Something useful? Rio Rancho Middle School January 3, 2011
Lesson planning? Create a lesson plan for a lesson you will deliver this week. (10 Minutes)
A Typical Lesson Plan begins with a … Focus: 3 Objectives Aligned to Standards
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes … Instruction: 4 Give the students the tools and foundation to reach the day’s goal.
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes … Guided Practice: 5 Give students the opportunity to practice the new concepts.
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes… Independent Practice: 6 Allow students the opportunity to practice concepts on their own.
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes … Closure/Assessment/Evaluation How did they do? How did you do? How do you know? How will this affect what you do tomorrow? 7
Is there anything else? What have our adopted strategies, data and our own students told us about our lesson preparation? Have any of the above changed our practice?
How have some of our colleagues responded to this question?
In this case, a Typical Lesson Plan begins with a … Focus: 16 Content Objectives Language Objectives Aligned to Standards
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes … Instruction: Through the lens of the language demands of the content. 17 Student Centered Prior Knowledge Building of Background Knowledge Frontloading, Scaffolding, Sheltering Bricks Mortar
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes … Guided Practice: 18 ReadingWriting ListeningSpeaking Sheltered & Rigorous Formative Assessment Opportunities (Informal and Formal) Opportunity for Interaction: Enhancing Academic Language Discourse
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes… Independent Practice: 19 Reading Writing ListeningSpeaking Sheltered & Rigorous Formative Assessment Opportunities (Informal and Formal)
How about some strategies to support these concepts? Academic Language Frames o Can be used to teach the skills of analyzing, comparing, categorizing and classifying, problem solving, persuading, empathizing, synthesizing, interpreting, evaluating, and applying.
How about some strategies? Be explicit! o Become familiar with theses terms, and point them out when you or your students use them in discussion and or written tasks.
How about some strategies? Be explicit! o Model how to effectively use academic language and provide opportunities for students to use the expressions, prompts, and frames in the classroom while interacting in large or small group settings. o Daily cue cards???
How about some strategies?
Following are prompts that encourage students to synthesize when speaking or writing: ● Write a journal entry from the perspective of… ● Create a sculpture that relates to… ● Design a greeting card for…to send… ● Write a letter of appreciation to a historical figure. ● Construct a modern folktale about… ● Create a song or poem expressing your feelings about… ● Compose a short story from the point of view of a… ● Create a proposal with different alternatives for making a major change in your community.
Lesson Planning! Let’s revisit our lesson plans and add some pieces that weren’t there before. Consider how the expressions, prompts and frames may be introduced ultimately owned by them as well.
Thank you! 26 Adrian Sandoval Phone: Center for the Education and Study of Diverse Populations at New Mexico Highlands University