January 10 th, 2013 ECS 311
Three adjectives that describe you Looking at T-charts and your portfolios Choice Assignment ideas Matching Outcomes with Assessment Lesson plan template Beginning to look at instructional strategies TODAY’S AGENDA
In partners, share your three adjectives and talk about why you chose them. Sharing together Use these adjectives to drive you forward! Review them, check in on them, live them! THREE ADJECTIVES THAT BEST DESCRIBE WHO YOU WANT TO BE
What did you take from ECS 301? What stood out for you? What should I know about what you learned? What is already in your portfolios? Share with small groups Talk about organization, information, ideas T chart reflection Take time to complete on your own, then share with your table Why is this important? T CHARTS/PORTFOLIOS
Review handout Questions? Ideas? Begin working on this and have fun with it! CHOICE ASSIGNMENT
The Wright Family BRAIN BREAK
Content Instructional Strategy Used Outcome and Indicators listed Cross Curricula Competencies Prerequisite Learning Adaptive Dimension Preparation Set Development Closure Engagement/management strategies Professional Development Plan LESSON TEMPLATE
Find out what your assigned strategy is all about. When we come back, you will help everyone understand. KWL Sponge Activities Graphic Organizers Metaphorical thinking Cooperative learning Jigsaw Using Blooms Taxonomy Cubing Role Playing INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES
Contact your cooperating teacher Ask if you can come see him/her to talk about plans for 3 week block Meet about: What subject /content you will be planning What outcome/indicator you will be focusing on Resources your coop wants you to use, or use your own? What is in the library? How many lessons? How long each? When will they fit into the timetable? Professional development plans – can talk about a focus now or later Check about whether you can arrange a time either just before the three week block or when you first arrive to share your unit plans. If you will need computers, library time, additional space, etc, check about that too. TO DO