OFSTED READINESS: PURPOSE OF THE SESSION Provide an opportunity for colleagues to consider the insights, emphasise and lessons learned ITE OfSTED the implications for the partnership and your involvement key actions Based on: work with providers, the Handbook, reports from 2012/2013, 20 th Sept letter and revisions to guidance
THE MMU ITE PARTNERSHIP Greatest advantage of involvement in ITE? Even better if? What do you need to know about the Ofsted ITE inspection framework?
NEW GAME, NEW RULES, NEW SUCCESS CRITERIA, NEW LANGUAGE An inspection of the quality of the ITE partnership Time, preparation and shared understanding are of the essence An expectation of good and outstanding outcomes for all new teachers, where impact on pupil learning central An inspection where anything less than good requires improvement An inspection where the quality and strategic presentation of robust evidence is critical Write your own report G1 / outstanding is doable
PRESSING QUESTIONS: JOT YOUR THOUGHTS What do you need to know more about? What are the key areas for improvement to ensure the partnership continues to success? What barriers could stand in the way of this and what could be done about them? What are the key strengths of the partnership that you can build on?
G1 PARTNERSHIPS Are outstanding at preparing new teachers and they present the evidence to prove it Understand the Ofsted ITE ‘game’ and are strategic in ensuring everything they present works to shape Ofsted judgements of G1 What does this say about the partnership? What could this say about the partnership? Essentially write their own report
KEY THEMES FROM G1 OFSTED REPORTS Shared vision and expectations across the partnership Strategic, visible use of data to support improvement Rigorous self evaluation and IP Involvement of schools in all aspects of leadership, management, development and delivery of programmes Good and outstanding attainment High completion and employment rates mirrored by effective recruitment and selection with partnership involvement Structured coherence of training
KEY THEMES FROM G1 OFSTED REPORTS Rigorous and accurate assessment and monitoring Close tracking of trainee progress to secure effective interventions High quality training placements High quality mentoring and training for mentors Secondary – support for literacy and mathematics across all subjects and support for ‘whole school issues’ which synchronises university- based training with school placements High quality training in national priorities
WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR? 1.Partnership 2.Impact and outcomes 3.Assessment and grading 4.Individual trainee progress 5.Self Evaluation and improvement planning Be prepared!!
1 THE PARTNERSHIP A genuine, collaborative partnership where schools play a key part in all aspects of provision; with a collective vision and shared expectations for all: of the partnership’s strategic direction for the kinds of teachers the partnership will produce for the impact they will have on pupils’ attainment and school improvement of roles in planning for and delivering training. ‘The relationship with schools has to be the highest priority’ Outstanding ITT partnership 2013
PARTNERSHIP QUESTIONS What systems are in place to ensure highly effective communication across the partnership -including 360 evaluation, involvement in partnership development, understanding of benefits of greater engagement? How are schools involved in leading aspects of partnership development? (Eg focus groups for PE ) Is all planned training, and related documentation, in the partnership is aligned to the TS / requirements and to the OfSTED criteria and to centre based provision?
2 IMPACT AND OUTCOMES Very high expectations of, and attention to, all outcomes trainees’ competence and confidence as teachers the impact of training on trainees’ teaching the quality of trainees’ teaching final attainment the impact of trainees’ teaching on pupils’ learning – over sequences of lessons recruitment, completion, retention, employment…. the competence and confidence of NQTs, their retention and career trajectories The consistency of this across all groups This is not the time to hide your light under a bushel you need to make your evidence shout for you
2 IMPACT AND OUTCOMES QUESTIONS How effective is the collection and analysis of evidence of the impact of training on trainees’ outcomes as teachers? trainees’ teaching on pupils’ learning – over sequenses of lessons? How is this used to further improve trainee outcomes? Are all self-evaluation and improvement plans driven by improving outcomes for trainees?
3 ASSESSMENT AND GRADING Consistency and accuracy in assessment guidance, and in grading, across the partnership is critical – absolute clarity over grade boundaries!!! Use of sharp grade descriptors overlain by subject/priority specific descriptors Assessment guidance and templates need to support judgements against G1 criteria with the emphasis on evidence Be clear if your judgements are against final expectations or for the stage of training
3 ASSESSMENT AND GRADING – DESCRIPTORS Are grading criteria revised to reflect the new descriptors? How has the replacement of satisfactory with RI been addressed? Are plans in place for monitored interventions for any RI trainees and as necessary going into the NQT year? Outstanding trainees? Consider their capacity to become an outstanding teacher. The judgements are relative to their stage in career (DfE 2012 Myths and Facts of the Teachers’ Standards)
FROM THE FRAMEWORK Outstanding (1) All primary and secondary trainees awarded QTS exceed the minimum level of practice expected of teachers as defined in the Teachers’ Standards by the end of their training. Trainees demonstrate excellent practice in some of the standards for teaching and their personal and professional conduct. Much of their teaching is outstanding and never less than consistently good. Good (2) All primary and secondary trainees awarded QTS exceed the minimum level of practice expected of teachers as defined in the Teachers’ Standards by the end of their training. Much of their teaching is predominantly good, with examples of outstanding teaching. Requires Improvement (3) All primary and secondary trainees awarded QTS meet the minimum level of practice expected of teachers as defined in the Teachers’ Standards by the end of their training. Trainees’ teaching requires improvement as it is not yet good.
4 INDIVIDUAL TRAINEE PROGRESS There is a sharp focus on supporting the progress of individual trainees to ensure best possible outcomes tracking, monitoring and providing timely targeted support for individual trainee progress and into NQT year as necessary having evidence which demonstrates how the training has impacted on and improved their teaching ‘from their starting points’ Question: What consistent systems are in place for tracking, monitoring and supporting individual trainee progress from their starting points, how is the information used to inform trainee progress across school and centre based training?
5 SELF-EVALUATION AND IP CYCLE 3 of 9 LM criteria focus on self-evaluation and IP Levels of self-evaluation and IP All partners have a role How is this possible? Drafts Executive committee Focus groups Development visits School self-evaluation and IP
BE PREPARED The inspection team will have ‘used a range of measures’ to inform their preliminary judgement of the partnership, eg last Ofsted inspection report NQT survey outcomes bench marking data Ofsted online questionnaire survey your own website info – so think about that!! On this evidence they will also identify lines of enquiry to pursue during the inspection. ‘..in marked contrast to x ‘
BE PREPARED QUESTIONS What do you need to know more about? What aspects of the partnership would you like to be involved in? What needs to be in place to make this happens?
THEMATIC INSPECTION FOCI Preparing trainees to teach the National Curriculum for 2014 Post 16 teaching in school The on-going foci as set out in the framework will remain with the addition of Sport
LESSONS LEARNED: G3 PROVIDER Not enough that: Trainees possess high levels of professionalism and are highly reflective… The partnership uses its networks locally, nationally and internationally to enrich the trainees’ experience
LESSONS LEARNED It is about: ‘So what?’ and ‘how do you know?’ 360 o moderation and evaluation Every stakeholder knowing, fulfilling and being able to state their roles and responsibilities Flexibility in provision to respond to quality assurance processes Knowing what data OfSTED have access to and the methodology associated with it Data, evidence and impact
CONTACT DETAILS Bea Noble-Rogers Telephone :