21C Teachers' competences and the request for new learning resources Leo Højsholt-Poulsen UNIC The Danish IT Centre for Education and Research Denmark
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference2 Pedagogical ICT competences and learning resources 21C teachers must have the competences to use ICT and digital learning resources in education National, and several European and international strategies for the professional development of teachers (on ICT) It all comes down to simple questions: –What do we want the teachers to learn? –How do they learn this? –How do we evaluate/assess if they have learned what they are supposed to?
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference3 International Society for Technology in Education National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) ISTE NETS for Teachers (NETST) ISTE NETS for Students (NETSS) See cnets.iste.orgcnets.iste.org
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference4 NETS for Teachers Curriculum and Content Area Standards Performance indicators Technology operations and concepts Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Planning and designing learning environments and experiences Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teaching, learning, and the curriculum Teachers implement curriculum plans, that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Assessment and evaluation Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Productivity and professional practice Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Social, ethical, legal, and human issues Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice.
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference5 Basic ICT skills Insight into the impact of ICT on –the role of teachers and students –the pedagogical and organizational development of the school –on the development of the subjects Insight into and experience with team-based work in a net-based learning environment. The Pedagogical ICT Licence
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference6 Main areas and competencies, 1 Basic ICT skills Use the computer as a personal tool, for individual work, for preparation and learning Use different networks, e.g. local area network, e-conferences, intranet or the like
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference7 Main areas and competencies, 2 Research and collaboration competencies with ICT Collect, evaluate, summarize, put into perspective and present information with ICT Work systematically and process-oriented in electronic learning environments Master different methods of work with ICT
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference8 Main areas and competencies, 3 Pedagogical and didactic ICT competencies Plan, complete and evaluate ICT-integrated training Reflect on learning processes with ICT Relate to the development of a school with regard to application of ICT
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference9 EPICT – European Pedagogical ICT Licence ® A European standard that Ensures adequate ICT-integration - at all levels across all subjects Is economically feasible, a sustainable model Of even and high quality Is distributed across the country via distributed course organization Applies E-learning, blended approach
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference10 Modern ICT and media teacher training ICT always with a pedagogical rationale ICT, Internet and media as means, method and topic use ICT as a personal tool and apply ICT pedagogically in education Process and product School based (local collaboration) Teacher teams (peer learning) Close and parallel to daily practice, concrete and relevant assignments Keywords: school development, process and teamwork
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference11 The Pedagogical ICT Licence EPICT – European Pedagogical ICT Licence ® Denmark, Norway, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Iceland, UK, Ireland, Austria (pilots/scaled) APICT – African Pedagogical ICT Licence Ghana, Uganda, Cameroon – pilots AusiPICT – Australian Pedagogical ICT Licence Tasmania, pilot Controlled internationally by the EPICT Group (UNIC is Secretariat) Read more at EPICT.EUEPICT.EU
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference12 A number of independent studies: It works! Most recent study in the Nordic countries Ramboll Management, May 2006 E-learning Nordic Impact of ICT on education 8000 respondents from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark Ramboll Management, May 2006 ”ICT generally has a positive impact on the teaching and learning situation. However, some people expected that ICT could in some ways revolutionise the teaching and learning processes at school, and compared with this view, the impact must be seen as more limited.” ”Impact of ICT on teaching and learning processes”
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference13 MANY titles FEW users Digital learning resources The learning ressource of the 21 Century:
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference14 Standard software Presentations tools Laboratory software Information software Search tools Educational (subject oriented) software Big programs (courseware) Software with books and TV (and vice versa) Totally integrated software: TV/computer My software “Types of software for learning” (LHP 1997) Virtual learning environments – Learning management systems ?
