To help the financially needy obtain high-quality health care that is affordable, promotes independence, and provides customer satisfaction. 1 Massachusetts Maximizing Enrollment Judy Fleisher, Senior Project Lead Children’s Health Care Access Coalition June 14, 2011
2 Massachusetts Maximizing Enrollment Presentation Agenda Overview of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Maximizing Enrollment Grant Current Maximizing Enrollment Work Wrap Up/Questions
3 Maximizing Enrollment Grant Eight states received $1 million dollars over 4 years in February National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) is the national program office for the grant. In December 2010, focus expanded to supporting the grantees with implementation of federal health reform. The name “Maximizing Enrollment for Kids” changed to “Maximizing Enrollment”. Improvement goals expanded to include national health reform work. Massachusetts MaxEnroll team includes a representative from the Connector.
4 Massachusetts Maximizing Enrollment Work Goal 1: Increase Retention – Administrative review process implemented for 13,500 nursing facility members in April – Process will be expanded to 66,000 community elders and disabled adults/children in Fall – Developing an Express Lane renewal process for families also receiving SNAP (Food Stamps). Requires approval from the federal government.
5 Massachusetts Maximizing Enrollment Work Goal 2: Improve Capacity and Use of Data – Eliminated existing job update form process. Analysis identified that the need to return the form caused unnecessary loss of coverage. Currently developing a more targeted approach to use DOR data matches to ensure income integrity. – Data analysis used is key to eligibility review streamlining work. – Implemented SSA match for citizenship and identity. – Match with Division of Unemployment Assistance to receive unemployment income and health insurance data scheduled for summer – Ongoing participation in the “Early Innovator” grant awarded to develop the IT infrastructure for the Exchange for health reform implementation on 2014.
6 Massachusetts Maximizing Enrollment Work Goal 3: Improve Customer Service/Enhance Customer Interface – Electronic Document Management (EDM) pilot launched at Taunton MEC and is being expanded to Springfield and Tewksbury MECs. – Customer-facing Virtual Gateway screening tool, MAP and member change form implemented. – Receive feedback on consumer issues and experience through HHS Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) grant. EOHHS partnering with Health Care for All and Health Law Advocates which includes: member enrollment/renewal, consumer health insurance assistance, and grievance/appeals process assistance as well as a feedback loop for consumer issues and experience.
7 Massachusetts Maximizing Enrollment Work Goal 4: Enhance Agency Collaboration – Ongoing work with the Connector regarding implementation of the Affordable Care Act. – Collaboration with the Division of Unemployment Assistance for data match. – Additional collaboration with the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) for Express Lane renewal with SNAP data.
8 Massachusetts Maximizing Enrollment Thank you!