Building the District Assessment System Akron Public Schools May 13, 2013
Identified Purposes for District Assessments (District Assessment Team Feb. 2013) OPES/OTES Student Growth Measures Value Added Measures Student Learning Objectives Principal/Teacher Evaluation Identify students needing additional time/support Inform Instruction Monitor intervention and enrichment Student Learning ODE Approved Process: SLOs, Value Added, SGMs from ODE Approved Vendor List Common Formative Assessments Used by SIP Teams and PLCs
Will model, as much as possible, Next Generation Assessments (PARCC) Will ensure equality for OTES/OPES Will provide meaningful and relevant information to students, parents, teachers, administrators, and district staff Will support a common formative assessment process
Available Tests: Map Primary Grades KG-2: ELA, Math Grades 2-10: Language Usage, Reading, Math Grades 3-10: General Science Administration Time: ~1 hour/test Frequency: 1-3 times per year Administered on computers; online Computer Adaptive to measure exactly where students are performing
Alignment to CCSS Controlled item exposure – once a student is exposed to a test item they will not see that item again. 10 questions per content goal area on each test Large item bank ~50,000 carefully tested items EVASS Value Added Reporting Student Growth Reports – based on students with similar learning profiles Third Grade Reading Guarantee* ODE Reading Diagnostic* Projected Proficiency-OAA, OGT, ACT, EXPLORE, PLAN
APS Decided to Use MAP for: ◦ Grades K-10 English/Language Arts ◦ Grades K-10 Mathematics ◦ Pre-test, mid-year, and post-test
Scoring Explanation for item Justifications Full credit C. Communication became faster and easier This is the correct answer. This demonstrates full understanding of the impact of the telephone in the 1800s. Partial credit B. Women got new jobs as operators This is a partially correct answer. This demonstrates a partial understanding of the impact of the telephone in the 1800s. While women did have added employment opportunities, the impact of the telephone on communication is universal and ubiquitous. No credit Options A and D
Tests Available: Science and Social Studies Grades 5-8 Pre/Post Test Design Based on New Ohio Learning Standards for Science and Social Studies Online and Paper Pencil Format Administration Time ~ 1 hour 30 multiple choice, 3-4 short answer, 1 extended response
APS Decided to Use CAP for: ◦ Grades 5 – 8, Social Studies and Science ◦ Pre-test (September) and Post-test (March) ◦ Semester Exam in Social Studies and Science can serve as mid-year check point.
APS Decided to Use DAP for: ◦ Social Studies and Science, Grades 9-12 ◦ ELA and Math, Grades ◦ Akron Public School’s Learning Specialists and Teachers Create the Assessments ◦ Based on New Ohio Learning Standards ◦ Pre/Post Test Format ◦ Semester Exams serve as mid-year check point