REALISING INTEGRATION ENAR policy seminar on migration, integration, social inclusion and anti-discrimination MIGRANTS AND ACCESS TO SOCIAL PROTECTION.


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Presentation transcript:

REALISING INTEGRATION ENAR policy seminar on migration, integration, social inclusion and anti-discrimination MIGRANTS AND ACCESS TO SOCIAL PROTECTION Nazek Ramadan Migrants Resource Centre – London Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre Brussels – 1 and 2 March 2007 Seminar organised in cooperation with the European Women’s Lobby, CCME (Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe), ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles), December 18, EAPN (European Anti Poverty Network), SOLIDAR, PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants), MPG (Migration Policy Group), Caritas Europa and in media cooperation with Euractiv.

Migrants Resource Centre (MRC) The MRC has been working with displaced people from all over the world effecting social justice and change, offering key services such as legal advice, training, community development for over 25 years

Migrant and Refugee Empowerment Project This is MRC’s programme of inclusion and representation of migrants and refugees in Britain at a policy and strategic level. The Project aims to empower migrants and refugees to have a voice and to break some of the barriers to inclusion and equality through a number of initiatives.

Migrants and access to social protection All the information used in this presentation is based on a number of research and consultations MRC conducted with migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and BME communities, including the findings of the workshops fed into the NAP The following key areas identified by participants will form our definition of social protection which will be further explored in this presentation. They were regarded as the necessities to lead a dignified life, and they fit well with the minimum standards set up by the European Commission:

Migrants and access to social protection Safety, respect and acceptance regardless of race, colour, sex or financial status Equal rights and opportunities as well as full human rights A sense of real integration in society The opportunity to have own beliefs and practice own religion The right to a family life Access to health and education Secure employment relevant to qualifications Secure accommodation in reasonable conditions

Barriers to Social Protection Participants in our research listed a range of barriers including: Many barriers preventing integration and the lack of real commitment and clear policy to encourage integration Lack of opportunities Lack of information and knowledge of the system in the UK Not knowing your rights Political and social injustice

Barriers to Social Protection (Continued) Racism, discrimination and prejudice Lack of work experience in the UK; difficulties in accessing employment Not recognising certificates and educational achievements from abroad Not enough professionals and influential people from ethnic minorities Cultural differences and loss of identity Language barrier

“Discrimination prevents employment. Discrimination against our names, religion, accent, appearance, etc. Change all this, and we will get a job today.” “We like to be part of this society and live like the rest of the population in the UK, but people here are not open to us.” “I am an asylum seeker, I cannot do anything. I cannot work, I cannot study, and I cannot walk in the street with confidence.”

Social Protection; access and entitlement There is no such thing as social protection for all in the UK or basic rights to prevent extreme hardship - it is estimated that between 155,000 and 283,000 refused asylum seekers are destitute. People with different immigration status have different entitlement. Asylum Seekers Undocumented Migrants Refugees Migrants (including EU nationals)

Social Protection; policies and debate The impact of the ongoing immigration debate and the constant changes in immigration policies and entitlements on the lives of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers: Increased public hostility Increased hostile media coverage Increased discrimination by service providers who are unsure of the entitlements and are unable to keep up with changes Increased injustice

“There are lots of misunderstandings around us, which lead to us facing hostility from the government and the public. The media is very rude and racist towards us. They make up all these false stories about us, and people here read and believe them. How can they hate us so much when they do not even know us?” “When I was housed by NASS, some people used to throw bottles at me and swear at me and call me all sort of names. But things are a little bit better now that I am a destitute. People can’t tell I am an asylum seeker.”

Access to social protection Anti-discrimination; legislation and protection To explore their knowledge of The Race Relations Act and whether they felt protected from discrimination, we conducted a survey with 50 persons from BMER communities randomly selected. 26 women and 24 men between the ages of 25 and 60. We asked the following three questions: Are you aware of the Race Relations Act? Have you ever experienced racial discrimination? Do you feel protected by the law from racial discrimination?

Findings Only 20 of the 50 participants said they were aware of the Act 29 had experienced racial discrimination. Several others also mentioned suffering racial harassment on the street. Main areas of discrimination were: accessing health, benefit, housing, education and employment. Some of those who said that they did not experience discrimination are asylum seekers who were not entitled to access mainstream services. 14 said they felt protected by the law. Eight said they felt partially protected. Most of those who said they were aware of the Act did not feel protected

Findings (continued) Only nine had challenged discrimination. One had been successful. Others did not challenge discrimination against them for various reasons. Some did not know they had the right to challenge or how to go about it. “I have been encouraged to take it further and told that I had a good case, but did not go ahead for fear of retaliation.” “The law can not protect me when discrimination is hidden.” “My status does not allow me to challenge my discrimination.”

Conclusion Many people are still not aware of anti discrimination legislation, and the protection and rights it provides them with Many people are experiencing discrimination and are unwilling or unable to challenge it Many people do not feel protected against discrimination

Conclusion Discrimination is clearly felt and experienced by many migrants, refugees and other ethnic minorities. For this group, discrimination is still an issue that is not being properly addressed.

Good Practice Mayor of London Refugee Integration Board Various projects in the voluntary and migrant and refugee sector