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference15 Include content to help beginners Be open to allow for new content A new digital learning resource should
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference16 Defining a learning resource Peder Skyum-Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark has given 13 questions often used in the description of learning resources: ” Who says [or understands] what to [from] whom with which intention, in which medium and dependent on which conditions, at what time and place and under the influence of which teacher persona and teaching methods and controlled by which formal regulations, and with which selection and use of concepts, with which verbal and textual practice, with which para- and non-verbal communications … and with what overall effect? ”
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference17 “Digital learning resources as systemic innovation” Any digital resource that is actually used by teachers and learners for the purpose of learning System-wide impact New ideas that work (A UK Cabinet Office paper)
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference18 New study by OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, CERI First phase: Nordic countries and Switzerland Case studies – which DLRs have documented systemic impact? National educational portals Other suggestions from Denmark: –Learning resources not designed for learning –Subscriptions to digital learning resources –Unconventional learning resources –Government policies and initiatives –User-driven content and exchange (e.g. lektion.se) –VLE – LMS ? Final report and conference late 2008 “Digital learning resources as systemic innovation”
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference19 Learning resources for schools are paid by ‘public’ money Numerous national support programmes. Public support to digital learning resources To providers? To end-users? In some countries Government provides a free set of digital learning resources, e.g.: Korea ( - Hungary ( - sdt.sulinet.hu) Digital learning resources – Public vs. Private
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference20 Google is not enough Repositories address the missing knowledge of users about opportunities and resources (“where are the learning resources”) from content providers (“where are the users”) Repositories are key disseminators of information of available learning resources. In repositories users search or browse for relevant resources (text books, websites, digital learning objects etc.) among the vast supply on the market. Repositories help finding the learning resources
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference21 Repository functionality overview External bases with collections and materials Producers: Register, update, upload, search, read statistics on usage Teachers, librarians, students etc.: Search, browse, download (upload, comment) Repository
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference22 The national repository of Danish learning resources Materialeplatformen – learning resources of all types (books – digital media – museum exhibits etc.) –from professional publishers to teachers Learning resources from Danish museums and science centres E-Museum The national link repository Fagenes Infoguide links to websites for education -categorized by type of school and subject -evaluated by experienced teachers -There are many different types of educational repositories in various countries What is an educational repository? - the Danish situation illustrates the broad concept of educational repositories
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference23 EdReNe brings together members from –web-based repositories of learning resources with –content owners and –other stakeholders within education The members share, develop and document strategies, experiences, practices, solutions, advice, procedures etc. on the organisation, structuring and functionality of repositories. The overall goal is to improve the provision of and access to learning resources. EdReNe – Educational Repositories Network
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference24 EdReNe – thematic network of central actors UNIC (Denmark)UNIC EUN – European Schoolnet (Europe)EUN – European Schoolnet EENET - European Expert's Network for Education and Technology (Europe)EENET - European Expert's Network for Education and Technology Menon Network (Europe)Menon Network EDEN - European Distance and E- Learning Network (Europe)EDEN - European Distance and E- Learning Network FWU - Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (Germany)FWU - Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht EAPC - Public Administration School of Catalunya (Spain)EAPC - Public Administration School of Catalunya TLF - Tiger Leap Foundation (Estonia)TLF - Tiger Leap Foundation UNI-LJ-FMF, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Uni. of Ljubljana (Slovenia)UNI-LJ-FMF, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Uni. of Ljubljana ITC - Centre of IT in Education (Lithuania)ITC - Centre of IT in Education MSU - The Swedish National Agency for School Improvement (Sweden)MSU - The Swedish National Agency for School Improvement ENIS Austria (Austria)ENIS Austria NCTE –National Centre for Technology in Education (Ireland)NCTE –National Centre for Technology in Education Kennisnet – Sticting Kennisnet Ict op School (The Netherlands)Kennisnet – Sticting Kennisnet Ict op School Becta - British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (UK)Becta - British Educational Communications and Technology Agency CNDP - Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (France)CNDP - Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique Giunti Interactive Labs (Italy)Giunti Interactive Labs BFU- Brancheforeningen for undervisningsmidler (Denmark)BFU- Brancheforeningen for undervisningsmidler bit media eLearning solutions (Austria)bit media eLearning solutions AIE - Associazione Italiana Editori (Italy)AIE - Associazione Italiana Editori EduLearn (Portugal)EduLearn sDae - Sociedad Digital De Autores Y Esitores (Spain)sDae - Sociedad Digital De Autores Y Esitores IML - Umeå University Department of Interactive Media and Learning (Sweden)IML - Umeå University Department of Interactive Media and Learning Associated members Utdanning.no (Norway)Utdanning.no Utdanningsdirektoratet (Norway)Utdanningsdirektoratet VETAMIX (Finland)VETAMIX Lektion.se (Sweden)Lektion.se
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference25 EdReNe arranges (2007 – 2009) 4 strategic seminars where decision makers meet and exchange information – feedback from expert workshops will be presented, discussed and condensated 10 expert workshops for expert level representatives and invited external experts -specific aspects of repository “life” will be discussed -4 sub-themes: Repositories and resources, general level Standards and interoperability Engagement of producers and users, operational level Rights issues
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference26 A basic list of issues sets the agenda How do you establish a repository of learning resources together with producers and users Everyday organisation and management of a repository Optimising number of titles and users Quality frameworks and criteria Networking repositories Functionalities and features of a repository Pedagogical metadata and links to curriculum Management of IPR screening and clearance Role of repositories in the new web environment
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference27 Next workshop in First series of expert workshops WS Issues that top the agenda Repositories and resources, general level - First workshop Brussels, Belgium, 4 – 5 December 2007 Quality assurance strategies (editorial policies, technical quality assurance) Connecting and cooperating with existing repositories What are the additional benefits of repositories in a Google world Identifying successful policy actions (government support, public-private partnerships) Metadata only or content repository? Pros and cons of hosting content Sustainability of a repository in the long term Barriers to cooperation and interoperability = Language?
Stockholm 2007 EDEN Open Classroom Conference28 Do you wish to join EdReNe? EdReNe invites all stakeholders interested in sharing experiences and opinions on repositories of learning resources to join the network as associated members. An associate member participates in the work and events as any other member. Consult Contact or The network is co-funded by the European Union, through the eContentplus programmeeContentplus programme