The Story of a Book English teacher Varava I.V. 2013
Aims : to learn new vocabulary and new grammar: Future Tense Passive Voice to develop listening, reading, writing and communicative skills; to motivate pupils in expressing their own opinions and views on the topic; to revise the grammar material: Passive Voice; to develop erudition of pupils; to inculcate a love of reading ; to broaden outlook.
“The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.”James Bryce “The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.”James Bryce
Warm-up activities Complete the rhyme with the words. up secret reader comic covers book shelf story Hello Book! Hello book! What are you ________ to? Keeping yourself to yourself, shut in between your _________________, a prisoner high on a _________________. come in _________________! What is your _______________? Haven't you ever been read? Did you think I would just pass by you And pick me a _______________ instead? No way book! I'm your ________________________ I open you up. Set you free. Listen, I know a _____________________! Will you share your secrets with me? up covers shelf book story comic reader secret
“ Oral Magazine”. An Evolution of a Book" 1- How did the Celts use runes to carve on the stones? 2- How did the Slaves use the bark of a birch tree to write on ? 3- How did Egyptian use papyrus to write on?
Pre-reading activities: Reading.Ex.3p.67 Do you like reading ? What kind of books do you prefer to read?
Match the words with their translation. 1. woodcuttera) видаляти 2. paper millb) м’яка безформенна маса 3. to removec) зкручувати 4. to chop upd) зрубувати 5. pulpe) лісоруб 6. roll outf) чорнильний 7. inkedg) паперово-картонний комбінат
While –reading activities. Ex.3p.67 While –reading activities. Ex.3p.67p. Read the text and think of a good title to it. Post reading activity. Read the sentences in Exercise 4p. 67 and order them according to the text of Ex.3p.67
Game “ Which word is missing?” Book Book Reader Magazine Novel Novel Author Chapter Comedy Comedy Cover Character Fairy-tale Fairy-tale Title Letter
Reader Novel Novel Chapter Comedy Comedy Cover Title Letter BookMagazine Author Character Fairy-tale Fairy-tale
Listening Comprehension 1. Listen to the story about a Festival of books 2. Write down if the sentences are True or False 1.Do people joke that no one in Los Angeles reads?_____________________________________ 2.Are TV guides more popular than books in LA?__________________ 3.Are libraries more popular than car washes in LA?_______________ 4.Is the book festival in west LA a yearly event?_________________________ 5.Is the annual book festival a popular event?__________________________ 6.Do people have to wait for hours to find a parking space? _____________________ 7.Is the annual book festival held inside a big convention center?_________________ 8.Is the book festival sponsored by a national magazine?_______________________ 9.Does the book festival occur every spring? __________________________________ 10. Were there about 70,000 people at this year's book festival? ____________________ True False True False True
Grammar review Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. am is + V3 ( or Past Participle) are was + V3 (or Past Participle) were
Team game: "Who will be the winner?“ 1.the documents / print __________________________________________________. 2. the window / open ____________________________________________________. 3. the car / wash _________________________________________________________. 4. the book / read / not ___________________________________________________. Write passive sentences in Past Simple 1. the test / write _________________________________________________________. 2. the house / build _______________________________________________________. 3. this computer / sell / not _______________________________________________. 4. the tables / clean / not _________________________________________________. Write passive sentences in Present Simple
Presentation of New Grammar. Future Simple Passive Voice. Future Simple Passive Voice will +be +V3(or Past Participle) Rewrite the sentences in passive voice: 1. Jane will buy a new computer :- 2. Her boyfriend will install it :- 3. Millions of people will visit the museum :- 4. Our boss will sign the contract :- A new computer will be bought by Jane It will be installed by her boyfriend The museum will be visited by millions of people The contract will be signed by our boss 5. You will not do it :- It will not be done by you.
Summarizing Homework to write a fairy-tale about Book to learn rules Future Simple Passive Voice on p.68