Standards for Education and Rehabilitation of Students who are Blind and Visually Impaired A general overview of accepted standards for Teachers of the Visually Impaired
Services to Our Students “ The quality of educational services for children and youth with exceptionalities resides in the abilities, qualifications, and competencies of personnel who provide the service. ” Council for Exceptional Children, 1998
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Details standards for accomplished teachers of students with exceptional needs There are 14 standards. The standards are broken down into 4 general areas. Preparing for Student Learning Advancing Student Learning Supporting Student Learning Professional Development and Outreach
You as an Accomplished Teacher How are you modeling the standards? What are you doing now to fulfill the standards? What future activities can you complete to fulfill/maintain each area of the standards?
Accomplished Teacher Standards Preparing for Student Learning 1. Knowledge of students – human development and individual characteristics 2. Knowledge of Special Ed – philosophy, legal issues, history, and effective practice 3. Communication – developing relationships and delivering concepts to students
Accomplished Teacher Standards Preparing for Student Learning (continued) 4. Diversity – Creating environments and modeling respect and fairness 5. Knowledge for Subject Matter – content, assessment, and practice
Accomplished Teacher Standards (cont) Advancing Student Learning 6. Meaningful Learning- exploring challenging concepts, building confidence 7. Multiple Paths to Knowledge- variety of approaches 8. Social Development- cultivate efficacy (competence), respect, independence, and promote collaboration with others
Accomplished Teacher Standards (cont) Supporting Student Learning 9. Assessment– getting useful and timely information, sometimes using different strategies 10. Learning Environment – creating safe and trusting environment 11. Instructional Resource – select, acquire, adapt, or create materials 12. Family Partnership – Collaboration and forming common goals
Accomplished Teacher Standards (cont) Professional Development and Outreach 13. Reflective Practice – regularly analyze, evaluate and strengthen your teaching abilities 14. Contributing to the Profession and to Education – work alone or with others to improve policy, practice, and knowledge in the field
CEC’s Knowledge and Skill Base for Teachers of the Visually Impaired Foundations- content knowledge Development and Characteristics of Learners- learner development Individual Learning Differences- learner diversity Instructional Strategies Learning Environments and Social Interactions
CEC’s Knowledge and Skill Base for Teachers of the Visually Impaired Language and Language Development - communication Instructional Planning Assessment Professional and Ethical Practice – reflective practice and professional development Collaboration - community
Resources The Council for Exceptional Children ’ s publication What Every Special Educator Must Know: Ethics, Standards, and Guidelines for Special Educators. 5 th edition Available at
TVI Standards - Foundations Common core areas Identification, law, philosophy, family, rights, culture VI specific areas Entitlement programs, history, specific educational issues, eye structure, eye diseases
TVI Standards -Development and Characteristics of Learners Common Core – comparison with others with or with disabilities, philosophy, family roles VI specific – human vision system development, effects of vision on development and learning, psychology, visual effects of medications
TVI Standards –Individual Learning Differences Common Core – impact of abilities on beliefs, aspirations, and attitudes; respecting cultures VI Specific – Impact on self esteem, impact of additional disabilities, impact of teacher behaviors on students who are VI
TVI Standards - Instructional Strategies Common Core – teaching problem solving, adapting teaching and promoting generalization VI Specific – The many unique needs of our students; braille, social, rec leisure, advocacy, etc
TVI Standards – Learning Environment Common Core- Basic classroom management theories and strategies for individuals with exceptional learning needs. VI Specific - Enhance instruction for individuals with visual impairments through modification of the environment.
TVI Standards – Language and Communication Common Core -Use strategies to support and enhance communication skills of individuals with exceptional learning needs. VI Specific - Prepare individuals with visual impairments to respond constructively to societal attitudes and actions
TVI Standards – Instructional Planning Common- Develop and implement comprehensive, longitudinal individualized programs in collaboration with team members. VI - Sequence, implement, and evaluate learning objectives based on the expanded core curriculum for individuals with visual impairments.
TVI Standards – Instructional Planning Common- Develop and implement comprehensive, longitudinal individualized programs in collaboration with team members. VI - Sequence, implement, and evaluate learning objectives based on the expanded core curriculum for individuals with visual impairments.
TVI Standards - Assessment Common - Use assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds. VI - Develop or modify individualized assessment strategies.
TVI Standards – Professional and Ethical Practice Common - Uphold high standards of competence and integrity and exercise sound judgment in the practice of the profession. VI - Participate in the activities of professional organizations in the field of visual impairment.
TVI Standards - Collaboration Common - Assist individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families in becoming active participants in the educational team. VI - Help families and other team members understand the impact of a visual impairment on learning and experience.