What is it? Where is it? How does it affect me?
Genetically Modified Organism Organisms that have had their DNA changed in a laboratory.
Started with bacteria. Bacteria have simple DNA that is easy to change. Steps of process: 1. Find the gene that you want to insert into the bacterial DNA. Cut that gene out using a restriction enzyme (like molecular scissors). 2. Cut open the bacterial DNA plasmid (circular DNA) with the same restriction enzyme. 3. Insert the gene you want into the bacterial DNA and close up the loop using a ligase enzyme (like molecular glue). 4. When the bacteria reproduces, all the offspring will have a copy of that gene and hence will be genetically modified or changed! -yUuiqIZ0http://youtu.be/2G -yUuiqIZ0 ; be.com/watch?v=t 252CrvYhkE be.com/watch?v=t 252CrvYhkE
Making copies of genes for useful human compounds that are usually produced naturally, such as insulin and human growth hormone. Some people have disorders where they cannot produce these substances naturally. Modifying food that we eat. For example, fruit that stays riper longer. Also, inserting genes for disease resistance or genes that kill insects that eat the crops.
Many foods that we eat now come from genetically modified organisms. There has been little to no testing on possible side effects of this process. Companies in the United States are not required to put labels on food products containing GMO’s so there is no way of knowing if the food you eat contains them or not. GMOs are currently labeled, extremely restricted, or banned in 64 countries. This includes all of Europe, Australia, and most of South America.
You will write an editorial. Editorial: an article in a newspaper or other periodical or on a website presenting the opinion of the publisher, writer, or editor. You will pick a side. You will discuss either the advantages of GMOs and why you agree with their use, OR you will discuss the disadvantages, and why you think they should be banned in this country.