Please get your interactive notebook and read the board!
Compare/contrast Industrial Ag Sustainable Ag
Another way to think about it... Local is sustainable because gas is not wasted on transportation. Whole is sustainable because material is not wasted on packaging. Whole is sustainable because energy is not wasted on processing.
What’s the opposite of these? Processed food Transported food Stored food Monoculture Pesticides Fertilizers Mechanization Few corporations control system Subsidies encourage unhealthy food Cost minimization priority over human rights
Interactive Notebook: Organic Vs. Local December 2
*Organic Legal definition No inorganic fertilizers or pesticides No use of Genetically Modified Organisms No use of sewage sludge No irradiation (kills bacteria on harvested food) No antibiotics or growth hormones
*Organic advantages Healthier for farmers, consumers Safer for wildlife Doesn’t require as much fossil fuel for fertilizer/pesticides
*Organic disadvantages Cost Can be highly processed
Look for organics!
*Local means food is produced near where it is eaten.
Eating locally = eating seasonally Most plants grow, produce food and then die at certain times of the year. Houston crops NOW: Greens Green beans Squash Cabbage Oranges Broccoli
Organic v. Local Lexicon of Sustainability
Another way to think about it... Local is sustainable because gas is not wasted on transportation. Whole is sustainable because material is not wasted on packaging. Whole is sustainable because energy is not wasted on processing. Organic is sustainable because
Practice – which is more sustainable and why? Quiz tomorrow! (Objectives #1-8)