1 FEPS/Freedom and Solidarity Forum Demographic situation and innovation: perspectives for Latvia’s growth Riga, 6 December 2008 International Labour Migration:


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Presentation transcript:

1 FEPS/Freedom and Solidarity Forum Demographic situation and innovation: perspectives for Latvia’s growth Riga, 6 December 2008 International Labour Migration: challenges and EU perspective SOENKE SCHMIDT EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG RELEX – Geneva

2 International labour migration – challenges and EU perspective IntroductionThemes -international migration -international migration -EU migration -EU migration -national migration -national migrationParameters -general situation and trends -general situation and trends - policies and policy trends - policies and policy trends - managing challenges: the policy mix - managing challenges: the policy mix Some conclusions

3 A International labour migration General situation and trends Global figures “Holistic” focus on labour migration in countries of origin Enhanced economic need in countries of destination Towards managing the absorption capacity of societies Search for solutions at regional and global levels

4 A International labour migration Policies and policy trends Weak international law Dispersed institutional competencies Challenge: managing increased importance and interest in migration -developing complementary labour migration/market processes -establish a “common language” -create economies of scale in recruitment and return policies -Work out win-win-win situations (migrants, countries of origin and destination) -advance bilateral, regional and inter-regional labour migration processes -Move towards global policy coherence

5 A International Labour Migration Governance of migration National level capacity building -Policies -Legislation -Administrative structures -Properly trained and resourced staff Bilateral, regional and global cooperation -Engaging different stakeholders -Coherence between migration and related policy fields: development, trade, labour market…

6 A International labour migration Managing challenges: the policy mix From spontaneous to managed migration Towards integrated source, transit and reception management Vision: Mastering migration helps globalisation to work for migrants, countries of origin and destination. It contributes to international solidarity, prevents victimisation of migrants, reduces market failure and aims at globally balanced migration Underlying longer term issues -rights based migration: competitiveness trap? -towards commoditisation -towards commoditisation of labour? wholesale trade in services? - -toward global transparency and mobility in the labour market? - -towards an international regime on the movement of persons? - -towards non-binding multilateral frameworks

7 A International Labour Migration Effects of the financial and economic crisis -little data available - crisis still unfolding -Areas of concern: migrant jobs, remittances, image of migrants, development assistance -Reduced numbers of immigration programmes -Some sectors more affected than others -Risk of migrants going underground -Increased irregular migration? -Migration will continue -Main concerns: scapegoating, public awareness, human rights

8 B EU migration General situation and policies - growing migration flows (3 Mio; 1.8 Mio non-EU) -2013: birth rates will go below replacement rate -low employment rate of non EU national (not LV) -rather low share of highly skilled immigrants (not LV) -growing demand for highly skilled labour -majority of migrants come for other reasons than employment - decreasing intra-EU migration (?)

9 B EU Migration Motives for shared labour migration policy -Free movement of persons / single market -Legislation on non-discrimiation -Need for non EU labour immigration -Realising the potential / addressing weaknesses -Addressing political and social costs -Competitiveness and solidarity -From control to affirmative integration

10 EU Migration Link with the Lisbon Strategy -Integrated guideline 19 (promoting access to LM): access to LM and non-discrimination -Integrated guideline 20 (matching of LM needs): needs oriented access management - Towards realising the potential/addressing weaknesses - Growth, competitiveness and LM management - Political and social costs of labour migration -Governments in control? Towards managing workforce requirements, demography and public opinion

11 EU migration Link between labour market and social integration Social inclusion -Sharing of experience and best practice -LM participation key to inclusion -2009: European Integration Forum -2010: focus on social aspects of migration Fight against discrimination -Employment Equality Directive -Racial Equality Directive -Directive combating discrimination outside employment Funding - € 1,2 billion for 2007/ specific actions to increase migrants‘ employment and integration migrants benefit each year

12 EU migration Enhancing legal immigration 2005 Policy Plan for legal migration -National legislation varies between EU MS -Need to simplify so as to make EU more attractive for business and migrants -Study on legal immigration ongoing (27 MS) -Blue Card / single permit, application procedure -Enhanced portability of social security entitlements -Multi-entry permits for circular migrants

13 B EU migration From shared motives to common policy The Global Approach to Migration (2005) - external dimension of the European Union's migration policy - three main thematic objectives: (i) legal migration; (ii) curb irregular migration (iii) enhance migration’s contribution to development - comprehensive funding (at least € 600 million per annum) - Visa facilitation and readmission agreements -Mobility partnerships / circular migration -Tools: migration missions and migration profiles; cooperation platforms, development of labor-matching tools and twinning arrangements - cooperation with third countries: regional cooperation, development assistance; visa facilitation and readmission agreements

14 B EU migration Towards a Common EU migration policies The European Pact on Immigration and Asylum 1.organise legal migration (labour migration, integration) 2.control irregular immigration (including return) 3.make border controls more effective 4.construct Europe of Asylum 5.develop partnerships (migration and development) Migration and asylum policy respects fundamental rights explicitly and works towards strengthening and enforcing them, within legal mandates, and provides for a fairer system as it provides equal opportunities for all who want to migrate, and aims at reducing the risk of fatality and human trafficking, while lowering the scope for international organised crime

15 B EU migration Shared competencies between EU and Member States EU/MS competencies mix (legislative, policy, funding) Core areas for community based labour migration policy Balancing economic, political and social considerations Harmonising admission conditions did not work, but now common set of rights, single permit and application procedures Towards external competitiveness, but internal competition Other challenges: development, trade, human rights, health, international solidarity with refugees, climatic change, …

16 B EU migration European labour market policy: supporting national efforts - Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs (2005) -Migration policy -Funding instruments - European Employment Observatory Labour markets under enlargement Managing the financial crisis …but the national policy remains decisive in indentifying the optimal policy mix policy mix

17 B EU Migration Maintaining international solidarity Towards a Common European Asylum System (CEAS) Three policy strands: 1)better/more harmonised protection standards through further aligned MS asylum laws 2)effective and well supported practical cooperation 3)higher solidarity/responsibility among EU MS( towards a European Resettlement Policy) Funding

18 C National situations Demography Coherent labour market policy in line with economic growth policy (Lisbon) Coherent framework for multi-directional labour migration (incl. national governance systems – diaspora engagement etc) Short – and longer term migration policies; forward thinking, analysis, monitoring and planning Political: developing the political culture/managing the process Social: towards effective circular migration and integration Some realism: “nothing is more permanent than temporary migration” Making use of and ensuring coherence with EU policy developments

19 D Conclusions Globalisation : towards permanent migration management The EU as regional actor (bilateral and regional consultative and coordination processes; international agreements, twinning arrangements) The EU as global actor (overall policy development; migration governance support; development assistance; international solidarity) External competitiveness and national responsibility Coherence of political, social and economic parameters Enhancing public awareness

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