Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Migration to Europe: between economics and politics Philippe Fargues IBRAHIM ABU-LUGHOD INSTITUTE.


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Presentation transcript:

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Migration to Europe: between economics and politics Philippe Fargues IBRAHIM ABU-LUGHOD INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (IALIIS) Masters Program in International Studies October 20 th 2011

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies What migration is and what it isn’t A loose concept Two criteria used separately or in combination 1. Legal nationality Immigrants = Foreign nationals 2. Country of Birth Immigrants = Born-abroad persons NB1: Duration of stay, migrants vs. travelers NB2: Voluntary vs. forced migrants, migrant workers vs. refugees

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies What the EU is and what it isn’t Confederation of nations Area of free circulation No internal borders Control of external borders Towards an EU framework for legal migration Towards an EU framework for asylum Agencies : FRONTEX, EASO 27 member states, 27 policies Old vs. new countries of immigration Low-skilled vs. high-skilled migrants

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Migration levels and trends A- Globally 1 Booming international mobility 2 Growing international migration 3. Declining numbers of refugees B. At EU level 1. Second world largest recipient of international migrants 2. Half international migrants are third countries nationals 3. Most TCNs are migrants in a regular situation 4. Europe, a minor recipient of global refugees

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Governing migration in times of crisis Policy tensions: Present vs. past migration Migration vs. mobility Structural forces vs. circumstantial challenges The backdrop of policymaking on migration: Globalisation of the economy and knowledge Globalisation of migratory movements No global governance of international migration Fundamental legal asymmetry between emigration which is a right and immigration which is a privilege

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Migration-related challenges facing the EU Economic crisis may last longer than expected EU citizens are hit Immigrants are even more severely hit Is migration a problem? Demographic depression has started Three challenges: o Weight of Europe in the world o Workforce o Welfare Is migration a solution?

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Demographic challenge and migration From 1952 (first European Communities) until 2010 EU has increased from180 to 500 million EU 27current member states have increased from 380 to 500 million Around 2010 a major turning point Natural demography becomes negative Only immigration can compensate Total population projected to decrease by 58 million between 2010 and 2050 in the no-migration scenario Working-age decrease: -84 million Old-age increase: + 57 million Three possible responses Maximizing the productive contribution at working-age Increasing retirement age Replacement migration: permanent or temporary?

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Integration challenge Increasing diversity of origins & cultural backgrounds Islam, second largest religion in the EU Migrant networks and local integration Communication and connection with origin countries Interpreting riots in ethnic neighbourhoods (e.g. Paris 2005): failed integration or integration in the making? A matter for direct, specific policy making in the EU

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Integration processes Mutual openness, interaction between the host society and migrant individuals Multidimensional Equal economic opportunities: access to the labour market, treatment at the workplace Social inclusion: access to education, health, housing Active participation into civic life Eventually access to nationality Key factors Language Interaction Identification Key institutions operate at local level Regulatory frameworks are often defined and financed at national level

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Role of origin countries Pre-departure phase Post-migration phase Migrants’ origin countries have established institutions to liaise with their expatriates Diasporas, a resource to be mobilised for national development Private links between migrants and the community left behind Lessons for Europe and the “Stockholm Programme”