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Basic information Sightseeing Photo gallery Cultural centres Jičín – Town of fairy-tales
County seat in Královéhradecký region the town lies about 100 km north-eastward from Prague about inhabitatnts the area 2493 ha administrative, cultural, historic town the town was established in 13. century and the biggest boom was in the era of Albrecht from Wallenstein
Wallenstain´s square: Valdice gate Castle in Vallenstain´s square Crown fountain Church of Saint Jakub Jesuit monastery in the Square of Freedom Church of Saint Ignác Church of All Saints Monument of Mistr Jan Hus Regional museum and gallery Municipal spa Church of God´s Mother Painful Jesuit hospital and pharmacy Synagogue Statue of Saint Wenceslas
Valdice gate Castle in Vallenstain´s square Crown fountain Church of Saint JakubJesuit monastery in the square of Freedom Church of All Saints
Monument of Mistr Jan HusRegional museum and galleryMunicipal spa Church of God´s Mother painfulJesuit hospital and pharmacy Synagogue Statue of Saint Wenceslas
Cinema Český Ráj Gallery Na hrázi Regional museum and gallery Observatory Jičín K-club – the centre of free time Library Marionette theater Srdíčko Rumcajs the shoe maker´s house
Symbols of festival: grappling > eternal symbol of all fairy-tales hazel nut > there is always something in the cracked hazel nut bell > reporting the start and the end of the performance matt > for cleaning shoes before your entrance to fairy-tale key> it opens any space
About Rumcajs is the traditional czech fairy-tale from Radek Pilař The fairy-tale was filmed by the book from Václav Čtvrtek It is about Rumcajs who lived in the woods Řáholec near Jičín