf 5. Main Page assessments/ assessments/ MI Developed 1. Manuals & helpful testing information at under “Documents” on the left and “Show Documents.” 2. Tutorials & Test Practice on our Desktops 3. Explanatory PowerPt at 4_MSTC_C2_IA_3-HS_448435_7.pdf 4_MSTC_C2_IA_3-HS_448435_7.pdf 4. MDE info at _ ,00.html _ ,00.html