Delaware Health Insurance Marketplace Project Update September 5, 2013 Delaware Health Care Commission Meeting Dover, DE
Consumer Assistance
Marketplace Guide Program Ramp-up In July, the State finalized contracts with four organizations that will hire and deploy Marketplace Guides throughout Delaware The four organizations will collectively provide up to 68 FTE Guides to educate consumers about the Marketplace and facilitate enrollment in Qualified Health Plans Guides will assist all consumers in need of support to determine coverage options in the new healthcare landscape, including expanded Medicaid
Marketplace Guide Program Ramp-up Hiring of Marketplace Guides is well underway for Delaware’s four contracted organizations Individual Guides are now undergoing both State and Federally developed training on all aspects of providing assistance to consumers regarding the Marketplace Guides are also in the process of obtaining certification based on successful completion of the training and examination as well as state and federal background checks The four organizations will collectively provide up to 68 FTE Guides to educate consumers about the Marketplace and facilitate enrollment in Qualified Health Plans
Federal In-Person Assister Entities On August 15, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced awards for Navigator entities nationwide Chatman, LLC, a consulting firm based in Upper Marlboro, MD, was awarded approximately $500,000 in funding to serve as the sole Navigator organization for Delaware Navigators provide the same scope of services as the state’s Marketplace Guides but are contracted by the Federal government
Federal In-Person Assister Entities Chatman expects to employ 5-7 FTEs to provide in-person consumer assistance to individuals in Delaware Navigators will undergo the same screening and certification process as Marketplace Guides Their outreach efforts will be coordinated with those of the Guides to ensure a seamless consumer experience CMS has not made a formal announcement about organizations that have been approved to provide Certified Application Counselors
Plan Management
Qualified Health Plan Review Update State Review Complete 7/30 Dept. of Insurance completed its review of plans on 7/30 and submitted plans to CMS All plans submitted were recommended for QHP Certification Plan Preview Completed 9/5 Issuer Plan Preview was completed on 9/5. Allowed Issuers an opportunity to ‘preview’ their plans as they would appear on the Federal Marketplace Portal CMS Final Certification September CMS to make final QHP Certification in Mid-Late September CMS to notify the State once QHP Agreements are signed between CMS and Issuers—early to mid September
CMS Final QHP Certification Process/Timeline (September 2013) September 9 th : CMS Notification to Issuers CMS notification provides QHP Review findings for each plan submitted. Notification will also include the QHP Issuer Agreement. September 11 th : Issuer Confirmation/Agreements Due to CMS QHP Issuers must send confirmation back to CMS indicating those approved plans that it will offer on the Marketplace and those it wishes to withdraw from the certification process. Issuers sign and submit QHP Agreement to CMS Mid-Late September: CMS Final Certification Notification CMS will conduct final review of Issuer confirmation and signed Agreements. CMS will sign Agreements and send notification to Issuers regarding final certification status. Once Issuers receive final certification, Issuers will begin marketing plans that will be offered on the Marketplace. 9
Communications & Outreach
Communications and Outreach: Roundtable Sessions Conducted 3 stakeholder roundtable sessions; one in each county with Sec. Landgraf, Commissioner Stewart and Sen. Carper Shared the status of the program, gathered input and answered questions 136 people attended representing 58 organizations, businesses and agencies from across the state
Communications and Outreach: Media Kick-off Event Held a press conference on September 3 rd Announced the media campaign launch Introduced the 4 Marketplace Guide organizations Highlighted a formerly uninsured person Received coverage from multiple media outlets including: The News Journal WDEL WDDE WHYY WMDT NBC 10 (WCAU Philadelphia) WGMD
13 Public Consulting Group, Inc. 148 State Street, Tenth Floor, Boston, Massachusetts (617) ,