By Group 8 송현석 박신영 김윤주 박도영 이정수
: The Effects of Globalization on the Food System ConsolidationOffoodconglomeratesVerticalChainIntegrationDiversifiedUsageOfCereals
* The largest chicken processor * Export to 73 countries * Leading chicken breeding stock supplier * Nation’s second largest market of corn and flour tortilla * Controls 93% of the US soybean seed market According to the TNI (Trans-Nationality Index) Their trans-nationality increased 59% to 79% during the 20 th century
Food and grocery retailing is becoming increasingly concentrated Change in production and trading patterns Transnational companies are controlling through vertical chain integration
Cutting cost and time through systematization and standardization of agricultural technology and techniques
구분 1999/002006/072007/082008/09(E)2009/10(P) Production1,872.22,000.82,121.62,227.32,187.3 Supply2,452.72,390.22,463.62,590.62,633.9 Demand1,865.42,048.22,100.32,143.92,183.4
Biofuel takes 2% of overall grain consumption and 25% of U.S grain consumption and amount that was able to feed 330million people. Small portion but production is increasing rapidly.
Productivity of agriculture may not be able to support the exponential growing population
Genetically Modified Organisms, process of creating a new crop from the original parent crop through genetic modification. What is GMO ? Proces s selective breeding Goals To create a studier crop that is immune to diseases as well as insects. To create a variant that contains more nutrients than the original. To create a crop that yields a better harvest. TransgenesisMutabreedingMutagenesis
Problems of GMO 1. GMO is controlled by large conglomerates leading to the instability of the food system, where originally independent countries and individual farmers are incorporated into the system. 2. Genetically modified seeds are infertile, and are infectious through ‘cross pollination’
Nutrition Transition Policies will need to focus on promoting healthy diet. *Awareness of how globalization has affected diets. *Incentives for Transnational Food Companies and other major players in the food system to promote a market of healthy foods and healthier environment. *Curb food advertisement and promotions and health promotion and marketing healthy foods. Food Crisis Distribution and Accessibility of food. *Incentives to consume less grain for meat and biofuel. A quota of grain that should be sent to the market for poor nations. *International organization should monitor whether the grain sent is properly used to feed people. *More investment for agricultural R&D sector
GMO *Governments should intervene for genetically modified seeds are offered at a stable price. Set regulations that genetically modified crops must be planted a certain distance away from unmodified crops. *The public sector could invest in the genetically modified food sup ply so that it is not controlled by a select few companies.