British Food. Carlos Solar Contreras.
Activity: Food and cooking in UK. British population’s tendency towards food and cooking. Stundents’ own preferencies.
Unidad: English and culture 1. Topic: Modern British cooking and restaurants; the popularity of celebrity chefs Obectives: To learn or revise vocabulary relating to food, restaurants, tastes and textures. To develop reading and comprehension skills. To develop speaking skills/ discussing preferences and attitudes towards food and restaurants.
Introduction. This lesson consists of a series of activities to help students discuss food and cooking. The main focus of the lesson is a text based on a recent survey in the UK indicating that British people are becoming more adventurous and experimental in their cooking and eating habits due to the growing popularity of cooking programmes.
Parameters: Expeted hability: - reading comprehension. - writing production. - oral production. Type-text: - investigation text - reviews. Lexical content:class chefs, recipe books, adventurous, cookery programmes, culinary knowledge, traditional diet, mediocre cuisine, culinary excellence.
Sintactic content: And, also, than, much more. Arragement of simple sentences. Present continuous. Present perfect. Extention: Stimated time: - 4 hours.
Pre-activity. Brainstorming: National Dishes
And then…
Alternative task… Survey:
Food vocabulary exercise.
Students try to guest what food/dish is being described… The teacher must encourage students to write some clues of their own !!!
Computers, an exelent tool for this activity…
Surfing for answers…
Reading activity N° 1. The teacher gives students time to read the article.
And then …
Following on from the previous exercise…
Reading activity N° 2. The teacher asks students to read the article and underline any new vocabulary wich it could be useful to describe restaurants.
After reading… Additional task: With higher levels. Their own review.
Post activity.
Sources: plans/cooking-britain-today#attachments plans/cooking-britain-today#attachments