2020 Ubiquitous Computing of/videos/popscis-future-of-ubiquitous-computing.htm Ubiquitous Computing, such as Intelligent Buildings, Ambient Intelligence, Pervasive Computing, Location and User Tracking, Ubiquitous User Interfaces, Wearable Computer, Sensor Networks.
2020 Intelligent Buildings What is a Smart Building? Intelligent buildings are buildings that through their physical design and IT installations are responsive, flexible and adaptive to changing needs from its users and the organizations that inhabit the building during it's life time.
2020 Ambient Intelligence In computing, ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in an easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices. embedded: many networked devices are integrated into the environment context aware: these devices can recognize you and your situational context personalized: they can be tailored to your needs adaptive: they can change in response to you anticipatory: they can anticipate your desires without conscious mediation.
2020 Pervasive Computing Pervasive computing (also called ubiquitous computing) is the growing trend towards embedding microprocessors in everyday objects so they can communicate information.
2020 Location & User Tracking Satellite, GPS, WIFI, etc.
2020 Ubiquitous User Interface A user interacts with the computer, which can exist in many different forms, including laptop computers, tablets and terminals to everyday objects such as a fridge or a pair of glasses.
2020 Sensor Networks A wireless sensor network (WSN) of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location.
2020 Wearable Computer Wearable computers, also known as body-borne computers or wearables are miniature electronic devices that are worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing. This class of wearable technology has been developed for general or special purpose information technologies and media development. FUJITSU
2020 Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology echnology?language=en
2020 Interesting Links Dont' Build Your Home, Grow It! - Mitchell Joachim Nokia Morph WiTricity - A Demo of Wireless Electricity A 30-year history of the future - Nicholas Negroponte Future World - Smart Dust Micro Computers