Adelina Rucker EDLD 5362 Lamar University Pearland I.S.D. Technology Plan 2011
Our Challenge “The challenge for our education system is to leverage the learning sciences and modern technology to create engaging, relevant, and personalized learning experiences for all learners that mirror students’ daily lives and the reality of their futures” (Shimabukuro, 2010).
National Educational Technology Plan 2010: “A model of learning powered by technology.” Learning: Engage and Empower Assessment: Measure What Matters Teaching: Prepare and Connect Infrastructure: Access and Enable Productivity: Redesign and Transform
New Recommendations of the NETP 2010 Adequate broadband and wireless access inside and outside of school. At least one Internet-enabled device for every student and educator -- at home and at school. Use of Creative Commons and open licenses in course content and support for OpenCourseWare endeavors. Research & development into the use of gaming, simulations, and virtual worlds for instruction and assessment. netp-audrey-watters
Encouragement of cloud computing for school districts, freeing local IT resources for other purposes. Development of computerized assessment tools that are both adaptive -- that is, respond to student's own input -- and accessible. Changes to FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) to open access to student data and enable better data portability for student and financial records. Changes to CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) to open access to the Internet and rethink how filtering works in schools. New Recommendations of the NETP 2010 (continued) netp-audrey-watters
Texas Long Range Plan Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation and Development Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support Infrastructure for Technology
Pearland I.S.D. Technology Plan District Profile Number of campuses …..21 Total student enrollment…..17,092 Percent Econ. Disadvantaged…22%
Pearland I.S.D. Technology Plan District Technology Expenditures Teaching and Learning Budget…………………..$69, Educator Preparation and Development Budget $16, Leadership, Administration and Support Budget…………………………………………………..$44, Infrastructure for Technology Budget……..$3,599, Total:………...…………………..…………………….$3,728,
Pearland I.S.D. Technology Plan Executive Summary CURRICULUM DRIVES TECHNOLOGY - We believe the Instructional Program is the primary factor for determining technology needs. Audio/visual technologies and computer technology, appropriate to the environment, can enhance instructional presentation to groups and individuals, group discussions and cooperative learning activities. The Plan focuses on facility and technology requirements defined from an instructional viewpoint.
Pearland I.S.D. Technology Plan Existing Conditions: Networks Pearland ISD currently has fiber connections between all of its campuses and non-instructional facilities which provides high speed internet connection to every classroom. Each campus has a local area network connecting it to the district wide area network. File servers are located on the campus. We also have a SAN, NAS, automated tape library system and archiving system. All staff members have access to off and on the campuses.
Pearland I.S.D. Technology Plan Existing Conditions: Campuses All elementary, middle and Jr. High campuses have a minimum of 3 computers and access to a printer in every classroom. New campus standards include a document camera and projector in each classroom. We will continue to add this equipment in all classrooms. PHS has one computer and printer in each classroom and access to 20 computer labs. Multiple types of productivity software are available for both students and staff.
Technology Recommendations Create and adhere to a revised technology plan that incorporates the NETP of Provide equal technology access for all campuses. Improve the student mastery of the Technology Applications TEKS in the elementary, middle and Jr. High campuses. Continue to add personnel for technical and instructional support.
Additional Technology Recommendations Utilization of the district infrastructure and Eduphoria software to provide online training for staff. Provide access to video projection devices, whiteboards, and document cameras in all classrooms, computer labs and libraries throughout the district. Developing and implementing teacher technology proficiencies based on the SBEC standards. Maintaining Internet safety and a virus free environment for students and staff.
Mission In partnership with the community, Pearland ISD shall Prepare students to Perform at their highest potential and Produce global citizens of tomorrow. Pearland I.S.D.
References Did You Know 4.0. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from Pearland I.S.D. (2008). District Technology Plan Retrieved May 11, 2011, from Ray, B. (2011, January, 25). National Education Technology Plan: Your Questions Answered. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from netp-audrey-wattershttp:// netp-audrey-watters Shimabukuro, J. B. (2010). A Glimpse at the 2010 National Education Technology Plan. ETC Journal. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from education-learning-powered-by-technology/ education-learning-powered-by-technology/ Texas Education Agency (2006). Texas Long Range Plan. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from U.S. Department of Education (2010). National Education Technology Plan. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from